World Domination: You would expect a tiny landlocked nation like Lesotho to be pro independence, but no, Lesotho along with Zimbabwe and Mozambique, appear to support communism and annexation. Why does Lesotho even exist? Why was Lesotho (and Swaziland & Namibia) allowed to keep its independence, but the other 10 independent bantu homeland nations were annexed by ANC in the 1994 violent coup? Why is Lesotho the favourite of UK Royals? We can only assume large amounts of money or “deals” changed hands when on July 1, 53 countries (including Communist China) signed a resolution introduced by Communist Cuba at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council in Geneva, praising China for the passing of the oppressive Hong Kong National Security Law.
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Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?
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Will Ramaphosa Risk War for his Land Expropriation Without Compensation? Like BAV, Zulu King sees EWC as War! ANC has to Increase its Racism for Two Thirds in Parliament!
The Zulu King Zwelithini and the IFP leader Buthelezi were uncompromising over the Ingonyama Trust land’s intended expropriation by ANC, as well as their traditional leaders’ land, and characterized it as a war. Just as the BAV leader, Mr Andries Breytenbach, declared on national TV (video below) on 11 October 2017, that expropriation of land without compensation will lead to war!
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Time to Rename South Africa to Azania or Mzansi or Sh*thole? The Republic Forgets its Own Birthday as Not a Single Official Recognises SA Republic Day in 2020!
Only 59 years ago on this day 31st May, 1961, the Union of South Africa became an independent Republic as it withdrew from the British Commonwealth, however in 1994 ANC unilaterally removed the practice of celebrating the birth of the Republic every May 31st. While most people did not even notice this dictatorial act, it really begs the question, what is SA now if not a Republic and why is South Africa still even called a Republic? Given the ANC’s naked hatred of minorities and constant demonisation of the country’s past, why is the country still called The Republic of South Africa? Is “South Africa” not a colonial term? SA-News proposes it is high time the abomination at the Southern tip of Africa be renamed!
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Are South Africa’s Clintons, The Zumas, Using Lockdown for Personal & Political Gain, To Save a Disgraced Jacob Zuma from Zondo Commission?
Is SA’s Hillary Clinton, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Who Desperately Wants to be President Too, Using Her Command Council Lockdown Power to Save her ex-Husband & ex-President, SA’s Disgraced Bill Clinton, Jacob Zuma? The remarkable similarities between the Zumas and Clintons are more than deja-vu, they are the hallmark of gross abuse of State structures to satisfy a desperate greed and lust for power. Zuma’s ex-wife who is in charge of the ANC’s CCPvirus “Command Council” which is enforcing unconstitutional powers, could draw out lockdown forever, thereby postponing Zuma’s court case and the Zondo Commission. Emeritus Professor Pieter Labuschagne, a law expert at UNISA, warns that South Africa has entered dangerous territory after the ANC government claimed ultra Constitutional powers for itself, as its response to the Chinese CCP virus pandemic.
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“A Clean Slate” Boasts Ramaphosa? COVID-19 is Corrupt & Inept ANC’s Get Out of Jail Free Card, but They are Plundering and Messing That Up Too!
The ANC and black elites act like COVID-19 is the best thing to happen to them since this first world country, then the largest economy in Africa, was just handed to them on a silver platter, like a massive lottery win. The ANC regime are actively using COVID19 to not only cover up all their clumsy failures since then, but also to hide all their crimes over the last 3 decades. However their Covid19 response will be just another big failure for them, and is already rife with crime and corruption! In fact they like it so much Health Minister Mkhize said Covid19 will be with us for another two years and Cyril even joked a few weeks ago that lockdown will last till next year!
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VIDEO: Muslims in Mayfair, JHB, Turn Over & Set Security Vehicle Alight & Attack Security Personnel While Shouting Allah hu Akbar!
Mayfair which used to be the stomping grounds of the rich well to do liberals that so eagerly gave the country away, seems to have become a Muslim No Go Zone? Mayfair which is also the sight of the controversial Mosque (Jumma Masjid), frequented by many Somalians, saw a mob of mostly muslim men turn over a security vehicle and set it alight in broad daylight. They then attacked the security personnel and pushed another vehicle towards them.
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#CadreDeployment Entire Intake of 1,000 JMPD Candidates Fail! Cannot Handle a Car or a Gun or Traffic! ANC Government Hires Voters to Roleplay, NOT Workers to Work!
It seems South Africans are not listening to the ANC regime. When an advert offering a job for potential JMPD candidates, requires applicants to have a drivers licence, yet at the end of their 18 month training period, none of the successful recruits can handle either a car, or a gun, or traffic, there is a serious disconnect somewhere! What the ANC regime do, and what they say are THREE entirely different things! Yes, three, as everything the ANC says has a double meaning.
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#StateCapture 2.0: Ex SA Ambassador To Italy, Tembi Tambo, Oliver Tambo’s Daughter, Linked to Government Pension Fund Plunder! PIC Pays 28 Times More Than Market Price For Bare Undeveloped Land!
Down The Corruption Rabbit Hole: In yet another shocker for members of the Government Employee’s Pension Fund, it has been revealed that The Public Investment Commissioner (PIC) has “invested” in land, on their behalf, for R570 525 per hectare in Coligny where the average price per hectare is less than R20,000! The ex SA Ambassador to Italy, Tembi Tambo (pictured), daughter of Oliver Tambo, is a representative of @Isago, the company benefiting from this highly questionable transaction.
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#MilitantMigrants Are Deliberately Turning Cape Town’s CBD into a Sh*thole as Blackmail in Hope of Being Sent To Canada! Leader Faces 8 Assault Charges!
It used to be that South Africa was The Gateway To Africa, now SA is Africa’s Gateway to the West! The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) is considering legal action and has decided to withdraw from any further engagements with a militant group of foreign illegal migrants, who are literally turning Cape Town’s CBD into a sh*thole, on unrealistic dreams of being sent to Canada!
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A New Year & A New Decade: More Communist Self Enrichment, Globalist Destruction of Identity & The African Way. You AiNtCeen Nothing Yet!
At the time of year that most people in South Africa break away for a holiday, (the lucky ones that is), or relax at home, it has unfortunately become necessary to burst a few bubbles and challenge the mainstream narrative. South Africa is teetering on the brink and staring into the abyss as it stumbles into oblivion in the new year and a new decade. Just how bad it will be will become clear soon enough. Let those with ears listen…
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Gupta brothers: Renewal of SA passports denied
The Department of Home Affairs refused the application for renewal of passports from the Guptas, and with it began another phase to capture the controversial figures. The Gupta brothers have travelled all over the world with SA passports as if they are citizens of the country. In the meantime, an attempt is being made to..
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THIS Video Will Make ALL South Africans “The Moer In!” – SA has been plundered for an entire century, and still is…
For an ENTIRE Century, South Africa has been the World’s Largest Gold Producer, by far and bar none! SA has also been in the Top Diamond producers. How much is it and where has it all gone?
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The Department of Home Affairs faces about R2 billion in claims due to their inability to meet expected services as well as incompetence to maintain law and order in its immigration department
The Department of Home Affairs already has claims worth about R2 billion that come from civilians because of its inability to meet expected services. The claims are still growing due to the legal costs involved in the construction of cases that had to be resolved in court and of which the Department was apparently ordered..
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Airlines transports illegal aliens to SA even though Immigration Act of 2002 states that no one can enter the country without a passport
According to the Foreign Minister, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, eight airlines have been fined more than R31 million over the past 2 years after illegal aliens were brought into the country during flights. The Immigration Act of 2002 states that no one is allowed to enter the country without a passport. Undocumented immigrants may be arrested..
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Hundreds of Nigerian nationals being repatriated to Nigeria from SA after anti-mass immigration violence
Nigeria announced this week that it would repatriate about 600 nationals after the recent attacks on African migrants in the Joburg CBD. The group was taken to OR Tambo International Airport on two buses from the Nigerian consulate this morning. Nigeria announced this week that it would repatriate about 600 nationals. Twelve people have been..
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