Family, friends and an ever increasing group of concerned supporters, of Ashley Oosthuizen (22), an innocent South African who was imprisoned for life in a Thai jail two years ago, are appealing to the ANC government in SA to pay urgent attention to her case. Oosthuizen’s family also fear that they will now rarely be able to contact her, after she was recently moved to a new prison. Her parents have apparently last spoken with her in December last year.
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Young South African Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!
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Send Valentine’s Flowers & Gifts to Your Loved One Online Today!
With just a few clicks you can send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even! With domestic offices all over, delivering flowers and gifts on time is never a problem
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Farm Murder: Farmer Shot Dead, Both Wife’s Arms Broken & Son also Wounded in Brutal Eastern Cape Farm Attack!
A 55-year-old white farmer was shot dead in the back while farm attackers broke his wife’s arms on Sunday night, and shot his son during a brutal farm attack just outside Kinkelbos, near Nanaga, Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. It appears that the farmer was deliberately targeted to be killed, as only two cellphones and cash were stolen, and the attackers were so determined to attack the farmer, that they kicked his wife’s arms to pieces to get to him, but details are still vague.
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Port Elizabeth Man Shot in Back During Home Invasion! So Little Stolen That Attackers Will Have to Attack Someone Else Soon!
A 53-year-old man from Port Elizabeth was shot in the back during an armed home invasion of two neighboring houses on a plot in Lakeside. It is once again clear that the value of life is getting cheaper every day. Again just a cell phone, TV and cash was stolen, that will only provide food for a few days when split between the attackers, so people’s lives are literally being consumed! After a few days they will have to rob someone again…
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Gardener on the Run after Murder of 82 Year Old Employer in East London – Media Doesn’t Share Fugitive’s Identity!
The body of 82-year-old Flo Schwartz was found in her garage in Darlington Street, Berea, East London with a wound to her head. According to the police, her gardener apparently came to the house to ask for tools, he had left there the previous day and she opened the gate for him.
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ANC Government Begs for Private Investors to Pay for Transnet Extensions at “World’s Worst” Durban Harbor
Despite being named one of the worst ports in the world, and shortly after an entire container of ammunition disappeared from secure lockup in Durban harbor during recent riots, Transnet Port Terminals plans to create a “super terminal” in Durban, enabling the port to handle very large vessels, and hopefully improve the efficiency of the port after its dismal rating earlier this year. Seems the ANC wants to put private investors’ money at stake and at risk of plunder, because it is not being privatised.
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Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!
Black Volkstaat? Imagine the Western Cape finally votes to become an independent country, prompting the ANC and EFF to double their efforts in bussing rural blacks in from the Eastern Cape, to be dumped into the sprawling squatter camps outside Cape Town. Then when enough blacks have been imported to become the majority, they vote the ANC into power in Cape Town, and kick out the whites and coloureds? But that’s racist you say? Well, according to the results of a recent poll, it seems half of blacks in the Western Cape have no problem with excluding other races from a volkstaat or ethnostate. But we know this already given the racist BBBEE regulations and many other race based ANC initiatives – just look at the absence of other races in Ramaphosa’s new Cabinet!
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SAPS Detectives Ask People to Protect Themselves at Home after Armed Robbers Smash Through Glass Door. What is the SAPS’ Task Then?
Just sitting and watching TV is dangerous these days, and do not expect SAPS to worry about your safety, on the contrary, they advise people to protect themselves! A family in Theesecombe was watching TV at the weekend, when armed home invaders burst through the glass door, to gain access to the house, and rob them.
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Sworn Affidavit by Missing Whistleblower Claims Ramaphosa’s CR17 Campaign Gave Judge Zondo R5 Million Cash & Bribed NDZ Staff!
Full Affidavit Below So You Can Decide: It is well known that huge amounts of money was procured and spent to get Cyril Ramaphosa to narrowly beat NDZ in the 2017 ANC leadership election. What makes these latest allegations crucial, is the Judge who presided over the BOSASA corruption case, Raymond Zondo, is the alleged recipient of 5 Million in cash. The Hawks have confirmed that they are investigating four cases related to the affidavit by missing ANC campaigner Phadima Fukula, alleging corruption involving Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 election campaign, Judge Raymond Zondo, Gwede Mantashe, EC Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane and Blade Nzimande.
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Jayde Panayiotou’s Killers Get Second Life Sentences for Murder of Denise Webber (78) in 2015 in Port Elizabeth!
Who Else Have They Killed? Just four months after murdering schoolteacher Jayde Panayiotou, Sinethemba Nenembe, 33, Fikile Mengo, Mkhuseli Ngqanda, Thanduxolo Vumazonke, murdered a 78-year-old grandmother in Port Elizabeth. Denise Webber, a defenseless 78-year-old woman from Port Elizabeth, was callously and unnecessarily strangled to death on 20 August 2015, in her garden flat in Needham..
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Communism FAILS Again! Another ANC BEE Milk Farm Collective Ends in Disaster, Despite (or Because?) R43 Million of Our Taxes Being Given To Them!
Hundreds of cows dying from neglect has been termed “a challenge” by the MEC for Agriculture in the Eastern Cape, Nonkqubela Pieters. What normal people would call animal abuse, the socialists (sociopaths?) call a challenge? It is becoming patently clear that Ramaphosa’s “our people” simply cannot, or do not want to farm, they just want the cash handouts and free stuff that comes with all these disastrous virtue seeking schemes. The milk farm financed by the state to the tune of R43 million, as a much publicised empowerment project for “our people”, has collapsed in the Eastern Cape, leaving most of the cows dead and not much going on besides the odd sickly cow wandering about.
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Two Days Left To Order & Send Flowers, Chocolates, Hampers and Gifts to Your Valentine Now!
Send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even with domestic offices all over, delivering flowers on time with SA’s favourite Net Florist is never a problem. Our international reach stretches as far as UK, Australia, USA and the rest of the globe. No need to go out and visit florist’s shops, our selection of flowers is unmatched.
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Black Terrorists Heed Their Black Leaders Call to Attack, Murder, Torture, Plunder and Blame Whites!
The open warfare on Whites rages on unhindered in SA as black leaders, (and rich jewish kids), continue to stoke the flames of race hatred while pretending there is no link between their hate filled anti white rhetoric and the daily stream of attacks and murders. Terrorism by most definitions is “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” When we look at the words of the leaders, who say no peace until all blacks have land, and the acts of their followers, is this not what we are witnessing? Why does no one ever ask what political party a farm murderer belongs to? Here are just a few examples of the daily attacks.
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#GBV Home of Two Frail Sisters (89 & 83) Invaded by FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN Who Brutally Tie One Up & Kick Ribs Off Her Sister!
If I were a black person, I would hang my head in shame. They say “You can easily judge the character of a man by how they treat those who can do nothing to them.” Clearly these very frail elderly sisters who could barely walk, with one being on oxygen, couldn’t hurt a fly, yet they were assaulted with absolute unnecessary brutality by FOUR, BIG, BLACK, ARMED, MEN who could simply have taken anything they wanted and left. Why the extreme violence? Hatred? Yet these are the scum who mainstream media, the ANC government and the liberal elite’s defend and protect! Just “normal crime” they say, as if normal crime is now legal and a perfectly acceptable excuse to totally brutalise and even kill someone, especially if they are white! Apparently the FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN are the victims, and the police could not even be bothered to answer the phone! “It happens to all races the libtards say” – but we are still waiting for an example of four white men doing this to an 89 Yr old black woman!
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Roll Call of Victims of the War Against White Farmers, Grandparents & the Vulnerable, Which Are Denied by ANC, EFF & Liberals!
#FarmMurders Here is a factual report on black-on-white violence in South Africa since 1 September. It is in all respects a shocking report, in the slow war against our people. We are not killing ourselves, here is the proof of the black-on-white terror war against the white minority in South Africa, which Ramaphosa and Malema so loudly deny in public, as if these poor victims did not exist! Could there be anything more evil? One has to see a list like this to grasp the whole picture of what is happening in South Africa, so please share the link widely.
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