No Such Thing as Unbiased Media: There is nothing more horrific and evil than a family being violently kidnapped and murdered, yet News24 seem to be doing their level best to make it appear like a minor domestic crime, to avoid telling the world that Ramaphosa is a liar! Having updated their report, AFTER all 3 bodies of the MURDERED FAMILY in Northern Cape had been found, they still called it an ATTACK on PARENTS in their misleading headline, despite including a Tweet in their updated article, which specifically upgrades the incident from an attack to a Farm Murder! News24 deliberately avoided using the words “Farm Murder” and “Family” in their headline! Here’s why:
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Fake News News24 Calls Triple Farm Murder a Farm Attack! Is it Deliberate? Are NASPERS Too Scared To Admit Ramaphosa is a Liar?
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VIDEO: “Coloureds ARE The Original Owners of Western Cape, ANC Will Learn it Monday!” – Major Protest Plans for Cape Town!
Koes Vir Die Klippe: Monday appears to be building up into a day of protest and politicking for Cape Town, with the usual chaos and violence that people have been forced to bear, thanks to the services that are meant to protect them, being in cahoots with the ANC, and its deliberate destabilization and invasion of the Cape. As it appears they will happen, as police communications and credible sources suggest they will, rather do any planned trips today or Tuesday, rather than Monday.
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VIDEO: Who Holds Power in SA? A Shadow Government Run By ANC’s Command Council & Police (CCP) – SA’s Own CCP?
#SACCP – Are communist totalitarian structures secretly being put in place as a shadow parallel government in South Africa? Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) talks in Parliament about implementing Regional Command Councils, but the video of the Gauteng Police Chief briefing reveals that they already exist and that “zero tolerance” must be enforced by SAPS! What is a Regional Command Council? A clipping has also revealed that Organised Crime Units are not allowed to investigate farm attacks and murders – why the instruction if “There no farm murders in South Africa”?
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Biohazard Alert as Covid19 Virus Samples Stolen in Mandela’s Sh*thole Home Province! Eastern Cape Fast Becoming Humanitarian Disaster Zone!
Corruption Kills: A truck carrying about 40 litres of live Covid19 virus samples has been hijacked in lawless Port Elizabeth, prompting alarm about a biohazard threat to the ANC governed region, which is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster, thanks to two decades of institutional corruption, systemic and systematic plunder of taxpayers money and state coffers, malicious neglect, and racism towards competence (BBBEE). However this is good news for the ANC comrades, because that means more international bounty, cash handouts and loans, and also it allows the ANC communists to blame white people even more. The Covid-19 pandemic could not have come at a better time for the ANC to help hide their two decades of state plunder & capture.
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
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Why Has Ramaphosa or Cele Never Visited A White Victim of Crime? Because Under Their Watch There Are 24 Times More Murders Than in Apartheid?
Despite Lockdown, June was a particularly bad month with almost 60 farm attacks and 7 farm murders, which probably means it was bad all round, once again highlighting that ANC’s Socialist South Africa is much worse than Iraq during war! Yet neither Ramaphosa or Bheki Cele have ever bothered to visit a white victim of crime, never mind even acknowledge that it happens. Why not? Do they feel it will expose the fact that there are 24 times more murders on their watch, than there were during apartheid, which they constantly resurrect and blame ? As these tweets reveal, even normal black people are longing for the peaceful days under apartheid, when they were looked after, everything worked, services were delivered reliably, and you could walk safely anywhere, anytime.
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VIDEO: How Black Men (& Women) Create Multiple Single Mothers Keeping Blacks in Poverty Rife with Drugs, Gender & Sexual Violence!
Cold Hard Truth: American chat shows are well known for trying to be controversial and this one inadvertently revealed a cold hard truth that very few liberals would discuss, never mind admit. This video shows how just 6 Black men have 87 kids from 50 different women! That is 137 people who are going to struggle with life being disadvantaged thanks to the irresponsible selfish self indulgent actions of these 6 men!
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VIDEO: “Farm Murderers Paid by ANC & EFF To Kill” Says Zimbabwean Truck Driver in SA, on His Way To Canada!
A sound recording received by SA-News, which cannot be verified, but sounds authentic given the background noise, portrays an interview with a Zimbabwean truck driver in South Africa, who has somehow managed to arrange to go to Canada in November. He claims that farm murderers are locals and foreigners, that are paid by both the ANC and EFF, using taxpayers money! He says ANC and Ramaphosa are trying to play a smart game.
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#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!
DO WHITE LIVES MATTER? Farm attacks and murders have raged on in South Africa and as usual have been ignored by the Liberal Establishment. Farm attacks and murders are not new at all in South Africa and have been allowed to flourish for 3 decades, by the ANC government and other black supremacist parties who wage a slow racial war of attrition against the South African white minority. Even though the ANC government does not keep these statistics, the facts and figures on this are clear because the statistics are being kept by Afrikaner organizations like Afriforum, ToekomsVonk and TLU SA . The ANC and their left wing accomplices, like the liberal media and certain immoral militant antifa linked social media groups, try their best to cover it up, to perpetuate their anarchist agenda.
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SA Police Three Times More Deadly Than US Police! Black Lives Don’t Matter to the Black ANC Government with a Record Far Worse Than Apartheid!
Black Lives Do NOT Matter in South Africa: The deadly police brutality record of South African Police Service (SAPS) is more than 3 times worse than that of the USA Police Force, which is currently causing so much politically correct outrage in the mainstream. Indeed, SA has a police record that is not only embarrassing, but is also a disgrace and is far worse than in any of the apartheid era. In fact the the same amount of people (mostly black) are murdered in SA every year, under the ANC regime, as what were murdered in over 40 years of Apartheid government! So do black lives really matter in SA under ANC?
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#WhiteLivesMatterToo Whites Hacked, Stabbed, Raped, Tortured & Murdered by Blacks in SA in Same Week as #GeorgeFloyd Looting! MSM Silent!
DO WHITE LIVES EVEN MATTER ANYMORE? Do facts even matter? In just ONE week in just ONE town, Bethlehem, the following black on white violent crimes were perpetrated: An elderly white couple were violently chopped with a panga in their home! Elderly white women stabbed in her neck in home invasion! 86 Year old white women raped in home invasion! You can be sure, you will NOT find the same crimes with the races reversed! While mainstream media in South Africa never mention the race of victims, suddenly they hypocritically are quick to join the George Floyd fake “anti-racism” campaign?
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VIDEO: Armed Robbers Deliberately Crash into Cash Transit Van & Blow it Up, Spreading Cash Everywhere Attracting Looters who Destroy the Evidence!
A G4S money transit truck was blown up after the armed robbers brought it to a stop by crashing into it with a grey Mercedes.
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“A Clean Slate” Boasts Ramaphosa? COVID-19 is Corrupt & Inept ANC’s Get Out of Jail Free Card, but They are Plundering and Messing That Up Too!
The ANC and black elites act like COVID-19 is the best thing to happen to them since this first world country, then the largest economy in Africa, was just handed to them on a silver platter, like a massive lottery win. The ANC regime are actively using COVID19 to not only cover up all their clumsy failures since then, but also to hide all their crimes over the last 3 decades. However their Covid19 response will be just another big failure for them, and is already rife with crime and corruption! In fact they like it so much Health Minister Mkhize said Covid19 will be with us for another two years and Cyril even joked a few weeks ago that lockdown will last till next year!
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Neither the Covid19 Lockdown or Ramaphosa Can Stop #FarmMurders! Three More Grandparents Murdered & Three Left Seriously Wounded Despite Lockdown!
#CoronaVirus is not the only thing killing our old people, as barbaric attacks on old white people by cowardly black perpetrators, preying on innocent, vulnerable, soft targets continue in South Africa, despite the lockdown, leaving three dead and three seriously wounded. This kind of brutal attack by cowardly black gangs on whites have been happening since the ANC were given control, and the puppet liberal media are complicit in allowing farm murders to go on, even coming up with irrelevant apologist excuses to hide their complicity and treason.
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First Week of #CCPvirus Lockdown Was the Easy One. Disregard for Lockdown Regulations, Mass Testing, Infections in Khayalitsha & Alexandra Spell Trouble in Week Two…
As the global CoronaVirus infections shoots past 1 Million with over 50,000 dead, the ANC government has announced new measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in SA, by launching a mass campaign of testing people. On the same day the Department of Health admitted that the first official coronavirus infection has been found in Alexandra township next to Johannesburg. This was only a day after the first infection was found in the sprawling black shantytown of Khayalitsha, causing concerns among ANC politicians that it could lead to a very chaotic state.
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