VIDEO: Forget Election Fraud! Democrats, MSM & Big Tech Could Make Holocaust & Holodomor Look Like a Holiday Camp!

VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Genocidal Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!

VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!

ISIS Beheads More Than 50 People in Mozambique, only Months After Murdering Another 50 in April!

“Fighters Attack” Commander in Chief, Malema Calls All “Ground Forces” to Attack! Farm Murderers Have Been “Crushing Whiteness” For Centuries!

VIDEO: Bystanders Stop Self Confessed Muslim Pedophile’s Child Kidnap Attempt at Northcliff, Randburg Restaurant!

Master Becomes Slave: Why is it Necessary for South Africa (RSA) to be Divided into Two Parts? The Two State Solution

VIDEO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Asks South Africa To Stop Cuba’s Human Trafficking of Cuban Medical Workers & to Pay Them Directly!

How Much Has ANC Paid Cuban Medics? Cuban Dictatorship Keeps Most of Doctor’s Earnings, Making TWICE as Much from Sending Medics Abroad than from Tourism in 2018!

Flogging a dead donkey – Ethiopia is China’s china, but China is not Ethiopia’s china, not even the donkeys are…

Who Controls the Media and ‘Opposition’ Parties in South Africa? May we introduce to you the Jewish Billionaire who runs the show

South Africa tightens borders ahead of troublesome festive season, but will this really help?

France Colonises African Football Talent to Win World Cup – NO African Nation Made it to the last Stages!

Black Africans Arrived In 1770, The Dutch Arrived In 1652, So How Can The Black Africans Claim That The Settlers Stole Their Land When They Never Got Here Until Hundreds Of Years After The Settlers Arrived?

“Mixing Cultures will NOT lead to Higher Quality of Life, but a Lower One” – Did Hungary’s PM Just Pinpoint SA’s Problem?