With just a few clicks you can send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even! With domestic offices all over, delivering flowers and gifts on time is never a problem
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Motorcycle Club, Transvaal Boer Community & ICC Church Distribute Food Parcels to Poor Whites in Need on the West Rand.
Over the weekend the Lone Wolves Vaal Motorcycle Club embarked on a project together with Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal and ICC Church Kenmare to hand over a total of 140 food parcels to poor white families who gathered at General de la Rey Primary School in Florida. Each food parcel contained enough canned food, flour and other items to feed a family of five.
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Is There a Spate of Hijackings in Three Rivers? SAPS says No, Social Media says Yes! Who do we believe?
There is reportedly a spate of hijackings in Three Rivers, but police apparently know of nothing. Social media, on the other hand, is buzzing about a group of men who are believed to be waging a reign of terror in Drie Riviere, and trying to hijack people. However, police say they have no knowledge of this. Who should people believe now?
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Snow Possible for all Provinces in Southern Africa Later This Week
Snowfall is currently possible in all provinces in South Africa, as well as Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland later this week. Johannesburg and Pretoria are also in the snow zone at this stage.
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SA Facing Winter of Phase 4 & 5 Rolling Blackouts as Unmaintained Infrastructure Accelerates the Country’s Collapse!
South Africa is headed for a winter of discontent, not only due to the badly managed Covid response, but it has surpassed yet another point of no return with phase 4 and 5 load shedding coming, due to infrastructure crumbling from lack of maintenance. Energy expert Chris Yelland, director of EE Business Intelligence, has said load shedding will only worsen this winter.
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VIDEO: A Year Ago You Thought Ramaphosa was Joking When he Said he Would Extend Lockdown for a Whole Year? NEVER Underestimate the Evil of Socialism!
WAS IT ALL PLANNED? A year ago, when Ramaphosa announced that lockdown would last till 16 April, he joked privately with some friends on a video call, that he meant the lockdown would last till April 16 next year (2021)! It is very scary that he was even aware of such a thing being possible… was it all planned in advance? To be joking about something that had the whole nation and world gripped in fear, seemed very callous and out of place at the time, but clearly he was aware of something we were not… who briefed him on the plan?
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Extreme Savage Violence in Black-on-White Attacks & Murders, Debunks “Economic Crime” Lie! Bantu Want to Kill, Not Steal!
WHERE IS “UBUNTU”? Given the centuries long history of brutality by the nguni bantu in Southern Africa, against themselves and others, LONG BEFORE APARTHEID, it goes without saying that all modern day victims of this savagery, would gladly just let them take whatever they want, without ANY resistance! So why the over the top extreme brutality for mere trinkets or phones? Clearly “normal crime” is NOT the motive! In yet another black-on-white atrocity in Pretoria, which mainstream will ignore, a man’s head was beaten to a pulp, while his brave wife had to run straight through a glass sliding door to escape the brutality and get help! All just for a ring? In another incident in Brits, an innocent 22 year young white man was callously stabbed to death by FIVE black attackers, for nothing!
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Two Days Left To Order & Send Flowers, Chocolates, Hampers and Gifts to Your Valentine Now!
Send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even with domestic offices all over, delivering flowers on time with SA’s favourite Net Florist is never a problem. Our international reach stretches as far as UK, Australia, USA and the rest of the globe. No need to go out and visit florist’s shops, our selection of flowers is unmatched.
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Cheap Black Labour is Dangerous! Relative of Farm Worker Who Discovered Assassinated Farmer’s Body in Court!
The investigation into the assassination of Free State Farmer Pieter Hills and attempted murder of his son Eddie, is unravelling into the all too common theme of relying on, and trusting those that work for you too much. It appears the suspect, Tshidiso Patrick Bochedi (36) is family of the farm worker, Anna Bochedi, who discovered the murdered farmer and his injured son.
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Another Farmer Assassinated by Black Terrorist Cell Supported by Left Wing Socialists, Mainstream Media & Political Elites!
SOCIALISTS HATE FARMERS – Yet another innocent farmer, Peter Hills (56), has been assassinated, the 3rd in Free State in less than a month, while his son is in a critical condition in hospital. The slow genocide is picking up pace as the terrorists and their horrendous acts become more brazen thanks to the ANC regime, Mainstream media, Left wing socialists and political establishment defending and justifying their murderous campaign and allowing them to continue the genocide unhindered!
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VIDEO: Bystanders Stop Self Confessed Muslim Pedophile’s Child Kidnap Attempt at Northcliff, Randburg Restaurant!
Thanks to the quick action of bystanders, the brazen kidnap attempt of a young child who was eating with her family in an open air restaurant in Northcliff, Randburg, in broad daylight, by a muslim pedophile was stopped and the criminal arrested!
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How China, the #CCPvirus and NASPERS Sent South African Stocks Index to Record Highs in April Despite Lockdown!
The Rich Get Richer: Is it any wonder NASPERS was able to “donate” 1 Billion worth of Chinese made testing kits and PPE to South Africa, after unprecedented demand for online services and entertainment during the Covid-19 lockdowns, firstly in China when the CoronaVirus started, and now in SA, saw a scramble for safe investments, which helped grow NASPERS profits, and set South African stocks on course for a record April month! The benchmark index in Johannesburg is up 14% in April, the most in any month since Bloomberg began tracking the gauge in 1995. Most South Africans do not realise the extent of China’s influence on South Africa even though millions of South Africans have a financial stake in the growing intolerance of criticism by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Government.
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Has ANC Power Trip Made Lockdown More Dangerous Than Covid19? Permits Prevent Emergency Food Parcels Being Delivered, Threatening Mass Starvation While Long Queues Increase Contagion!
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely – These infamous words have come to define communism and are being proven to be true again in ANC South Africa. From a 3 kilometre queue where people stood shoulder to shoulder to massive crowds jammed together for food parcels, it seems the ANC power trip to control everything is in fact spreading the virus more! People cannot eat permits, regulations or policies yet a deranged ANC on a power trip is driving many families, both black and white, into starvation. Bureaucratic red tape created by a permit happy and regulation spewing ANC regime, trapped in a toxic mix of paranoia, racial hatred of minorities and tin pot power craving, is exacerbating the already existing hunger and threatening a mass famine in South Africa, because the corrupt ANC insists on controlling the distribution of food centrally, and in practice has stopped food being moved by many non governmental organizations (NGO’s) throughout the country, amidst the current COVID-19 lockdown which must be the hardest and most regulated lockdown in the world.
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VIDEO: Muslims in Mayfair, JHB, Turn Over & Set Security Vehicle Alight & Attack Security Personnel While Shouting Allah hu Akbar!
Mayfair which used to be the stomping grounds of the rich well to do liberals that so eagerly gave the country away, seems to have become a Muslim No Go Zone? Mayfair which is also the sight of the controversial Mosque (Jumma Masjid), frequented by many Somalians, saw a mob of mostly muslim men turn over a security vehicle and set it alight in broad daylight. They then attacked the security personnel and pushed another vehicle towards them.
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VIDEO: Ramaphosa Thinks Lockdown is Funny & Jokes He Will Extend it to Next Year April! Meanwhile Mass Civil Disobedience Looms in SA!
Ramaphosa thinks that lockdown is funny and jokes with some friends on a video call that he meant the lockdown will last till April 16 next year, not this year!
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