LEST WE FORGET: In 1932 and 1933, an estimated 7 Million Ukrainians were massacred by a genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik (mostly Jewish) government. Many were Christians. Yet school children are not taught about the Holodomor genocide in middle school, high school, or even college. There are not dozens of major Hollywood films depicting the horrific events that took place. Our politicians aren’t referencing the Holodomor every other day and visiting Holodomor Museums to gain false virtue or attack opponents. If you ask any random person on the street about the Holodomor they will have no idea what it is. Why is this?
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#HolodomorDenial: the Genocide of 7 Million Ukrainians, Many of them Christians, That Jews Deny…
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FF+ Election Manifesto Calls for Scrapping of BBBEE – PaNazi Lesufi Replies that BEE will stay “until the sins of white ancestors are wiped out”!
Andrek “Panyaza” Lesufi, the High Priest of black supremacism and Afrikaner hatred, claimed affirmative action – (if you are white, you are out) – is here to stay “until the sins of white ancestors are blotted out.” Of course, this will be forever because the ANC will always continue to create and invent new sins. The anti-white genocidal maniac also dragged Orania into the fray and said Orania should go.
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VIDEO: “Stop Hiring Blacks or Commit Su1c!de!” Catholic Prof. in USA Teaches Students it’s an Ethical Act When Whites Commit Su1c!de in SA!
Could it be that the far left in the US and the far right in South Africa agree? Both believe that whites in SA should stop their addiction to black labour, but as usual the far left is more radical, violent, murderous and just plain nasty with their presentation of their ideas! The Professor in Pennsylvania teaches his students that whites in SA who commit su1c!de can be an ‘ethical’ act, because they continue to appoint blacks in subservient jobs. The irony is that many white South Africans have already realized that appointing blacks is not only dangerous to themselves and their families, but it is in any case self inflicted genocide anyway!
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3 Armed Farm Attackers Attack Farmer Who Was Working Alone – 5 Suspects Arrested at The Square Checkers Mall in Ladysmith
Yet another farm attack took place on 16 August 2021 at 15:10 in the Harrismith district, in the Free State. The farmer, Gideon Wessels (54), was working in the storeroom at home, when three unknown armed men suddenly appeared. Do the attackers not realize that if there are no farmers producing food, there will be no food to eat?
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Black Youths Kill Their Own Milkman, a White Man Working in the Townships! Why are Black Townships a No Go Zone for Whites?
Is anti-white racism a basic part of black culture and education these days? A local milk delivery man from Postmasburg, Andries de Klerk (57) was stoned to death by 3 black youths, whilst delivering milk in the black township of Marantheng in the Northern Cape. The father of two and grandfather, sadly succumbed to the wounds received from being stoned, in the hospital on Wednesday August 18, 2021
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VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Genocidal Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!
JOE BIDEN ADMITTED HE WANTS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITE AMERICANS! In 2015, as Vice President on a trip to Brazil, VP Joe Biden said: “a wave of an unrelenting stream of migrants, non stop… non stop… and we don’t want to stop it… the wave should continue till whites in USA will be the absolute minority… whites will be an absolute minority in US by 2017! By 2017, those of us of European stock will be an absolute minority in the United States of America,” Biden said this at a State Department luncheon for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Biden added that that’s “not a bad thing, that’s a good thing and we should be proud of it!” Amazing that this genocidal psychopath is so keen, or so dim, that he even believed the 2017 estimate…
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#SocialismKills – Another Day, Another White Life Taken for a Few Gadgets in The MultiCulti Sh*thole Rainbow AbomiNation!
WE ARE BEYOND GATVOL! A well known member of the Run/Walk for Life athletic club, Belinda Huyzers (49), was callously and unnecessarily shot dead, in cold blood, during a home invasion at the family home! What will it take to stop this murderous Socialist driven genocide of all nations in SA? We can swear, we can protest and march. We can debate, insult, shout, argue, beg, plead, pray and even fight, but nothing changes. Europeans have always counted and honoured their dead and we are not about to stop now! Riding hard on the back of the radicalized “Black Majority”, the police, authorities, government, ANC, EFF, Mainstream Media, Globalist Big Tech and MultiNational corporations do not give a damn. What are a few lives when there is so much power, plunder and profit to be made out of stealing from, enslaving, abusing and oppressing normal people? “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. The ANC, Mainstream Media and Big Tech Monopolies have absolute power and are absolutely corrupt, to the core! Communism 101. The “Rooi Gevaar” is Real & Deadly!
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VIDEO: “You Are Not Black” Racist Blacks Tell Coloureds They Are Not From Africa! KhoiSan say They are NOT Coloreds?
“YOU ARE NOT BLACK” – is that not what Joe Biden said? It seems there is trouble in the globalist’s flagship rainbow nation paradise, according to a video SA-News received anonymously, showing some blacks (bantu) racially abusing coloureds, telling them: “You are coloured, we do not have this colour on this continent (Africa)”. The racist blacks go on to tell the colored’s to “follow their white sisters, the white people. This one (african continent) is for black people!” The blacks then swear at the coloureds in Afrikaans, the language most coloureds speak – could this be the reason for anti-colored racism amongst Blacks in SA? Are these racist blacks even from South Africa?
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#HungerGames ANC Police Standing Guard to STOP Hungry People Getting Food! SA Government Using Hunger from COVID-19 Lockdown to Enforce its Centrist Totalitarian Regime!
“A police vehicle parked in front of the food centre and only left when they saw the centre was NOT distributing food”! WELCOME TO USSR2: The world must be proud of their multicultural rainbow nation, introduced by nelson mandela! The ANC government is literally preventing hungry people from being fed, in a Ukranian Holodomor style forced starvation policy, as reported by SA-News, in order to assert their Socialist centrist control over the masses, amidst the CoronoVirus pandemic! The ANC is literally using its Stasi police force to take sandwiches out of people’s mouths and is now busy with a deliberate plan to allow people who do not obey, to die of hunger. This ANC regime is a filthy and murderous dictatorship and we should no longer keep quiet about it. Your silence is complicity.
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ANC Hide Their Crimes Behind Apartheid, Which Was NOT a Crime Against Humanity, as the Communist Soviet Union Propaganda Tried To Claim at the UN!
After a humiliating experience during the SONA State of the Nation Address, where traitor F.W. De Klerk and his second wife Elita, were badly verbally abused by his own darling blacks, Nobel laureate De Klerk unexpectedly hit back this time, and believe it or not, defended Apartheid. Maybe public humiliation does work on such a person, who sold Kith, Kin and Country for Coin, and false virtue?
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The perils of being white in South Africa – The slaughter continues but it is being ignored by the world
At the end of September an article was published on South Africa Today with factual information about murders on the white community in the month of September 2019 in South Africa. The title of the article was “Slaughter in September. Ignored by the world”. It was published in the belief that the white minority in..
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Cyril, you have bodyguards to protect you, what if they attack you on YOUR farm:- Farm attacks are mere crimes, not genocide so stop spreading it
As received- President Cyril Ramaphosa’s tone has completely changed on the conversation of farm attacks. When a newsman asked him if the war on farm attacks is one of his priorities Ramaphosa snapped. “If it was real news it would have been on TV every night, stop drawing bad attention to the country over this,..
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White minority in South Africa is under attack, mainstream media remains silent
About the White minority in South Africa: You will soon refer to us and talk about the completed GENOCIDE! You will soon refer to an EXTINCT minority nation! A once proud nation erased from the face of the earth! There will not even be a single white libtard left, yes even you will be exterminated..
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WATCH VIDEO | How Long Will The White Farmers Of South Africa Survive?
Bloodlands: The complex question of land rights and expropriation has long blighted South Africa. With attacks on white farmers on the rise, many believe the aim is to terrorise them off the land. Much of the farmland of South Africa remains in the hands of the white population. This injustice has been touted as..
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ANC is busy with the encouragement of white genocide
The ANC twitter message spread recently by the party has been removed, we confirm everyone’s suspicions, the ANC is busy with the propagation of white genocide. The ANC regime that wants to put individuals behind bars for hatred and racism is the biggest scapegoat when it comes to hatred and racism. ToekomsVonk will approach the..
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