With the extended lockdown, extra totalitarian powers and historic looting by the ANC regime, everyone is wondering how we are going to get out of this predicament, and self-determination, independence, emigration and secession are now being discussed everywhere, and not just by the minorities! From A to Z – Afrikaners to Zulus, have finally realized that the rainbow nation has taken away their sovereignty. How did we get here? Nothing happens in the present, that has not been ordered in the past, so we have to start in the last century when the National Party was in power, after they won the nationwide election in 1948.
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What is The “Two State Solution” Being Discussed All Over Social Media? Everyone From A to Z Wants to Escape ANC’s Gangster State!
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#VoetsekANC – Minorities are Gatvol of ANC and its Bantu Supremacy, Time for the Two-State Solution! Even FF+ Stick Out Feelers!
It is no coincidence that the hashtag #VoetsekANC and talk of an Independent Cape was rising on social media in the same week, but what is surprising is that Dr Corné Mulder of VFplus, after two decades of silence about this, now suddenly pops out with this idea. It is also interesting that he mentions only one of the half dozen Independence initiatives, one that depends on the ANC’s co-operation! SA-News has regularly reported on this issue over the years, and we have now appointed a columnist, Peter Murray, to regularly cover this topic for us. There are only two of the Cape Independence initiatives that do not require the ANC’s co-operation, so keep an eye out for Peter’s regular column “Two State Solution” on SA-News.
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Ramaphosa Cares More For Vicious Farm Attackers Than For Their Victims! Farm Attacker & Kidnapper Released with 19,000 Prisoners!
Ramaphosa told Bloomberg News in New York in 2018 that there are no farm murders in South Africa – he has never withdrawn his statement. We should not be surprised then, that he cares more for farm attackers than for their victims! One of the 19,000 prisoners released by Ramaphosa, because he was concerned they would get the CCP-virus in prison, was involved in the brutal farm attack on Daleen van der Hoven (80) of Zastron on 3 July. She was beaten over the head with an iron implement, abducted and left for dead in the freezing mountains.
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
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Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?
World Domination: You would expect a tiny landlocked nation like Lesotho to be pro independence, but no, Lesotho along with Zimbabwe and Mozambique, appear to support communism and annexation. Why does Lesotho even exist? Why was Lesotho (and Swaziland & Namibia) allowed to keep its independence, but the other 10 independent bantu homeland nations were annexed by ANC in the 1994 violent coup? Why is Lesotho the favourite of UK Royals? We can only assume large amounts of money or “deals” changed hands when on July 1, 53 countries (including Communist China) signed a resolution introduced by Communist Cuba at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council in Geneva, praising China for the passing of the oppressive Hong Kong National Security Law.
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The ANC’s Relentless Radical Transformation of Once Beautiful Bloemfontein into Mangat-in! A Bankrupt Sh*thole!
Relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay has led to relentless decay and rot! The story of Africa under African rulers is always one of relentless decay, dilapidation and looting. At the time the old NP handed over the 1st world country to the ANC, cities and towns were clean and infrastructure, like railways and Eskom were some of the best functioning in the world. Bloemfontein was a gem, until the relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay started.
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VIDEO: “Farm Murderers Paid by ANC & EFF To Kill” Says Zimbabwean Truck Driver in SA, on His Way To Canada!
A sound recording received by SA-News, which cannot be verified, but sounds authentic given the background noise, portrays an interview with a Zimbabwean truck driver in South Africa, who has somehow managed to arrange to go to Canada in November. He claims that farm murderers are locals and foreigners, that are paid by both the ANC and EFF, using taxpayers money! He says ANC and Ramaphosa are trying to play a smart game.
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#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!
DO WHITE LIVES MATTER? Farm attacks and murders have raged on in South Africa and as usual have been ignored by the Liberal Establishment. Farm attacks and murders are not new at all in South Africa and have been allowed to flourish for 3 decades, by the ANC government and other black supremacist parties who wage a slow racial war of attrition against the South African white minority. Even though the ANC government does not keep these statistics, the facts and figures on this are clear because the statistics are being kept by Afrikaner organizations like Afriforum, ToekomsVonk and TLU SA . The ANC and their left wing accomplices, like the liberal media and certain immoral militant antifa linked social media groups, try their best to cover it up, to perpetuate their anarchist agenda.
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Electricity Network Threatened by Illegal Connections & Plundered Municipalities Like MaLOOTi-a-Poefie Which Owes Eskom R5.2 Billion!
Much like Champagne Socialists, #TheAfricanWay also seems to be party until taxpayer’s money runs out, then blame the whites! The Free State is a perfect example of what Trump meant with the term sh*thole, with plundered into bankruptcy municipalities like Mangat-in, MaLOOTi-a-Poefie and Meteens-soos-myholo being perfect examples of where South Africa as a whole is headed.
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Harrismith’s Dysfunctional “MaLOOTi-a-Poefie” Municipality Leaves Sewage & Blood Flowing into Field, River & Vaal Dam After Treatment Plant Stripped for Scrap!
South Africa is literally being stolen and sold for scrap! In Harrismith there are no sewage works anymore. It lays stripped and looted bare, sold for scrap, leaving the town’s sewage, and blood from the abattoir, flowing into the field and then into the rivers and the Vaal Dam! Truly and demonstratively #TheAfricanWay
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#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!
The ANC bandits have literally been allowed to not only steal directly from you the taxpayer, but also to print money, therby stealing from your children and grandchildren too! However there is only one person who can stop this wholesale plunder, the ANC voter, but there is no indication they ever will as they are distracted with a constant stream of white hatred. ANC voters have time after time rewarded and approved of this blatant theft and fraud, which destroys South Africa’s infrastructure, credibility, international credit rating and ability to serve the citizens. This willful and conscious destruction of SA makes ANC voters traitors to the nation, for their part in its destruction. For example Mafioso Magashule’s forgotten tender of R230 Million JUST TO COUNT asbestos roofs, gives insight to how the Free State was looted, yet Ace Magashule, has now been rewarded by being promoted to Secretary General of the ANC! ANC voters are indeed traitors to their fellow citizens.
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16 Black Police Officers Attack 6 White Family & Residents at Home! Is Ramaphosa & ANC’s Anti White Racism Inciting Anti White Racism in Police & Black South Africans?
Thanks to the constant anti white rhetoric from Ramaphosa and the ANC, SA has become a black Fascist Police State ethnically cleansing a minority. In a shocking display of anti white racism and increasing State brutality, a group of 16 black Police officers burst into the house of a white family and residents making food at home, last Friday evening. What ensued can only be described as a litany of racial abuse and heavy handed police brutality against unarmed women!
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#FarmAttack Female Free State Farmer Stabbed 11 Times in the Back, Piercing Both Lungs & Left in Freezer Room For Dead!
There were two farm attacks in the Free State in a 12 hour period over the past weekend. In the first one, a woman who farms and lives alone, on the farm Morester in the Bothaville area, Wilma Swanepoel (66), was stabbed in her back 11 times and had both her lungs pierced, on Sunday afternoon 22 March around 17:45. It happened after she went to look at the cattle and had returned home after dropping her farm workers off.
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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As #Conmunists, ANC Puts Big Government Above Human Rights Like Water, With Layers of Control Creating Corrupt Unaccountable Cadre Deployment Jobs, Gross Inefficiency & Bankruptcies!
SA is not an idiocracy anymore, nor is it a failed state, it is now a Socialist State captured by the elitist gangsters that rule and plunder it, as can be seen in the ANC controlled Free State where water shedding looms, as ANC controlled Bloemfontein’s water pressure is to be cut, because 3 ANC controlled municipalities owe ANC controlled Bloemwater more than R1 Billion! But then bankruptcy, like corruption, is a “capitalist” word and thus irrelevant to the ANC, especially if you are spending someone else’s money…
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