The snake in the grass: Once again we are reminded that multiculturalism has failed all over the world, with the news that a black worker, who was apparently so trusted by his white employer, that he regularly invited him for a braai, has just been convicted of the murder of the doctor, who was also a husband, father, brother and grandfather. Should whites be reminded of how the ANC revolution’s ‘necklacing’ worked, where moderate blacks were radicalized against whites? It only takes one threat to turn your black worker or friend into your enemy. As with Muslims where the revolutionary radicals hide among the moderates, like a snake in the grass, so too with black revolutionary radicals who mingle between our black workers and “friends”.
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Cheap Black Labour & Friends are Dangerous! White Employee Killed by Black Worker & Friend after Birthday Braai!
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Jayde Panayiotou’s Killers Get Second Life Sentences for Murder of Denise Webber (78) in 2015 in Port Elizabeth!
Who Else Have They Killed? Just four months after murdering schoolteacher Jayde Panayiotou, Sinethemba Nenembe, 33, Fikile Mengo, Mkhuseli Ngqanda, Thanduxolo Vumazonke, murdered a 78-year-old grandmother in Port Elizabeth. Denise Webber, a defenseless 78-year-old woman from Port Elizabeth, was callously and unnecessarily strangled to death on 20 August 2015, in her garden flat in Needham..
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86 Year Old Johanna Rossouw Tortured & Stabbed 30 Times! Murdered for a Phone! IGNORES it!
THERE IS NO EXCUSE! This crime is inexcusable no matter your political affiliation, but not reporting on it is just as damning!, arguably one of the top news resources in South Africa, failed to even cover the horrendous murder of the 86 year old grandmother Johanna Rossouw, who was found brutally murdered in the Edenpark Retirement Village in Witbank, Mpumalanga, on Sunday 31 January 2021. The mother of 4 was found dead in her home in Fuchsia street, with multiple stab wounds in her back and neck. It is clear this defenseless frail old woman was also tortured before she was violently murdered. Her hands were tied behind her back. A rag was also placed in her mouth by her attacker and soap was thrown over her face.
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Savage Africa Deconstructs Our Society & Civilization as Black-on-White Murders Continue Unchecked During Lockdown!
Decolonizing Civilization: Sadly it is no longer news when two more white people are slain in violent black-on-white attacks, but one murder at a time, every day, our society and civilization is being deliberately deconstructed and “decolonized” through unchecked black-on-white murders, which have developed into ethnic cleansing of genocidal proportions, because the “authorities” are ignoring and even denying it! Two more white people have been brutally murdered in attacks by black gangs in South Africa, but these attacks are just daily trivia in liberal media, with no mention of the fact that these attacks can be seen as a slow genocide, because tens of thousands of white people have been murdered by black attackers in similar attacks since the ANC was given the country in 1994. But because these brutal black-on-white murders are spread out over time, the media mostly ignore it. The liberal media rather constantly occupy the collective mind with their false narrative of white man bad, black man good and trivial celebrity stuff, especially the black ones, and reporting every little thing the black fascist politician, Julius Malema is saying, including his regular incitement to kill farmers and white people.
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Black Terrorists Heed Their Black Leaders Call to Attack, Murder, Torture, Plunder and Blame Whites!
The open warfare on Whites rages on unhindered in SA as black leaders, (and rich jewish kids), continue to stoke the flames of race hatred while pretending there is no link between their hate filled anti white rhetoric and the daily stream of attacks and murders. Terrorism by most definitions is “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” When we look at the words of the leaders, who say no peace until all blacks have land, and the acts of their followers, is this not what we are witnessing? Why does no one ever ask what political party a farm murderer belongs to? Here are just a few examples of the daily attacks.
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ISIS Beheads More Than 50 People in Mozambique, only Months After Murdering Another 50 in April!
Islamist ISIS terrorists have beheaded scores of people before disposing and dismembering the bodies in a barbaric assault on villages in Mozambique. The islamic militants are also believed to have kidnapped several women. while the remains of least 15 boys, who were participating in a male initiation ceremony when the militants struck Muatide village this past weekend, were found among the dead.
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#RainBloodNation – The Slaughter of Innocent Old People Rages On In Black Ruled South Africa!
#WhiteLivesMatter – Just when the beleaguered white minority of South Africa got some hope after the high profile Brendin Horner protests, that the brutal attacks and murders on us would get the exposure it needs, to raise the attention of the world, the white community was sadly bleeding again, with a double murder on a mother and daughter who were stabbed, a farm attack that resulted in the murder of an elderly woman who was strangled to death, and another brutal murder on a 65 year old former soldier who had received the highest form of honor that the old SADF could bestow on a soldier, the Honoris Crux medal.
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Roll Call of Victims of the War Against White Farmers, Grandparents & the Vulnerable, Which Are Denied by ANC, EFF & Liberals!
#FarmMurders Here is a factual report on black-on-white violence in South Africa since 1 September. It is in all respects a shocking report, in the slow war against our people. We are not killing ourselves, here is the proof of the black-on-white terror war against the white minority in South Africa, which Ramaphosa and Malema so loudly deny in public, as if these poor victims did not exist! Could there be anything more evil? One has to see a list like this to grasp the whole picture of what is happening in South Africa, so please share the link widely.
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Roll Call of Recent Victims in The War of Civilisation Against Barbarism! ANC & EFF’s Open Season on White’s Rages on!
Africa Never Was Civilised: Why has mainstream media never published a roll call or report about black on white murders and violence in recent weeks, be it in homes, on the streets or on farms? Is this why less and less people trust mainstream newspapers nowadays? Is this why mainstream are using slander, marginalization and lawfare to try eliminate alternative media like SA-News, so that MSM can continue pushing their false BLM narrative, that white man is bad and black man is good? Read these horrific reports and you be the judge whether it should be reported…
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Another 80 Year Old Grandmother Raped & Bludgeoned to Death by Black Scum! ANC’s Radical Transformation Turns SA into a Death Camp for Whites!
Bheki Cele’s #MaliciousNegligence Kills Again! Even as we post this horrific article, we hear of yet another elderly women bludgeoned with a knopkierie in Rustenburg for a phone (to follow). We cannot keep up with the all the bloodletting! This is in the same week that Jakkie Grobler (80) was raped and beaten to death..
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
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ANC Corruption Killing Babies in Eastern Cape! Officials Should be Charged with Murder & Treason for Plundering a National Resource!
Has ANC’s Day of Reckoning Finally Arrived? A National Health Service is meant to be there for times of emergency and unexpected disasters. People are legally forced to pay taxes based on this premise, but ANC officials have been systemically pocketing these taxes, and now that a pandemic has struck, there is no Health Service and babies and their mothers are dying. Old people are dying. People who could have been saved by simple basic procedures, are dying because the Health Service has been used for “redistribution of wealth” by a black gangster elite and plundered by these ANC criminals, who should really be strung up from the nearest tree!
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Future of SA is bleak after ANC-regime plundered a once model state into junk status and sh*thole
It is clear that South Africa has become so fragile in the financial field that overall poverty, with the exception of a few wealthy people, will lead to the necessary change in governments.
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More Unreported Murders. Is Murder Now So Common & Boring That Mainstream Media Doesn’t Bother Reporting it, or is it Just Not Profitable in The “Mass Market”?
In the media world there is a saying: If it bleeds, it leads. However according to the headlines and frontpages of mainstream media nowadays, it would seem this is no longer the case, as alleged racism is treated far more serious than murder or rape and given far more coverage! In fact with 56 murders..
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Double Standards: The K-WORD is worse than blowing up whites with limpet mines – legal system is not there to protect whites
Let’s spread as widely as possible and demand the arrest of the terrorist !! It is clear that the legal system does not protect our whites. Poor Vicky Momberg is hunted like an animal for the K-word and was arrested again today for failing to comply with her parole conditions. The EFF’s Secretary General Godrich..
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