The six senior members of the ANC’s executive committee met on Monday to discuss a new development from the disgraced Ace Magashule, who has gone to the high court with a semi-urgent application, to have the ANC party’s decision to suspend him as Secretary General, reviewed by the High court.
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Ace Fights Suspension with “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Court Case Against Ramaphosa and ANC!
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Deep Divisions Within ANC as Ramaphosa Claims Only ANC Congress Has Power to Recall Him
Ramaphosa may be on his way out according to reports over the Easter weekend, that suggest certain members of the ANC government want Cyril Ramaphosa out, but Ramaphosa himself is of the opinion that only the ANC Congress can fire him.
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Potholes, The International Symbol of Socialism, Also Kill Innocent Citizens! The ANC’s Deliberate, Malevolent Negligence & Incompetence Keeps on Killing…
Had it not been for a pothole, caused by ANC neglect, incompetence and plunder, Mr Lomon Terreblanche (58), a well-known farmer from Edenville in the Free State, would still be alive, as would Waldo Ferreira (25), and 2 other young people, all killed on the same day, by ANC’s potholes! One by one, day by day, the Socialist ANC is calculatingly exposing us to harm, egging criminals on to attack, rob and kill white people with anti-white hate speech and lenient sentencing. Their ethnic cleansing campaign, deliberate or not, is being perpetuated in many different ways, which over time means a chilling number of our people are sent to EARLY, unnecessary deaths. From economic warfare which makes us more vulnerable, to systemic and institutional neglect and prejudice in hospitals and state services like police, ESKOM, Home Affairs, municipal services, etc. the only conclusion is that a slow war of attrition is being waged against the white minority, with incompetence, corruption and “racism” being used to excuse, hide and even shockingly justify it!
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VIDEO: “Satan’s Children Are breaking Us” – Protestors Start Wildfires Which Rampages Across Farms in Freestate Destroying Farms, Livestock, Wildlife & Crops!
A disaster is unfolding and the mainstream media is, as usual, silent because those they champion started it. A protest action in Hertzogville on Sunday 18 October led to the destruction of at least 100,000 hectares of grazing and agricultural land and the deaths of countless livestock and wildlife. The protest by the residents of..
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Embattled Ramaphosa Uses Corruption in ANC to Save His Own Corrupt Position! Gangster ACE, NDZ & SACP Lose Round One!
Cyril Ramaphosa seems to have resorted to Mugabe type tactics, to come out on top in the battle to oust him, after he announced that ANC members guilty of corruption, should resign from their posts, even as he himself has accusations against him. This ruling came after he got majority support in the National Executive Committee meeting over the weekend, and it appears to be aimed directly at those threatening to replace him. As a result, Ace Magashule is now due to appear before the ANC’s Integrity Committee, due to possible involvement in corruption, which is fueling speculation that Ramaphosa may have his eye on a new ANC Secretary-General.
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Will US Gov. Consider Sanctions on ANC Government After Imposing Sanctions on “Notoriously Corrupt” Zimbabwean Presidential Adviser?
The ANC regime has been given so much rope and tolerance, far more than would be needed to hang them all. Indeed calls and petitions for international intervention in Southern Africa are rising, and after having sanctioned the Guptas earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, announced that US is imposing sanctions on one of Zimbabwe’s top businessmen and political advisers, for being “notoriously corrupt”, which should bring some hope to oppressed and ransacked SA citizens. USA gives corrupt South Africa approx. $9.4 Billion Dollars in US Aid, with no record of where it goes, so if it is notoriously corrupt USA wants, the ANC government includes a long list of very notorious gangsters, like Ace Magashule and the ANC “top six” or Ramaphosa’s entire cabinet. A 2018 petition on the Whitehouse website, calling for intervention against the ANC regime, received 125,300 signatures.
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Electricity Network Threatened by Illegal Connections & Plundered Municipalities Like MaLOOTi-a-Poefie Which Owes Eskom R5.2 Billion!
Much like Champagne Socialists, #TheAfricanWay also seems to be party until taxpayer’s money runs out, then blame the whites! The Free State is a perfect example of what Trump meant with the term sh*thole, with plundered into bankruptcy municipalities like Mangat-in, MaLOOTi-a-Poefie and Meteens-soos-myholo being perfect examples of where South Africa as a whole is headed.
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VIDEO: SA Lockdown and Tobacco Wars are About Political Power, NOT Saving Lives! Ramaphosa’s NWO/WMC versus Zuma’s Communist Mobsters!
A recording has been received by SA-News in which a supporter of NDZ sheds some light on the ongoing battle for power and infighting within the ANC NEC. The battle appears to be drawn along the classic lines of New World Order Capitalism versus Communism, Trade Unions and Mobsters. The people at the end of the day will still be stuck with the gangster enterprise known as ANC.
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#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!
The ANC bandits have literally been allowed to not only steal directly from you the taxpayer, but also to print money, therby stealing from your children and grandchildren too! However there is only one person who can stop this wholesale plunder, the ANC voter, but there is no indication they ever will as they are distracted with a constant stream of white hatred. ANC voters have time after time rewarded and approved of this blatant theft and fraud, which destroys South Africa’s infrastructure, credibility, international credit rating and ability to serve the citizens. This willful and conscious destruction of SA makes ANC voters traitors to the nation, for their part in its destruction. For example Mafioso Magashule’s forgotten tender of R230 Million JUST TO COUNT asbestos roofs, gives insight to how the Free State was looted, yet Ace Magashule, has now been rewarded by being promoted to Secretary General of the ANC! ANC voters are indeed traitors to their fellow citizens.
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Covid-19 Tenders Are Now Just Plain Fraud, Looting & Cronyism! No Tender Process, Winners Kept Secret & Any Old Excuse to Steal From The Taxpayer Will Do!
The Free State is living up to Ace Magashule’s Legacy of gangsterism and has spent R80 Million on fumigating schools, but the CCPvirus can only live for 3 to 9 days on surfaces, and schools are now closed for over 65 days (7 weeks)! So why the need to fumigate? Once again, the CCPvirus is the gift that keeps giving to the ANC regime and its cadres as lockdown is being dragged out, because the comrades have not yet exhausted all the opportunities for taking money out of tenders which are, according to them, issued to combat the spread of the CCPvirus. These emergency COVID-19 related tenders are being issued without even a tender process being followed, because they say it is an emergency and there is no time to follow a tender process, and the tender winners are being kept secret!
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#RedAlert ANC & SACP Import 217 Cuban Medics to Help Fight COVID-19? Does SA Not Have Enough Medics or are They Too Capitalist, Too Christian or Too White?
Communists the world over seem to be using the CCPvirus pandemic to increase their influence and power globally, and even in South Africa, the #RooiGevaar was out in force last night, welcoming their comrades from Cuba who had landed at Waterkloof Airforce base. Cyril and all the top ANC ministers claimed South Africa will somehow benefit from Cuba’s “global effort” to fight Covid-19, however, with only 1,369 cases of CCPvirus, it is not certain what experience Cuba have that SA does, but of course if you remove the capitalists, Christians and whites from South Africa, SA certainly would struggle to keep up with even Commie Cuba. Just what “global effort” has this 3rd world Communist backwater of only 11 Million people achieved, unless it was Communism’s use of COVID19 as a weapon to achieve global dominance?
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As #Conmunists, ANC Puts Big Government Above Human Rights Like Water, With Layers of Control Creating Corrupt Unaccountable Cadre Deployment Jobs, Gross Inefficiency & Bankruptcies!
SA is not an idiocracy anymore, nor is it a failed state, it is now a Socialist State captured by the elitist gangsters that rule and plunder it, as can be seen in the ANC controlled Free State where water shedding looms, as ANC controlled Bloemfontein’s water pressure is to be cut, because 3 ANC controlled municipalities owe ANC controlled Bloemwater more than R1 Billion! But then bankruptcy, like corruption, is a “capitalist” word and thus irrelevant to the ANC, especially if you are spending someone else’s money…
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#GangsterFreeState AG Report Shows Ace Magashule’s Legacy Leaves Free State & Bloemfontein Reeling! Bankrupt, Under Administration & Still Wondering What, or Rather, Who, Hit it!
#AfricansNormalizingCrime – Magashule’s Mafia network stripped Bloemfontein and the Free-State to the bone. The Auditor General’s (AG) report for the 2018/19 financial year, which reads like a crime novel, found that the Bloemfontein Metro had R2 BILLION wasted on corruption and spent R 268 Million more than it earned, and that it owes creditors R135 Million more than what it’s assets are worth. But it seems that’s all OK, because ANC stands for Africans Normalising Crime.
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Journalist Assaulted by Bloemfontein Lawyer Roelie Rossouw While Interviewing Ex Freestate Premier Ace Magashule’s Friend About Overpriced Tenderpreneur Deals With Bankrupt Bloemfontein Municipality!
Wheeling, Dealing & Stealing? A controversial Free State tenderpreneur’s lawyer assaulted a journalist after she asked questions about inflated vehicle tenders to Bloemfontein municipality, including a Nyala Riot Vehicle which the Municipality has no use of, and has no Metro Police to even make use it, with a massive mark-up.
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In the Free-State, Farmers Provide Many Residents Their Basic Human Right of Water, NOT the Mafia ANC & Ace Magashule!
The criminal mafia organization called the ANC takes people’s basic right to clean water away from them in the Free State, but people still votes for them? According to the ANC and their #TheAfricanWay, clean drinking water is not a necessity or human right at all, even though the UN says it is. Some Free-State residents only have water thanks to farmers in the area, which are supplying it, NOT ANC municipalities!
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