The Netherlands is still inherently an agricultural country, which produces a colossal result by surface area, placing it second in the world ranking for agricultural and horticultural product exports. The Dutch farmers and horticulturists form the historical platform of a prosperous Netherlands. However, the globalist Rutte/Kaag government, following World Economic Forum policy, has implemented the plan to liquidate/buy out a significant part of these farmers and agricultural companies.
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Globalist Campaign Painting Farmers as “The Enemy of The State”, Strikes The Netherlands & Belgium
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EFF Leader, Malema, Convicted of Violating Parliament’s Code of Ethics on Two Charges!
The Joint Committee on Ethics found that Malema had violated the code of ethics for members of parliament by not enforcing the law, when he called on foreign nationals to find ‘creative ways’ to invade SA illegally, after SA borders were closed during the Covid lockdown in January.
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Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!
Black Volkstaat? Imagine the Western Cape finally votes to become an independent country, prompting the ANC and EFF to double their efforts in bussing rural blacks in from the Eastern Cape, to be dumped into the sprawling squatter camps outside Cape Town. Then when enough blacks have been imported to become the majority, they vote the ANC into power in Cape Town, and kick out the whites and coloureds? But that’s racist you say? Well, according to the results of a recent poll, it seems half of blacks in the Western Cape have no problem with excluding other races from a volkstaat or ethnostate. But we know this already given the racist BBBEE regulations and many other race based ANC initiatives – just look at the absence of other races in Ramaphosa’s new Cabinet!
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ANC’s Home Affairs Incapable of Arranging SA Passport Extensions for SAFFAs Stuck Abroad but Extends Visas for Foreigners in SA Again!
Malicious Negligence? The ANC’s Minister of Home Affairs, Aaron Motsoaledi, recently announced yet another extension of visas for foreigners in South Africa, however, he has bizarrely refused to, or is incapable of making any arrangements for South Africans stuck abroad, whose passports will expire as a result of the extended lockdowns worldwide.
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VIDEO: Who Holds Power in SA? A Shadow Government Run By ANC’s Command Council & Police (CCP) – SA’s Own CCP?
#SACCP – Are communist totalitarian structures secretly being put in place as a shadow parallel government in South Africa? Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) talks in Parliament about implementing Regional Command Councils, but the video of the Gauteng Police Chief briefing reveals that they already exist and that “zero tolerance” must be enforced by SAPS! What is a Regional Command Council? A clipping has also revealed that Organised Crime Units are not allowed to investigate farm attacks and murders – why the instruction if “There no farm murders in South Africa”?
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Are South Africa’s Clintons, The Zumas, Using Lockdown for Personal & Political Gain, To Save a Disgraced Jacob Zuma from Zondo Commission?
Is SA’s Hillary Clinton, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Who Desperately Wants to be President Too, Using Her Command Council Lockdown Power to Save her ex-Husband & ex-President, SA’s Disgraced Bill Clinton, Jacob Zuma? The remarkable similarities between the Zumas and Clintons are more than deja-vu, they are the hallmark of gross abuse of State structures to satisfy a desperate greed and lust for power. Zuma’s ex-wife who is in charge of the ANC’s CCPvirus “Command Council” which is enforcing unconstitutional powers, could draw out lockdown forever, thereby postponing Zuma’s court case and the Zondo Commission. Emeritus Professor Pieter Labuschagne, a law expert at UNISA, warns that South Africa has entered dangerous territory after the ANC government claimed ultra Constitutional powers for itself, as its response to the Chinese CCP virus pandemic.
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Expropriated Land Stolen Without Compensation Will Be Returned And ANC & EFF Comrades Will Be Held Accountable – Boere Afrikaner People’s Council
The chairman of the Boer-Afrikaner People’s Council and leader of the HNP, Mr Andries Breytenbach, said in a document to the Parliamentary ad hoc committee involved in amending Article 25 of the South African constitution, in order to expropriate the Citizens’ property, without compensation, said that the expropriation of property without compensation to be a criminal act of theft.
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ANC wants to speed up expropriation process during Christmas holiday season
The process to amend section 25 of the Constitution in order to fast-track expropriation without compensation suddenly gathered speed on Tuesday when a draft bill to amend the Constitution was tabled by the parliamentary legal services. The Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill was tabled at a sitting of the ad hoc committee tasked with amending the..
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Misappropriation of R5.8 bil, Afriforum to lay charges – NHI violates constitution
During a media conference held on 18 November 2019, AfriForum launched a comprehensive report on why the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) in South Africa will be unconstitutional. The report further explains why the impact study on which the NHI is based, is totally inadequate which means that the Bill should be set aside…
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IFP renews calls to debate on death penalty – Will the death penalty be a magic solution that will make crime disappear or will it be used in our unequal legal system to punish the innocent?
Durban – THE call by the IFP for a national debate on the reinstatement of the death penalty to reduce/deter the high rate of violent crimes would be a premeditated discussion that a country needs the death penalty, said a political analyst. Bukani Mngoma felt the country should, instead, be discussing ways to curb the..
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ANC has been accused of exploiting land expropriation without compensation issue as an electoral tool to garner votes – this political party suddenly decides land issue is urgent and must be tackled before election
ANC chief whip Jackson Mthembu has made an about-turn by announcing on Tuesday that parliament will begin the process of amending the constitution in this current term. Mthembu was addressing the joint sitting of parliament debating President Cyril Ramaphosa’s state of the nation address. “We are fast-tracking land reform by implementing our resolution on the..
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BREAKING NEWS: The constitutional review committee has adopted the report to allow for land expropriation without compensation despite objections from DA and smaller parties
The Constitutional Review Committee has adopted the report recommending that Section 25 of the Constitution be changed to explicitly allow for expropriation without compensation. The committee on Thursday adopted its report on the amendment of that specific section of the Constitution. MPs on the committee voted 12 for and 4 against the proposed change. Parliament..
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Will this fight ever stop? DA again at De Lille’s throat after charges laid
DA spokesperson Solly Malatsi said they are looking forward to outcomes of a police investigation into corruption involving De Lille.
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Wonderful News:- R500m to recruit health professionals, buy beds and linen
Government will reprioritise funds to make R350m available to recruit new health professionals, says Finance Minister Tito Mboweni.
The Minister tabled the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement in the National Assembly on Wednesday.
“Access to healthcare services is enshrined in our Constitution and in our Bill of Rights. We will continue to work closely with the national Department of Health and other role players to ensure that the gradual phased implementation of the National Health Insurance is adequately financed.
“We are immediately reprioritising R350m to recruit in excess of 2,000 health professionals into public health facilities,” he said.
Mboweni said a further reprioritisation of funds will avail R150m to be used to purchase beds and linen for hospitals where the need is more dire.
These two interventions will build on the Presidential Health Summit convened last weekend, which has brought a new focus to improving the quality of healthcar
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Black South-African farmer pleads with parliament to leave land constitution alone – land expropriation without compensation, don’t do it!
Ramodisa Monaisa travelled from his small farm in the North West to Parliament where he had one request for MPs tasked with deciding if the Constitution should be amended to allow land expropriation without compensation: don’t do it. On the outskirts of Mahikeng, in an area called Mareetsane, Monaisa employs just one person on his..
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