A tweet by a black female Director of Cricket SA has exposed what we always suspected: ANC regime uses control of State Pension Funds & Control of State Owned Enterprises to enforce Black Supremacy and Extort Money, Favours & Positions from private sector! On top of this they also use racebaiting, like the infamous racebaiting mafioso in USA, Al Sharpton, to threaten people and groups with false bad BBBEE ratings and false accusations of racism, if they do not comply, pay up or or do the bidding of the ANC regime! Who knows what has not been “gifted” or handed over, and how deep the rabbit hole goes, in this modern day mafia style gangster protection racket the ANC & EFF are running? Do not expect mainstream media or the courts to expose it…
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RaceBaiting SA Cricket Director Blackmails Momentum Sponsor with Government Pension Fund & SOE Disinvestment & Bad BBBEE Ratings!
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SA Police Three Times More Deadly Than US Police! Black Lives Don’t Matter to the Black ANC Government with a Record Far Worse Than Apartheid!
Black Lives Do NOT Matter in South Africa: The deadly police brutality record of South African Police Service (SAPS) is more than 3 times worse than that of the USA Police Force, which is currently causing so much politically correct outrage in the mainstream. Indeed, SA has a police record that is not only embarrassing, but is also a disgrace and is far worse than in any of the apartheid era. In fact the the same amount of people (mostly black) are murdered in SA every year, under the ANC regime, as what were murdered in over 40 years of Apartheid government! So do black lives really matter in SA under ANC?
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Time to Rename South Africa to Azania or Mzansi or Sh*thole? The Republic Forgets its Own Birthday as Not a Single Official Recognises SA Republic Day in 2020!
Only 59 years ago on this day 31st May, 1961, the Union of South Africa became an independent Republic as it withdrew from the British Commonwealth, however in 1994 ANC unilaterally removed the practice of celebrating the birth of the Republic every May 31st. While most people did not even notice this dictatorial act, it really begs the question, what is SA now if not a Republic and why is South Africa still even called a Republic? Given the ANC’s naked hatred of minorities and constant demonisation of the country’s past, why is the country still called The Republic of South Africa? Is “South Africa” not a colonial term? SA-News proposes it is high time the abomination at the Southern tip of Africa be renamed!
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Go To Lockdown Level 1 Now Say ANC Government’s Own Ministerial Advisors, But ANC LOVES The Power & Money Too Much To Listen!
THE CURVE OF MADNESS: The CCP virus has been totally overblown compared to other illnesses, according to the government’s own advisors. Many of the country’s best scientists, including some who serve in the Health Minister Mkhize’s advisory committee, say the lockdown serves no purpose anymore and that the ANC government is not listening to their advice anymore. TB which has largely been sidelined for COVID-19, claimed the lives of 63,000 people in 2018, so the lockdown “cure” is almost certainly worse than the virus itself they say.
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Its Too Early to Tell if Lockdown Saved Lives but ANC & FakeNews24 Run With it Anyway to Justify Their Record Profits and Extreme Powers!
If there is one thing ALL governments, especially Socialist regimes are good at, it is making you think you owe them something and should be grateful to them. Socialist regimes can only achieve this with complicit mainstream media and yesterday was fear mongering and fake news day over at News24, where they posted two articles that look intentional to hype up fear, before Ramaphosa’s speech, to try to get people to support and be grateful for the ANC and its indefinite lockdown. This should be no surprise as NASPERS, the owners of News24 have made record profits from us being stuck at home using the internet, in SA and in China, where NASPERS are also financially dependent on the Chinese Communist Party’s favour, with more than half of their 130 Billion dollar company valuation based in China!
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VIDEO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Asks South Africa To Stop Cuba’s Human Trafficking of Cuban Medical Workers & to Pay Them Directly!
In a scathing indictment of the ANC regimes communist credentials, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has asked South Africa to stop the Cuban dictatorship from turning a profit from human trafficking of Cuban medics, and to pay them directly and not to pay the Cuban regime which takes most of their earnings.
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How Much Has ANC Paid Cuban Medics? Cuban Dictatorship Keeps Most of Doctor’s Earnings, Making TWICE as Much from Sending Medics Abroad than from Tourism in 2018!
Follow The Money: The Wall Street Journal labelled Cuba’s international “Doctor Diplomacy”, where the Cuban regime keeps up to 93% of the doctor’s earnings from abroad, Cuba’s slave trade. Cuba earned $6.3 Billion Dollars for medical services in 2018 alone, which is twice as much as Cuba earned on tourism! It appears the Cuban doctors coming to SA to “help” is once again another Socialist scam to redistribute Emergency Fund donations and Taxpayer’s money to their fellow comrades, in the guise of civil services! South Africa has many unemployed well educated and qualified doctors and medics, however they are white and therefore it is illegal to employ them, besides, many of these whites fought against the commie Cubans in Angola and South West Africa…
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VIDEO: Your Phone is Now an ANC Spy! Ramaphosa Says ANC Will Use YOUR Cellphone To Track You & Possibly Force You Into Quarantine, Like Communist China Did!
Your phone is now an ANC spy! No, this is NOT an April Fools joke. It might be best to leave your phone at home so it does not betray you to the new ANC police state. Ramaphosa announced during his address to the nation that they will sweep aside your rights to privacy, like they did private property rights, when they use your cellphone data which they could get from the cellphone towers and ISP’s, to track and triangulate your movements to see where you have been and when you were there!
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Afriforum Release Their Moderate Version of Farm Murder Statistics For 2019, Showing a 27% Increase in Daily Attacks! Defend & Protect Yourself – The Black Majority Regime Will Not!
Afriforum have released their version of 2019 farm attack statistics which can be taken as a minimum, given their moderate conservative approach and it only includes attacks reported to them. However, despite this, it still shows a clear increase in the slow war and genocide on whites and even farm workers are affected.
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ANC regime losing popularity and is expected to give 5 to 6% support to other parties
The ANC will still be the country’s ruler for the upcoming 5-year term, but whether they will still hold the post after that is doubtful. Although all the votes have not yet been counted, it becomes clearer that Cyril Ramaphosa’s regime has reached a low in popularity and is expected to give 5 to 6%..
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Israel accused of “policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid, beyond a reasonable doubt”. World Supremacist UN disagrees.
On Wednesday, The UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) published a report accusing Israel “beyond a reasonable doubt” of being guilty of “policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid” against the Palestinian people. Caving in to pressure from the UN Secretary General amid controversy over a report which accused Israel..
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Zuma, Mbeki, Maharaj must be charged for Church Street bombing – former police general
Pretoria – Former apartheid police general, Johan van der Merwe, says former president Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma and Mac Maharaj should all be charged with murder for their roles in bombings during the armed struggle. “The Pretoria bombing was authorised at the highest level of the ANC. I know the ANC is blaming Mr Oliver Tambo because..
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