#HerdImmunity Seems The Only Option for SA Now: South Africa has had the 4th most daily new infections, for 5 straight days now (chart below), and thanks to the ANC’s inability to make coherent decisions and regulations, the Covid-19 virus is spreading uncontrolled, and has been, ever since we predicted back in February, that Africa would be the worst case scenario for the CCP-virus, for this very reason. The southern hemisphere is now clearly the epicentre with the focus starting to shift from South America to Africa, where it can spread uncontrolled due to open borders and the inability of the african population to understand, much less protect themselves from an invisible enemy, so essentially Herd Immunity reflects reality and is already being practiced.
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SA Now 6th Most Infected Country! Surpasses China’s Death Toll! Herd Immunity Policy is Inevitable as ANC Unable to Control Virus Spread or its People!
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ANC Corruption Killing Babies in Eastern Cape! Officials Should be Charged with Murder & Treason for Plundering a National Resource!
Has ANC’s Day of Reckoning Finally Arrived? A National Health Service is meant to be there for times of emergency and unexpected disasters. People are legally forced to pay taxes based on this premise, but ANC officials have been systemically pocketing these taxes, and now that a pandemic has struck, there is no Health Service and babies and their mothers are dying. Old people are dying. People who could have been saved by simple basic procedures, are dying because the Health Service has been used for “redistribution of wealth” by a black gangster elite and plundered by these ANC criminals, who should really be strung up from the nearest tree!
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SA Has 4th Most Daily New Covid19 Cases Globally for 3rd Straight Day! But Where are the Bodies? Mojo or Fraud?
South Africa has once again reported the 4th most daily new Covid19 infections worldwide, for the 3rd straight day in a row, confirming what Ramaphosa said, that the storm is on us. But where are the bodies? We hear anecdotal stories of hospitals running out of ventilators and ICU beds, hear of Indian nurses trying to leave the country, and of graveyards running out of space, but with all the extra Covid-19 deaths, and South Africa’s third world socialist infrastructure, you would expect to see bodies in the streets? We have had more infections than Italy, which has the same population as SA, and they literally had coffins stacked up outdoors.
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ANC Loses Control of Covid19! SA Has World’s 4th Most Daily Infections Despite FIVE Months Warning, Unlimited Funds & Dictatorial Powers!
Ramaphosa Can’t Bluff a Virus: With 500 infections an hour, SA has the 10th most daily deaths worldwide, despite having had 5 months warning, unlimited funds and totalitarian dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa and ANC have failed spectacularly to cope with, never mind curb, the virus. It seems the only thing they can control is the PR and propaganda to fool the people with. There is no logic and Ramaphosa blames everyone and everything but himself, despite dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa treats South Africans like naughty low intelligence children and imposed enhanced lockdown with alcohol banned again, but taxis may operate at full capacity.
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VIDEO: Lying DRAMAphosa Blames SA Whites for Domestic Violence & George Floyd! BBBEE & AA Defines South Africa & is Here to Stay!
#AntiWhitism Not only does Ramaphosa want to break the “natural order of things” like a good marxist, he has made it clear BBBEE Affirmative Action defines South Africa and is not only here to stay, but will be extended! Having been given his billions on a silver platter, just because he is black, he now want to use his weaseling ability of profiteering by racebaiting, to extend the gravy train and make black privilege and black supremacy the norm in South Africa. If you are white, or a minority the writing is undeniably on the wall. ANC has been in charge of everything, that Ramaphosa complains about, for a quarter century, yet STILL he complains?
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SA 13th Most COVID-19 Infected Country, But The Big Numbers are The Billions Sloshing Around in ANC’s Hands & Pockets!
As South Africa surpasses France, Germany, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in confirmed CCP-virus cases, attention is deliberately being diverted from all the cash floating around since the ANC withdrew 500 Billion from the Taxpayer, of which 20 Billion went to NDZ’s corrupt, bankrupt, fraud infested Municipalities! While Mkhize warns that the storm is about to hit and everything from schools re-opening to mourning over deaths, supposedly from Covid-19, are being utilised to hide what is happening to all the money, which equates to over R8,000 for every single man, women and child in SA!
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Will Ramaphosa Risk War for his Land Expropriation Without Compensation? Like BAV, Zulu King sees EWC as War! ANC has to Increase its Racism for Two Thirds in Parliament!
The Zulu King Zwelithini and the IFP leader Buthelezi were uncompromising over the Ingonyama Trust land’s intended expropriation by ANC, as well as their traditional leaders’ land, and characterized it as a war. Just as the BAV leader, Mr Andries Breytenbach, declared on national TV (video below) on 11 October 2017, that expropriation of land without compensation will lead to war!
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Why Has Ramaphosa or Cele Never Visited A White Victim of Crime? Because Under Their Watch There Are 24 Times More Murders Than in Apartheid?
Despite Lockdown, June was a particularly bad month with almost 60 farm attacks and 7 farm murders, which probably means it was bad all round, once again highlighting that ANC’s Socialist South Africa is much worse than Iraq during war! Yet neither Ramaphosa or Bheki Cele have ever bothered to visit a white victim of crime, never mind even acknowledge that it happens. Why not? Do they feel it will expose the fact that there are 24 times more murders on their watch, than there were during apartheid, which they constantly resurrect and blame ? As these tweets reveal, even normal black people are longing for the peaceful days under apartheid, when they were looked after, everything worked, services were delivered reliably, and you could walk safely anywhere, anytime.
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VIDEO: Farmer Evacuated as Land Thieves Occupy Farm Despite Court Order & Demolished Shacks! Police Seek Landgrab Scam Ringleaders!
Update on the ongoing Elandsfontein landgrab fraud at De Deur, Vereeniging: The farm owner and his mother were evacuated from the farm for their own safety, because it was clear the misled invaders were going to keep coming back. Evacuation was the right decision under the circumstances because petrol bombs have already been thrown into a building. The video was taken by the owner before being evacuated.
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VIDEO: How Black Men (& Women) Create Multiple Single Mothers Keeping Blacks in Poverty Rife with Drugs, Gender & Sexual Violence!
Cold Hard Truth: American chat shows are well known for trying to be controversial and this one inadvertently revealed a cold hard truth that very few liberals would discuss, never mind admit. This video shows how just 6 Black men have 87 kids from 50 different women! That is 137 people who are going to struggle with life being disadvantaged thanks to the irresponsible selfish self indulgent actions of these 6 men!
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The ANC’s Relentless Radical Transformation of Once Beautiful Bloemfontein into Mangat-in! A Bankrupt Sh*thole!
Relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay has led to relentless decay and rot! The story of Africa under African rulers is always one of relentless decay, dilapidation and looting. At the time the old NP handed over the 1st world country to the ANC, cities and towns were clean and infrastructure, like railways and Eskom were some of the best functioning in the world. Bloemfontein was a gem, until the relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay started.
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#BlackPrivilege ABSA Lets Black Manager Keep Both Jobs After Extreme Racism, Yet Whites Lose Jobs & Get Jail for Lesser Comments!
INTERNET DOES NOT FORGET: Nearly two years ago SA-News reported on Neo Mongwaketse, an Absa Manager who posted on Facebook that “Your white sh*t arrogance lead to that torture and for white like you, I feel no pity”. This post started trending again on google search this week, so we decided to do an update, especially since he still has his TWO jobs, despite an internal review! This is double standards at its best in South-Africa. It seems that only a certain race has the privilege to freedom of speech, hate speech and racism, but if you are white you lose or job and even go to jail for making similar comments
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VIDEO: #WhitePrivilege Does not Exist but #BlackPrivilege Does! #BLM & BBBEE Affirmative Action is Doing More Harm Than Good to Blacks!
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Does Chinese Privilege exist in China? Does Indian Privilege exist in India? Does Nigerian Privilege Exist in Nigeria? Black Privilege does however exist in Western countries as well as black countries! Affirmative action has become an imperialist means of conquest and supremacy aimed at turning all countries into black countries. How long does affirmative action go on for? At what stage will “compensation”, “retribution” or “revenge” have been achieved? How much must be given? Entire countries? With systemic, institutional and structural black privilege already deeply built into every aspect of daily life, all we have achieved was to make anti-white racism systemic, institutional and structural in our societies!
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VIDEO: “Farm Murderers Paid by ANC & EFF To Kill” Says Zimbabwean Truck Driver in SA, on His Way To Canada!
A sound recording received by SA-News, which cannot be verified, but sounds authentic given the background noise, portrays an interview with a Zimbabwean truck driver in South Africa, who has somehow managed to arrange to go to Canada in November. He claims that farm murderers are locals and foreigners, that are paid by both the ANC and EFF, using taxpayers money! He says ANC and Ramaphosa are trying to play a smart game.
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#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!
DO WHITE LIVES MATTER? Farm attacks and murders have raged on in South Africa and as usual have been ignored by the Liberal Establishment. Farm attacks and murders are not new at all in South Africa and have been allowed to flourish for 3 decades, by the ANC government and other black supremacist parties who wage a slow racial war of attrition against the South African white minority. Even though the ANC government does not keep these statistics, the facts and figures on this are clear because the statistics are being kept by Afrikaner organizations like Afriforum, ToekomsVonk and TLU SA . The ANC and their left wing accomplices, like the liberal media and certain immoral militant antifa linked social media groups, try their best to cover it up, to perpetuate their anarchist agenda.
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