Its Past Enough! The Farming Afrikaner Boer community is in uproar after details of a violent tragic farm murder emerged, where 21 year old Brendin Horner had his young life callously snuffed out by two black “stock thieves”. Brendin was tied to a pole and gruesomely murdered. If it was a message to white people, then it is only right that the white community respond with a mass display of support for his family, demand justice (no bail), and demand action on Farm Murders. The mass protest is planned at the arraignment of the two suspects, on Tuesday 6th October, at the Senekal Magistrates Court at 10:00 AM. The two suspects were arrested on Saturday the 3 October, in relation to the murder of Brendin Horner by Senekal detectives at Fateng tse Ntho in Paul Roux.
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Massive Backlash Building After Violent Farm Murder of Young Brendin Horner, To Send a Message Back To Farm Murderers!
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Cheap Black Labour Costs Lives! Another White Woman Killed After Black Gardener Arranges 2 Black Men to Attack Her!
CASE STUDIES #BoycottBlackLabour – Cheap Black Labour Could Cost Your Life, But Definitely Cost You Your Country! Another innocent white woman was killed in an attack by 2 black men, arranged by her black gardener! Just like with BBBEE, white lives do not matter. They are worthless in the ANC’s racist anti-white Rainbow abomiNation. A white woman, who was in her late 40s, was killed on Wednesday 30 September 2020, after her black gardener organized the attack on her, on a smallholding in Sundra, Delmas, Mpumalanga. The acquisition of cheap black labor is the downfall of ALL white nations! The whole origin of sprawling black squatter camps outside our cities is due to this!
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#GenderBasedViolence Forgotten When Victims are White Women & Killers Are Black Men?
Where is all the media hyped faux outrage about #GBV when yet another white woman is murdered, in an attack by 2 black males? Just like in BBBEE, White Lives Don’t Matter, they are worthless in the ANC’s racist anti white Rainbow abomiNation. Another woman, who was in her late 40’s, was murdered on Wednesday 30 September 2020, after her black gardener organized the attack on her on a smallholding at Sundra, Delmas, Mpumalanga.
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Roll Call of Recent Victims in The War of Civilisation Against Barbarism! ANC & EFF’s Open Season on White’s Rages on!
Africa Never Was Civilised: Why has mainstream media never published a roll call or report about black on white murders and violence in recent weeks, be it in homes, on the streets or on farms? Is this why less and less people trust mainstream newspapers nowadays? Is this why mainstream are using slander, marginalization and lawfare to try eliminate alternative media like SA-News, so that MSM can continue pushing their false BLM narrative, that white man is bad and black man is good? Read these horrific reports and you be the judge whether it should be reported…
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VIDEO: Exposed! Why Are Ramaphosa & Cele Afraid To Act? Mpumalanga Under Reign of Terror by SAPS in Cahoots With Gangsters & Municipalities!
#PoliceBrutality Corruption Watch’s recent report claiming that Gauteng was the most corrupt, and KZN the second most corrupt province, seems to be debunked by this whistleblower’s claims! Mpumalanga Province leaders and authorities appear to have followed ex Free-state Premier Ace Magashule’s playbook, and turned the province into a gangster state aswell, where citizens live in fear.
SA-News obtained a video in which a whistleblower has named names and exposed criminals and SAPS officers and municipal officials,
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#Gatvol of The African Way! Malicious Negligence & Endemic Criminality Deconstructing South Africa Every Minute of Every Hour of Every Day!
#DeconstructingSouthAfrica: South Africans are gatvol of the #AfricanWay, which is enabled, propped up and encouraged by the liberal establishment, MSM and the ANC regime, and tolerated by the silent majority! We are tired of all these things being done to us on a daily basis! Who is not tired of being fleeced and looking over their shoulder every single minute of the day? But we may not talk about who does these crimes on a daily basis? We may not talk about the human right’s abuses or legalised racism against minorities & BBBEE, non representation, cadre deployment, lack of services, etc.!
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What is a White Life Worth? R3,000? A Cellphone? Yet Saying K*ff*r Costs R200,000 or Comparing Blacks to Monkeys Costs R150,000!
Do White Lives Matter? Another white man was killed just for his cellphone and wallet, which he probably would have quite happily just handed over, making it a senseless deliberate killing. A judge fines a black man a mere R3,000 each for the negligent killing of two young white girls! George Floyd and Jacob Blake’s families got many millions of dollars when their black men died, while violently resisting arrest! Simply comparing blacks to monkeys, despite Homo Naledi apparently being their self proclaimed ancestor, cost Penny Sparrow R150,000 and her job, while Adam Catzavelos had to pay R200,000 for saying K*ff*r in Greece! Is SA “law” just another black fascist weapon to fleece minorities?
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Roll Call of Victims of Black on White Violence in SA! Crimes Which Mainstream Media Ignore Globally!
#WhiteLivesDoNotMatter – A white guy was attacked from behind with a brick yesterday, while the black attacker’s accomplices filmed it, and laughed as the white guy fell. They then tweeted out the video of the attack with the hashtag #WhiteLivesDoNotMatter, followed by BlackLivesMatter! While this hateful incident happened in the USA, it is nothing new in SA for blacks to be so callous, cruel and racist about their barbarity to the minority whites in SA. These are the monsters the Mainstream Media have created, and protect, and this report below is some of their victims this week. There is a pattern in these crimes which mainstream does their best to camouflage. Yet, imagine if this violence was committed by white people towards blacks in South Africa, the mainstream outrage would burn SA to the ground and it would be all over CNN and all other international TV networks in seconds!
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VIDEO: Land Grabber by Day and Farm Murderer by Night? Land Occupier (Zimbabwean?) Threatens Farmer They Will Kill Him!
We wonder how many farm murders would be solved if SAPS took all the land and farm occupiers’ fingerprints, to compare with those farm attack evidence records? Or try running them through the Zimbabwean police database?
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Whites Being Brutally Murdered Allegedly for Phones While BLM & Left Wing Establishment Ignore it, Demanding the Shrinking White Minority Kneel!
#WhiteVictimsMatter – People prefer to hear “nice” lies rather than the blunt and blatant truth, which is that the white minority in South Africa are under heavy attack and siege. We are being murdered, robbed, maimed, tortured, raped, beaten to a pulp, oppressed and fleeced in the most barbarian of ways, left, right and centre…
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Reject BLM! Its an Aggressive Anti-White Campaign in the Left Wing’s War for World Supremacy!
THIRD WORLD WAR? Isn’t it ironic that whites are the only race that are constantly accused of supremacy, yet I do not know a single white person who wants to dominate the whole world? Do you know of such an ambitious person? (No, Soros, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, etc. are not white). But, if we look at who it is that pushes this white man bad, black man good, narrative, then we discover who it is that really wants to dominate the whole world. It is not one group, but they all realized that whites, who stopped slavery, but make up only 10% of the world population, are the biggest obstacle in their attempts at world supremacy, so they joined forces to get rid of whites! Just imagine what will happen when there are no more Europeans, and the Communists, Islamists, Blacks, Chinese and Jews start fighting among themselves for world supremacy. This is why whites should reject BLM as if their lives depended on it!
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
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Africa’s Cowardly Black Hyenas Murder, Pillage & Rape Innocent Defenseless Children & Grandmothers!
There is No Excuse: The last week has seen a horrendous escalation in attacks on white people, not only in number but also in violence. SA-News looks at just five of the vicious and barbaric attacks that took place on innocent people, to clearly illustrate how even though multiple black men, could easily just take anything they wanted to steal and walk away, they don’t, they rape and murder unnecessarily, so there can be no excuse and no apologism for these primitive hyenas, who roam amongst us, and are protected by the ANC government, EFF, BLF, liberals and the black masses. The psyche of Africans is suffering irreparable damage.
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SAPS Refused To Search For Missing Murdered Family! SABC & News24 Cover for SAPS’ Evil Malicious Negligence, Exposed by International Media Coverage!
Lying by Omission: As details of the brutal triple farm murder emerge, even making international news headlines, because the mother Breggie (Hybrecht) Brand was originally from UK, where the Mail Online reported on the horrendous story, revealing something mainstream media in SA are covering up: the fact that SAPS Hartswater refused to go searching for the missing family for a whole day, despite desperate pleas from their son, until the next day when family and friends managed to get to the farmhouse. Could the family had been saved if SAPS has acted when called upon?
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Zimbabwe Forced To Pay $3.5 Billion Compensation To White Farmers Mugabe Evicted! Has To Borrow The Money on International Bond Markets!
Ramaphosa Thinks He is Cleverer Than Mugabe? Zimbabwe has been forced to pay a historic USD $3.5 Billion to white farmers that black Zimbabweans, encouraged by Mugabe, had attacked, killed and evicted from their farms. The deal has been signed by Zimbabwe’s new government to compensate about 4,000 of the country’s white commercial farmers who..
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