Africa Never Was Civilised: Why has mainstream media never published a roll call or report about black on white murders and violence in recent weeks, be it in homes, on the streets or on farms? Is this why less and less people trust mainstream newspapers nowadays? Is this why mainstream are using slander, marginalization and lawfare to try eliminate alternative media like SA-News, so that MSM can continue pushing their false BLM narrative, that white man is bad and black man is good? Read these horrific reports and you be the judge whether it should be reported…
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Roll Call of Recent Victims in The War of Civilisation Against Barbarism! ANC & EFF’s Open Season on White’s Rages on!
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VIDEO: Exposed! Why Are Ramaphosa & Cele Afraid To Act? Mpumalanga Under Reign of Terror by SAPS in Cahoots With Gangsters & Municipalities!
#PoliceBrutality Corruption Watch’s recent report claiming that Gauteng was the most corrupt, and KZN the second most corrupt province, seems to be debunked by this whistleblower’s claims! Mpumalanga Province leaders and authorities appear to have followed ex Free-state Premier Ace Magashule’s playbook, and turned the province into a gangster state aswell, where citizens live in fear.
SA-News obtained a video in which a whistleblower has named names and exposed criminals and SAPS officers and municipal officials,
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Another 80 Year Old Grandmother Raped & Bludgeoned to Death by Black Scum! ANC’s Radical Transformation Turns SA into a Death Camp for Whites!
Bheki Cele’s #MaliciousNegligence Kills Again! Even as we post this horrific article, we hear of yet another elderly women bludgeoned with a knopkierie in Rustenburg for a phone (to follow). We cannot keep up with the all the bloodletting! This is in the same week that Jakkie Grobler (80) was raped and beaten to death..
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ANC Socialists Successfully Make Another 1.5 Million People Unemployed, Making Them Dependent on ANC Welfare Grants! Communism 101
The CCPvirus remains the gift that keeps giving for large corporations and anti small business communists the world over, especially in South Africa where another 1.5 Million people have become unemployed. From “big box” big name retailers who are making record profits selling online, and having their small business competition permanently put out of business in lockdowns, to despotic socialist regimes like the ANC, who want more people dependent on them for welfare handouts, so they can control every aspect of their lives (and coerce them to vote ANC). However demand for welfare and emergency funds are high, with stiff competition from corrupt ANC cadres and thieves making away with large portions of the emergency loan funds already!
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Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!
NOT OUR GOVERNMENT! South Africa is not alone when it comes to the oppression of people’s desire for self determination. Even though Belgium has been without a government for years, there is great dissatisfaction among Flemish citizens in Belgium, over the impending Walloon-left government of the Belgian state. Just like in SA, more and more marches, protests and demonstrations are being held, but it is difficult in the time of the CCP virus, because the false government blocked demonstrations, such as the demonstration announced last weekend in Mechelen, which was suppressed with dictatorial methods by Open VLD. Even the Flemish Lion flag was banned! But Vlaams Belang have announced an original protest action, which is entirely ‘coronaproof’: a vehicle convoy caravan to the capital Brussels!
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“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!
Where will YOU run to once globalism has destroyed your homeland? Even Jews are even fleeing from South Africa! Is it time to stand and fight?
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RaceBaiting SA Cricket Director Blackmails Momentum Sponsor with Government Pension Fund & SOE Disinvestment & Bad BBBEE Ratings!
A tweet by a black female Director of Cricket SA has exposed what we always suspected: ANC regime uses control of State Pension Funds & Control of State Owned Enterprises to enforce Black Supremacy and Extort Money, Favours & Positions from private sector! On top of this they also use racebaiting, like the infamous racebaiting mafioso in USA, Al Sharpton, to threaten people and groups with false bad BBBEE ratings and false accusations of racism, if they do not comply, pay up or or do the bidding of the ANC regime! Who knows what has not been “gifted” or handed over, and how deep the rabbit hole goes, in this modern day mafia style gangster protection racket the ANC & EFF are running? Do not expect mainstream media or the courts to expose it…
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Solidarity to Oppose The Racist Plunder & Consumption of Barloworld Which is Sacrificing Itself to Black Supremacy!
Killing The Golden Goose: The Solidarity trade union is going to take Barloworld to court because Barloworld has embarked on a destructive retrenchment process based on racial discrimination. Yes, it means that white people will be selected to be retrenched first, even if they have more years service than black employees. This is willful destruction of a corporation and selective slaughter of loyal employees based on race.
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Were Clicks Protests Just Another Corruption Scam & Black Supremacy Dressed as Anti White Racism? Racebaiting Can Make You A Millionaire in SA!
Corruption & Racebaiting: The two things politicians and black businessmen in South Africa love the most, is extracting disgusting amounts of cash from public sources, and of course racebaiting, aka white bashing. It is starting to become clear that the Clicks fauxrage saga launched by Julius Malema, was much more than hurt feelings, after all, the business of making blacks look white, with hair straighteners, skin lighteners, hair extensions, etc., is worth BILLIONS! The first clue, which should have been obvious, was the mere fact that they were attacking a product popular amongst blacks, which mostly blacks buy. As the mainstream media’s attention was distracted by the racebaiting stick Malema threw for them, putting then in a frenzy chasing it, baying like the rabid dogs they are, we can only imagine what was going on in the background. Seeing not a single white face at the questionable meeting between Clicks management (60% black owned) and EFF, was a second clue.
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#SanctionSA Racist ANC Lied to UN: “Merit, and Merit Alone must Be Criterion For Selecting Teams” – Yet 50 Years Later Race Based Selection is Good?
SA SANCTIONS: By the ANC’s own 50 year old demands, World Rugby, International Cricket Council (ICC), FIFA, International Olympic Committee (IOC), World Athletics, International Cycling Union (UCI), UN and all International Sports Governing bodies, should ban South African sports teams and implement sanctions against the ANC Regime! Francois Pienaar and all the high and mighty, holier than thou administrators, sportsmen, and their fans, are just as hypocritical as the ANC, who clearly will say or do anything, just to gain or hold on to power. When will the world learn that the Left only want power, by any and all means possible, forget whether something is right or good – Black Lives Matter is a nasty example of this, and it is all driven by you, the silent voting public, whose silence is taken as consent. Good men have remained silent, the evil ones have been extremely vocal, and now evil prospers. It is SA-News’ mission to address this imbalance.
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What is a White Life Worth? R3,000? A Cellphone? Yet Saying K*ff*r Costs R200,000 or Comparing Blacks to Monkeys Costs R150,000!
Do White Lives Matter? Another white man was killed just for his cellphone and wallet, which he probably would have quite happily just handed over, making it a senseless deliberate killing. A judge fines a black man a mere R3,000 each for the negligent killing of two young white girls! George Floyd and Jacob Blake’s families got many millions of dollars when their black men died, while violently resisting arrest! Simply comparing blacks to monkeys, despite Homo Naledi apparently being their self proclaimed ancestor, cost Penny Sparrow R150,000 and her job, while Adam Catzavelos had to pay R200,000 for saying K*ff*r in Greece! Is SA “law” just another black fascist weapon to fleece minorities?
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Embattled Ramaphosa Uses Corruption in ANC to Save His Own Corrupt Position! Gangster ACE, NDZ & SACP Lose Round One!
Cyril Ramaphosa seems to have resorted to Mugabe type tactics, to come out on top in the battle to oust him, after he announced that ANC members guilty of corruption, should resign from their posts, even as he himself has accusations against him. This ruling came after he got majority support in the National Executive Committee meeting over the weekend, and it appears to be aimed directly at those threatening to replace him. As a result, Ace Magashule is now due to appear before the ANC’s Integrity Committee, due to possible involvement in corruption, which is fueling speculation that Ramaphosa may have his eye on a new ANC Secretary-General.
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Master Becomes Slave: Why is it Necessary for South Africa (RSA) to be Divided into Two Parts? The Two State Solution
The Cape Is Still Afrikaans, But For How Long? Most of us probably know parts of the country’s history. From 1652, when the first Dutch landed in the Cape, until 2020, when most people did not even realize that the country was bankrupt, due to its infinite number of problems. One of the biggest problems, the “Elephant in the Room”, is OVERPOPULATION. Southern Africa is internationally regarded by experts as a dry subcontinent, and the RSA is even drier than the rest. Any sensible person will be able to tell you that blacks cannot reproduce indefinitely, as they please, without causing a humanitarian disaster. Then on top of that they add mismanagement, corruption and careless waste of resources!
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Peaceful Fires? Liberal MSM Under Spotlight in a Post Truth World of Leftist Racebaiting Politics, To Spark a Socialist Revolution!
Mainstream Media (MSM) Twist Reality to Mimic Their Socialist Narrative. The Marxists predicted they would convince people not to believe what their own eyes are seeing. They promised to create a lost generation of obedient zombies. Well, that day has come! It is happening in America (and everywhere else in the Western world) today! Why is liberal mainstream media (MSM) so obviously biased and one-sided and why do they so visibly and obviously twist facts, strip words of any meaning, design and invent words to deceive and just plain out lie? Yet it is MSM that likes to accuse opponents of fake news, whilst they are the fake news!
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Is EVERYTHING The ANC Does a Scheme To Plunder from Taxpayers & “Redistribute Wealth”, to Buy Votes, To Keep Power, To Keep Plundering?
ANC TROJAN HORSE ENTERPRISES: R52 Million of taxpayers money has been wasted on yet another failed Collective (communist) chicken farm in Virginia, Free State this time! But was it ever intended to produce chickens, or was it just another ANC Trojan Horse Enterprise, designed to fail, to facilitate “legally” stealing money from the taxpayer, while pretending to be a BBBEE business venture – a “perfect crime”? The ANC’s approach to establish collective BBBEE farms, with massive amounts of taxpayer money, is well known and it is just as well known that these grandiose projects end in massive “failure” every time, almost as if it was planned to fail, with cadres plundering during every step of the short life cycle of the doomed project…
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