Cyril Ramaphosa seems to have resorted to Mugabe type tactics, to come out on top in the battle to oust him, after he announced that ANC members guilty of corruption, should resign from their posts, even as he himself has accusations against him. This ruling came after he got majority support in the National Executive Committee meeting over the weekend, and it appears to be aimed directly at those threatening to replace him. As a result, Ace Magashule is now due to appear before the ANC’s Integrity Committee, due to possible involvement in corruption, which is fueling speculation that Ramaphosa may have his eye on a new ANC Secretary-General.
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Embattled Ramaphosa Uses Corruption in ANC to Save His Own Corrupt Position! Gangster ACE, NDZ & SACP Lose Round One!
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#BlackWar: SA Swamp is Rigging & Facilitating Black Violence Aimed at Decimating & Assimilating Conservative Minorities – Just Like BLM!
Society Captured: South Africa’s civil service and establishment, including the courts, police, mainstream media, government and municipal structures, have been captured and are rigged. The System has been deliberately populated with liberals, ANC cadres, communists and left wing globalists, intent on promoting criminality, illegality, victimhood, a culture of entitlement and free stuff, hypocrisy, political correctness, violence and the self righteous justification of the smash and grab culture and of expropriation without compensation. All of this to enforce the constant mainstream narrative that white man is bad and black man is good. This can all appear very confusing, but at the end of the day, the BLM violence and constant so called “Service Delivery Protest” violence in SA, have the same sponsors and roots and the same modus operandi.
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“Rooi Gevaar” Using Corruption to Oust Ramaphosa! Axis of Evil Blaming Cyril for “Mass Epidemic of Looting” Because “He Did Not Act” Against Them!
Communists are masters at the dark art of subterfuge and obfuscating blame, accountability and punishment, and it now seems that the Axis of Evil (ANC, COSATU & SACP) are blaming Cyril for all their corruption & faulures! They want Ramaphosa out, because NDZ & COSATU have joined forces with alliance partners, the SA Communist Party (SACP) and SA National Civic Organisation (SANCO), in pushing for the reconfiguration of the ANC-SACP-Cosatu-Sanco alliance, to get Communists as national leaders. COSATU general secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said the future of South Africa must be in socialism, not capitalism.
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How “Anti-Racism” Handicaps Blacks. Blacks & Liberal Whites Should Stop Treating Blacks like Disabled People!
Running Faster: A noteworthy piece posted on social media, claims to be from ex Public Protector Thuli Madonsela, although this is improbable, given she holds a chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University and would get fired if she dared spoke truth like this. However the source is irrelevant. It insightfully calls on blacks to stop using racism as a crutch and an excuse. Like SA-News has been saying, blacks need to take off their BBBEE nappy and grow up and raise their game. Otherwise they will never be equal because they will never see themselves as equal, instead of always seeing themselves as the victim, and constantly crying, or trying to profit from hurtful words. Liberal whites who constantly proclaim blacks are victims, are in effect saying they are superior to blacks and that blacks can’t survive without their virtue signaling!
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“Ramaphosa is The Bastard” – Will VBS Arrests Destroy EFF? ANC & EFF Marxists Indulge in Looted Capitalist Luxuries With No Accountability!
If you were hoping that finally, after yesterday’s arrest of 8 officials in the VBS Bank heist, that the racist motormouths of Malema & bullyboy Shivambu were going to get their comeuppance, due to their close links to the looted 2 Billion Rand, you have not been paying attention. SA is run by a corrupt regime and corruption can only exist where there is no accountability, and where deniability is readily accepted to the extreme. Despite dates and locations on his Twitter trail mirroring his Mahuna bank card withdrawals, over a whole year, Malema STILL denies knowing anything! You can be sure, in his defense, Malema’s motormouth will accelerate way beyond just calling Ramaphosa a “bastard”, supposedly for not bailing him out of this mess…
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#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!
The ANC bandits have literally been allowed to not only steal directly from you the taxpayer, but also to print money, therby stealing from your children and grandchildren too! However there is only one person who can stop this wholesale plunder, the ANC voter, but there is no indication they ever will as they are distracted with a constant stream of white hatred. ANC voters have time after time rewarded and approved of this blatant theft and fraud, which destroys South Africa’s infrastructure, credibility, international credit rating and ability to serve the citizens. This willful and conscious destruction of SA makes ANC voters traitors to the nation, for their part in its destruction. For example Mafioso Magashule’s forgotten tender of R230 Million JUST TO COUNT asbestos roofs, gives insight to how the Free State was looted, yet Ace Magashule, has now been rewarded by being promoted to Secretary General of the ANC! ANC voters are indeed traitors to their fellow citizens.
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Are South Africa’s Clintons, The Zumas, Using Lockdown for Personal & Political Gain, To Save a Disgraced Jacob Zuma from Zondo Commission?
Is SA’s Hillary Clinton, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Who Desperately Wants to be President Too, Using Her Command Council Lockdown Power to Save her ex-Husband & ex-President, SA’s Disgraced Bill Clinton, Jacob Zuma? The remarkable similarities between the Zumas and Clintons are more than deja-vu, they are the hallmark of gross abuse of State structures to satisfy a desperate greed and lust for power. Zuma’s ex-wife who is in charge of the ANC’s CCPvirus “Command Council” which is enforcing unconstitutional powers, could draw out lockdown forever, thereby postponing Zuma’s court case and the Zondo Commission. Emeritus Professor Pieter Labuschagne, a law expert at UNISA, warns that South Africa has entered dangerous territory after the ANC government claimed ultra Constitutional powers for itself, as its response to the Chinese CCP virus pandemic.
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Deliberate Losses: Affirmative Action & BEE, A Scam That Bankrupted an Entire Country & ALL its State Owned Enterprises! Allowed To Steal Tons of Cash Just For Being Black, Not For Adding Any Value!
Never before has there been as big a fraud perpetrated upon hardworking taxpayers than that which the majority black population has perpertrated upon South Africa. Imagine you know someone high up at a state owned utility, and because you are black, (and probably an ANC member too), you can add a 10% markup to the SOE’s services or product price and then have that 10% paid into your bank account. You then sit back and the money rolls in. By selling your blackness, to the utility to give it affirmative action credibility, you become a billionaire… you don’t work, you just steal.
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Public Protector’s Office Captured? Busisiwe Mkhwebane Accused of Financial Mismanagement & Politicizing Again, By Her Own Staff This Time!
It is clear the Public Protector’s office is doing anything but protecting the public, in fact they are a danger to the public now as its funds are being redirected to defend the Public Protector herself from lawsuits, trying to stop her. In another blow to the office of the Public Protector, this time from within the Public Protectors office itself, a representative from the Free State branch, is accusing Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane of financial mismanagement. A letter was sent to National Assembly Speaker Thandi Modise, asking them to investigate.
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Forget The SONA Circus Where Scavengers Try Legitimize Their Greed, Here’s SOFA: State Of Our Farmers Address According to TAU!
The annual State of the Nation speech did not only turn into a circus as usual, but again, even more communism and even more Afrocentrism was the order of the day. South Africa now belongs to the vultures, and they will cackle about it till the rooster crows! All you can be sure of, is that there will be broad indications of their new plans to plunder even more, and even more folly with regards to State Entities, and the rewriting of our history. However, if you need a little reassurance, calm your nerves by reading TAU’s State of the Farmers Address, from an agricultural perspective.
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Journalist Assaulted by Bloemfontein Lawyer Roelie Rossouw While Interviewing Ex Freestate Premier Ace Magashule’s Friend About Overpriced Tenderpreneur Deals With Bankrupt Bloemfontein Municipality!
Wheeling, Dealing & Stealing? A controversial Free State tenderpreneur’s lawyer assaulted a journalist after she asked questions about inflated vehicle tenders to Bloemfontein municipality, including a Nyala Riot Vehicle which the Municipality has no use of, and has no Metro Police to even make use it, with a massive mark-up.
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BUSTED! Massive R568 Million PIC Plundered From Government Workers Pension For Bare Land, Was To Save Bankrupt Pension Fund For Politicians!
ROBBING PETER (GEPF) TO SAVE PAUL (POLITICIANS) WHO WAS ROBBED TOO. Solidarity trade union has uncovered the reason why PIC approved an obviously fraudulent transaction. They called it right, watch this space. The massive R586 million overpaid by the State monopoly managing the pension fund for government workers (GEPF), the Public Investment Commissioner (PIC), has incriminated themselves and broken all ethics and codes of conduct, such a body should adhere to, when they tried to bailout the bankrupt municipal councillor’s pension fund, the majority of whose members are ANC councilors, it now seems.
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When Wolves Guard The Sheep: Public Protectors Birthday Party More Like A Who’s Who of Shady Criminals
The controversial Busisiwe Mkhwebane, who seems to be the Public Protector in name only, recently celebrated her 50th birthday, but invited guests were people who should be considered “questionable” friends given her position.
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#TheBlackFigLeaf To Excuse Corruption, Hide Black Incompetence & Plunder SOE’s! How Nontsasa Memela Used “Transformation” To Plunder SAA!
When Zuma said “corruption” is a European word, he meant corruption itself in African culture is normal & OK, it is just Europeans who choose to make it a bad thing. At SAA, like everywhere else, they did it #TheAfricanWay. The truth is, wide scale corruption was revealed at SAA before the Zondo commission. It seems wherever there was a black man or woman in charge of anything, there was theft, fraud & corruption.
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#CelebrityDespots Why Do Black Eskom Workers Love Brain Molefe, Who Helped Guptas Plunder Transnet & Put Eskom R450 BILLION in Debt & Was Paid R2 Million a Month Pension?
AFRICANS LOVE THEIR DESPOTS: Black Eskom Workers who are members of the Government Pension Scheme and the powerful COSATU trade union, are allowing (unwittingly or not) Cosatu to allow the ANC regime to grab R254 Billion from their own pension fund, the GEPF, and they even supported Brian Molefe, ex Eskom CEO, who helped the Guptas put Eskom into R450 Billion debt, with song and dance!
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