Just as the ANC regime make a song and a dance about receiving a batch of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) from China, India joins the long list of countries complaining that they have been duped by China’s altruistic propaganda campaign. India received 50,000 faulty personal protection equipment (PPE) from China. Like South Africa, and many other desperate countries, the gear was part of a charity drive designed to improve China’s image as a global power, and also to make up for it unleashing CCPvirus on the world, which has now killed nearly 150,000 people. However it is very unlikely the pro China ANC will ever admit to receiving faulty gear from its communist counterpart, China
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India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too, What About South Africa? China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!
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Are COVID19 Tests Irrelevant or Faulty? SA the Only Country in the World Where Infections Dropped on Day ONE of Lockdown, Instead of Two Weeks Later!
What happened to the chart two weeks after lockdown? Nothing. It is becoming increasingly clear that far too much attention is being placed on the small daily test results despite them not giving reliable or sufficient test data, which makes forecasting pointless. While this is understandable given the nature of the invisible threat, the ANC regime did have months to prepare & get testing regimens in place. However even Prof. Karim himself said that it takes two weeks for the symptoms to progress and appear, yet in the same breath he echoes Ramaphosa’s bragging that the case numbers fell on the FIRST day of lockdown? Dr. Pillay, head of South Africa’s national health department also pointed to the fact that the people tested positive so far only reflect those people who got infected 2 weeks prior to showing symptoms, and then being tested. How then is it possible for infections to drop on day one of lockdown?
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VIDEO: Ramaphosa Thinks Lockdown is Funny & Jokes He Will Extend it to Next Year April! Meanwhile Mass Civil Disobedience Looms in SA!
Ramaphosa thinks that lockdown is funny and jokes with some friends on a video call that he meant the lockdown will last till April 16 next year, not this year!
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While Ramaphosa is panicking trying to clean up China’s mess in SA, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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As #Conmunists, ANC Puts Big Government Above Human Rights Like Water, With Layers of Control Creating Corrupt Unaccountable Cadre Deployment Jobs, Gross Inefficiency & Bankruptcies!
SA is not an idiocracy anymore, nor is it a failed state, it is now a Socialist State captured by the elitist gangsters that rule and plunder it, as can be seen in the ANC controlled Free State where water shedding looms, as ANC controlled Bloemfontein’s water pressure is to be cut, because 3 ANC controlled municipalities owe ANC controlled Bloemwater more than R1 Billion! But then bankruptcy, like corruption, is a “capitalist” word and thus irrelevant to the ANC, especially if you are spending someone else’s money…
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Everything Billionaire Ramaphosa Owns Was Given To Him Because He is Black, So What Was The Expensive Stud Bull “Gift” AgriSA’s Dan Kriek Gave To Ramaphosa For?
Former AGRI SA president and stud farmer Dan Kriek “donated” an expensive stud bull to billionaire Cyril Ramaphosa, prompting wide speculation about what was behind it. It certainly put into question any “independence” the AgriSA group might have claimed if their ex President was such close buddies with Cyril. Liberals like Kriek seem to strive for elitism wherever they are, in order to curry favour for themselves and a few liberal friends, but will we ever know?
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ANC Hide Their Crimes Behind Apartheid, Which Was NOT a Crime Against Humanity, as the Communist Soviet Union Propaganda Tried To Claim at the UN!
After a humiliating experience during the SONA State of the Nation Address, where traitor F.W. De Klerk and his second wife Elita, were badly verbally abused by his own darling blacks, Nobel laureate De Klerk unexpectedly hit back this time, and believe it or not, defended Apartheid. Maybe public humiliation does work on such a person, who sold Kith, Kin and Country for Coin, and false virtue?
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Forget The SONA Circus Where Scavengers Try Legitimize Their Greed, Here’s SOFA: State Of Our Farmers Address According to TAU!
The annual State of the Nation speech did not only turn into a circus as usual, but again, even more communism and even more Afrocentrism was the order of the day. South Africa now belongs to the vultures, and they will cackle about it till the rooster crows! All you can be sure of, is that there will be broad indications of their new plans to plunder even more, and even more folly with regards to State Entities, and the rewriting of our history. However, if you need a little reassurance, calm your nerves by reading TAU’s State of the Farmers Address, from an agricultural perspective.
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Breaking News: Framework Document Agreed for SONA Which Will “Voluntarily Mobilize Savings” To Allow ANC & Rothschild’s To Plunder Pension Funds!
The liberal business body BUSA led by Rothschild’s, Trade Union Cosatu and the ANC regime have reached an agreement and have drawn up a framework document which will “voluntarily mobilize savings” like pension funds, to allow ANC, and Rothschild’s no doubt, to raid Public & Private Pensions to bail out Eskom from its R450 Billion self inflicted debt.
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Rothschild & Globalist Big Business Elites in SA Agree With COSATU, To Let ANC Plunder Private & Government Pension Funds, To Bail Out ANC’s Eskom Cash Cow!
#FollowTheMoney How much money have Banksters earned out of the plunder and ransacking of State Owned Enterprises, like Eskom, at the hands of the gangster ANC? Well, you were taught, or rather brainwashed, to think that crony capitalism and champagne socialism were at two opposite ends of the political spectrum? Four things however you can be sure both have in common, is greed, spending other people’s money, lust for power and hording all the assets and wealth into the hands of the few elites. This was proven this week when Corporate elitists in South Africa, under leadership of the Rothschild company in SA, agreed with COSATU (a powerful Trade Union which forms the triumvirate of power in SA, with the ANC & The Communist Party of South Africa), that the ANC government can raid pensions of ordinary people, including the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (GEPF), to bail out Eskom’s debt! Welcome to the dialectic…
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Ramaphosa once again hides serious problems in SA, including farm murders, at the Africa Conference
The ANC’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, in his speech at an African Conference, used the opportunity to hide his country’s serious problems by emphasizing the importance of unity among the 55 member states of the African Union, in his globalist effort to create European Union in Africa.
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#MilitantMigrants Are Deliberately Turning Cape Town’s CBD into a Sh*thole as Blackmail in Hope of Being Sent To Canada! Leader Faces 8 Assault Charges!
It used to be that South Africa was The Gateway To Africa, now SA is Africa’s Gateway to the West! The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) is considering legal action and has decided to withdraw from any further engagements with a militant group of foreign illegal migrants, who are literally turning Cape Town’s CBD into a sh*thole, on unrealistic dreams of being sent to Canada!
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A New Year & A New Decade: More Communist Self Enrichment, Globalist Destruction of Identity & The African Way. You AiNtCeen Nothing Yet!
At the time of year that most people in South Africa break away for a holiday, (the lucky ones that is), or relax at home, it has unfortunately become necessary to burst a few bubbles and challenge the mainstream narrative. South Africa is teetering on the brink and staring into the abyss as it stumbles into oblivion in the new year and a new decade. Just how bad it will be will become clear soon enough. Let those with ears listen…
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