The best way to ensure permanent and lasting peace on the European continent, is to let both Ukraine AND Russia join the very organisations that claim to maintain peace and stability in Europe.
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Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!
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Farmers Defense Force Wins Court Case Against State and Public Broadcaster’s (AVROTROS) Fake News in Netherlands!
Dutch Establishment Broadcasts Fake News! The Dutch farmers’ action group, Farmers Defense Force (FDF), has won a lawsuit against the State of the Netherlands and AVROTROS, the public broadcaster. The reason for the court case was the broadcast of the TV program “Opsporing Verzocht”, in which the group FDF was associated with arson, without any proof for it. FDF was been wrongly associated with the arson near the RIVM in Bilthoven.
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
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The South African story – How to destroy a country
South Africa is on a path of destruction and is on its way to becoming an “unhappy country” like Zimbabwe and Venezuela. This is the view of Efficient Group founder and chief economist Dawie Roodt, who was speaking at an event hosted by the Free Market Foundation. Roodt said that while unhappy countries – where..
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Thank you SA for voting ANC – SA is broke thanks to the thieving done by ANC cadres in government
It’s official: the South African state is bankrupt. President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed it three weeks ago when he responded to questions in parliament. Ramaphosa’s exact words were: “Our resources are now depleted.” In simple terms, this means the government has run out of money. In a normal country, such a statement by the head of..
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SA taxpayers to fund over R76 million for politicians who did not return to parliament after this year’s national election
Government will spend over R76 million of taxpayer’s money on ‘loss-of-office gratuities’ for politicians who did not return to parliament after this year’s national election. The Sunday Times reports that this figure is set to continue rising in the coming weeks as payments are still being processed. The gratuities will be paid to former ministers..
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How do you explain it? Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in South Africa are functionally correct
The Auditor-General, Kimi Makwetu, pointed out the big sore in the economy of the country. In his latest report, he shows that politicians and officials simply ignore his office’s recommendations. The other truth that emerges is that municipal councils do not have the necessary skills to handle finance. Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in..
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It pays to be a politician – These are some of the perks awaiting new MPs – Cellphones, R1-million salaries, free flights and airport parking
When the 400 newly elected members of the national assembly, and 90 members of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), are sworn in on May 22, they can expect a host of benefits. Aside from a minimum R1.1 million annual salary, each member will also get accommodation, travel expenses and transport for their dependents. Khuthala..
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A new law could soon see South Africans jailed for lying on their CV, well I see less Politicians in the Parliament
Think before you get creative with the truth on your CV: The government are now one step closer to bringing in harsher penalties for “dishonest applicants”. The National Qualifications Amendment Bill is not here to play, ladies and gentlemen. The adjustment to the existing legislation comes with some pretty stern updates, which aims to clamp-down..
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South Africa following Zimbabwe into ruin? – The Zimbabwe economy is in chaos and disease is breaking out all over the place. Like Mugabe, the SA politicians are sucking our country dry and it is heading towards being just another black failed state
In this video by ‘Loving Life’ we see that the parallel paths of South Africa and Zimbabwe are very similar. The only winners in this scenario are the politicians. The video looks at how Mugabe took over a very economically sound country in 1980 and brought it to its knees. The similarities of corruption, expropriation..
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Have a look at the ‘Cowardly’ EFF that cannot face the media
After a week in which Julius Malema threatened violence again journalists and Bathabile Dlamini banned eNCA from a government event, Politbureau discusses why the country’s politicians are going up against the media so close to an election.
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South Africa’s infrastructure built by whites over three centuries is now being destroyed by ANC politicians – Mayor of Stutterheim suspended after violent protests occurred in the town during which the municipal building and a clinic were burned down
The mayor of Stutterheim, one Pateka Qaba, was suspended by his party after violent protests in the town during which the municipal building and a clinic were destroyed by arson attacks. Why is it allowed that some of the political parties in South-Africa are being allowed the mismanage municipality councils and ruin a perfect town…
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Voting DA, then think again! – DA in total denial about farm murders and farm attacks – DA Abroad condemns white genocide and any actions and protests arranged to address the matter
The public statement by the DA’s foreign branch (DA Abroad) condemning any mention of a white genocide and of any actions and protests arranged to address the matter, sparked outrage on the social media. Front National clearly identified a “local” feeling that South Africans abroad, after a while, lose an understanding of the realities of..
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A warning to SA government from Zimbabwe: Do not use land question to score political points!
The president of the Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe (CFU), Peter van Zyl, has warned South Africa not to repeat mistakes made by his country in implementing its land reform. He says politicians should not use the land question to score political points. The CFU is a grouping of Zimbabwean white farmers, many of whom..
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MPs to continue debate on process to impeach president
Parliament’s sub-committee on the rules of the National Assembly will meet on Tuesday to finalise issues around the process of impeaching a president. The sub-committee met on Thursday last week to discuss the proposal of a “hybrid panel” of MPs, retired judges and legal minds that would handle the in-depth processes of impeaching a president…
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