ANC Nanny State is Here to Stay! Covid19 Proved ANC Ignores Scientists, Have No Trust in the People & Prefer Total Power, Control & Dictatorship!

The Big Lie: In ANC’s War Against The CCPvirus, Truth is the First Victim, but Ramaphosa Might Become One Too From ANC Infighting! – Analyst

VIDEO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Asks South Africa To Stop Cuba’s Human Trafficking of Cuban Medical Workers & to Pay Them Directly!

How Much Has ANC Paid Cuban Medics? Cuban Dictatorship Keeps Most of Doctor’s Earnings, Making TWICE as Much from Sending Medics Abroad than from Tourism in 2018!

The state of capture in SA cricket – Why is it that as soon as black Africans are in charge, the place gets captured. In other words a dictatorship is set up where looting follows? Is this all they know?

And so the battles begins between ‘comrade’ and ‘comrade’ – “Bring it on, insult me, bloody crooks,” EFF MP tells Juju and Floyd

The SABC employees pay the price for poor management decisions – Day zero coming

South Africa is at the Brink: A country governed by chaos, violence and malice – There is no rule of law

SA On the fast track to a dictatorship: A climate of fear is being deliberately fostered by the regime