The Cape Is Still Afrikaans, But For How Long? Most of us probably know parts of the country’s history. From 1652, when the first Dutch landed in the Cape, until 2020, when most people did not even realize that the country was bankrupt, due to its infinite number of problems. One of the biggest problems, the “Elephant in the Room”, is OVERPOPULATION. Southern Africa is internationally regarded by experts as a dry subcontinent, and the RSA is even drier than the rest. Any sensible person will be able to tell you that blacks cannot reproduce indefinitely, as they please, without causing a humanitarian disaster. Then on top of that they add mismanagement, corruption and careless waste of resources!
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Master Becomes Slave: Why is it Necessary for South Africa (RSA) to be Divided into Two Parts? The Two State Solution
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Is EVERYTHING The ANC Does a Scheme To Plunder from Taxpayers & “Redistribute Wealth”, to Buy Votes, To Keep Power, To Keep Plundering?
ANC TROJAN HORSE ENTERPRISES: R52 Million of taxpayers money has been wasted on yet another failed Collective (communist) chicken farm in Virginia, Free State this time! But was it ever intended to produce chickens, or was it just another ANC Trojan Horse Enterprise, designed to fail, to facilitate “legally” stealing money from the taxpayer, while pretending to be a BBBEE business venture – a “perfect crime”? The ANC’s approach to establish collective BBBEE farms, with massive amounts of taxpayer money, is well known and it is just as well known that these grandiose projects end in massive “failure” every time, almost as if it was planned to fail, with cadres plundering during every step of the short life cycle of the doomed project…
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Two-State Solution: Blacks and Whites Have Been Incompatible for Centuries, Forced Integration Without Borders Will Obviously Lead to Violence!
Compared to our motherlands in Europe, South Africa is a young country and the history of our own nation began only in the year 1652, with a prehistory of the Portuguese period from the 1400’s. But, despite our short history, it was a period full of sensational events, all of which cannot be described in detail here. The fact that blacks and whites are “baring their teeth” at each other in the year 2020, is not due to an event that happened unexpectedly recently. This is a problem that has been dormant for centuries.
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Does NASPERS Give Your DSTV, Takealot or News24 Data to ANC Government? They Do in China! Is NASPERS an Immoral Corporation?
Exposing Immoral Profits! NASPERS & its shareholders were caught offside with a 31% stake in the Devils work. Should or Will NASPERS Sell off Tencent now? Will Shareholders take a moral stand? Will Mainstream Media in SA now actually do journalism instead of just acting like megaphones for the ANC party line, like happens in China? Finally, thanks to Trump yet again, the world knows that NASPERS is an immoral company that is prepared to do the devils work for profit. While most NASPERS shareholders chose to ignore SA-News articles of NASPERS’ regulatory obedience to the Chinese Communist Party, which controls all Chinese companies, they can no longer ignore it, and have a stark choice to make: Sell or knowingly profit from human rights abuses, mass censorship, abuse of privacy through mass spying and data capture, and Chinese communist world supremacism. However there are bigger questions for South Africa to answer…
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Reject BLM! Its an Aggressive Anti-White Campaign in the Left Wing’s War for World Supremacy!
THIRD WORLD WAR? Isn’t it ironic that whites are the only race that are constantly accused of supremacy, yet I do not know a single white person who wants to dominate the whole world? Do you know of such an ambitious person? (No, Soros, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, etc. are not white). But, if we look at who it is that pushes this white man bad, black man good, narrative, then we discover who it is that really wants to dominate the whole world. It is not one group, but they all realized that whites, who stopped slavery, but make up only 10% of the world population, are the biggest obstacle in their attempts at world supremacy, so they joined forces to get rid of whites! Just imagine what will happen when there are no more Europeans, and the Communists, Islamists, Blacks, Chinese and Jews start fighting among themselves for world supremacy. This is why whites should reject BLM as if their lives depended on it!
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
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VIDEO: “You Accessed Power to Put Money in Your Pocket & Are Stealing Public Resources!” Mbeki to NDZ 6 Years Ago!
At a “Leadership for the Africa we Want” event in Kigali, Rwanda way back in 2014, Thabo Mbeki looked directly at Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) and said “You have accessed power in order to put money in your pocket. You Are Stealing Public Resources”. NDZ’s face made it clear she knew he was adressering her…
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ANC Desperate To Keep Golden White Goose Enslaved! Kamiesberg ANC Municipality Can’t Pay Bills Yet Attacks Thriving White Settlement!
ANC Cries Out in Pain as They Strike You: The ANC run Municipality of Kamiesberg in the Northern Cape is radicalising residents, as they appear to be scared they will lose their most profitable residents, so they arranged a hit piece aired on the ANC’s national mouthpiece SABC, to play the old, old, old racecard, yet again. Yawn… Yet they ignore over 5,000 big towns that are 100% bantu – no Whites, coloureds or indians! Even Soweto is more race pure than Orania and 1,000 times bigger, but not a word from these racebaiting genocidal hypocrites! Eureka, the thriving white Afrikaner settlement in Garies, which is striving for legal and constitutional self determination, as a defense against punitive BBBEE, barbaric Farm Murders and the malicious destruction of Afrikaans, is a regular easy target for the SABC, ANC and communist ANC Mayor, Mervyn Cloete, who wants to pull everyone in town down into the ANC sh*thole, to the lowest common denominator, as communists do…
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#VoetsekANC – Minorities are Gatvol of ANC and its Bantu Supremacy, Time for the Two-State Solution! Even FF+ Stick Out Feelers!
It is no coincidence that the hashtag #VoetsekANC and talk of an Independent Cape was rising on social media in the same week, but what is surprising is that Dr Corné Mulder of VFplus, after two decades of silence about this, now suddenly pops out with this idea. It is also interesting that he mentions only one of the half dozen Independence initiatives, one that depends on the ANC’s co-operation! SA-News has regularly reported on this issue over the years, and we have now appointed a columnist, Peter Murray, to regularly cover this topic for us. There are only two of the Cape Independence initiatives that do not require the ANC’s co-operation, so keep an eye out for Peter’s regular column “Two State Solution” on SA-News.
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Will US Gov. Consider Sanctions on ANC Government After Imposing Sanctions on “Notoriously Corrupt” Zimbabwean Presidential Adviser?
The ANC regime has been given so much rope and tolerance, far more than would be needed to hang them all. Indeed calls and petitions for international intervention in Southern Africa are rising, and after having sanctioned the Guptas earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, announced that US is imposing sanctions on one of Zimbabwe’s top businessmen and political advisers, for being “notoriously corrupt”, which should bring some hope to oppressed and ransacked SA citizens. USA gives corrupt South Africa approx. $9.4 Billion Dollars in US Aid, with no record of where it goes, so if it is notoriously corrupt USA wants, the ANC government includes a long list of very notorious gangsters, like Ace Magashule and the ANC “top six” or Ramaphosa’s entire cabinet. A 2018 petition on the Whitehouse website, calling for intervention against the ANC regime, received 125,300 signatures.
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“Rooi Gevaar” Using Corruption to Oust Ramaphosa! Axis of Evil Blaming Cyril for “Mass Epidemic of Looting” Because “He Did Not Act” Against Them!
Communists are masters at the dark art of subterfuge and obfuscating blame, accountability and punishment, and it now seems that the Axis of Evil (ANC, COSATU & SACP) are blaming Cyril for all their corruption & faulures! They want Ramaphosa out, because NDZ & COSATU have joined forces with alliance partners, the SA Communist Party (SACP) and SA National Civic Organisation (SANCO), in pushing for the reconfiguration of the ANC-SACP-Cosatu-Sanco alliance, to get Communists as national leaders. COSATU general secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said the future of South Africa must be in socialism, not capitalism.
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Zimbabwe Forced To Pay $3.5 Billion Compensation To White Farmers Mugabe Evicted! Has To Borrow The Money on International Bond Markets!
Ramaphosa Thinks He is Cleverer Than Mugabe? Zimbabwe has been forced to pay a historic USD $3.5 Billion to white farmers that black Zimbabweans, encouraged by Mugabe, had attacked, killed and evicted from their farms. The deal has been signed by Zimbabwe’s new government to compensate about 4,000 of the country’s white commercial farmers who..
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ANC Cadres Score R70 Billion No Strings Attached IMF Loan That YOU Have to Pay Back!
Communists Love Spending Other People’s Money: Even though corrupt ANC has steered clear of IMF loans thus far, because they require financial transparency and discipline, the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Privilege has allowed the ANC government to get a loan, without an IMF structural adjustment programme, despite the IMF being deeply suspicious of ANC and COSATU. Seizing the opportunity the Corona Virus has afforded them, the ANC grabbed 100% of South Africa’s IMF quota.
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No School, Alcohol or Family Visits – Just Protests, Full Taxis & Crime! CCP-Virus Perfect Tool for Socialists to Destroy Economy & Society!
Ever since the arrival of Covid-19 in South Africa, the country has more and more resembled Cuba or Venezuela, where everyone is on government grants, the government controls everything and the zombie citizens are radicalised into an eternal “revolution” against prosperity. SA has literally devolved into a country littered with eternally disgruntled protesters, militarized on a local level by ANC structures, to supposedly show their displeasure over anything the local leaders choose to highlight, because none of this is about the people or services, it is all about the leaders and what they stand to gain.
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VIDEO: “Coloureds ARE The Original Owners of Western Cape, ANC Will Learn it Monday!” – Major Protest Plans for Cape Town!
Koes Vir Die Klippe: Monday appears to be building up into a day of protest and politicking for Cape Town, with the usual chaos and violence that people have been forced to bear, thanks to the services that are meant to protect them, being in cahoots with the ANC, and its deliberate destabilization and invasion of the Cape. As it appears they will happen, as police communications and credible sources suggest they will, rather do any planned trips today or Tuesday, rather than Monday.
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