There are problems in the ANC gravy train paradise after ANC Youth League members furiously protested over their exclusion from the list of PR councillors. Internal divisions are raging among the ruling ANC after two youth league regions, in the Free State and Limpopo, expressed their anger over the exclusion of the youth candidates names in the candidate list for the upcoming local elections. Given the systemic corruption in municipalities, they are probably angry they will not be able to become millionaires through systemic corruption.
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Some ANCYL Candidates Left off PR Party Lists – Upset They Might Miss Their Chance at Systemic Corruption and not Become Millionaires?
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South Africans don’t fall for Ramaphosa’s Act – 82% say Corruption is Same or Worse Under Cyril!
Two-thirds of South Africans believe that corruption has increased in the past year, and half (49%) believe that it has “increased a lot.” Furthermore, a survey shows that people not only think that corruption has gotten worse under Ramaphosa, but also recognize that a large part of the elected officials and civil servants, who should be fighting corruption, are involved in corrupt activities themselves.
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Corrupt ANC Dept. of Home Affairs’ Service Now so Bad it Ruins Law-abiding People’s Jobs & Lives
If you are an illegal black immigrant from Zimbabwe, you can quickly buy a genuine South African Passport for R45,000 from Home Affairs, but if you are a law-abiding white person, you could wait years for a basic document. Indeed, in Ireland, South Africans are told by the Embassy they can wait up to three years for documents, which severely affects their residence status! Such stories abound on Facebook groups like Suid Afrikaners in Nederland where expats try help each other out with the bureaucracy, corruption and ineptitude from Home Affairs
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ANC Unions Take Corrupt ANC Government to ANC ConCourt over Corrupt ANC Civil Service Salaries!
Monkeys Running the Zoo, or is that Thieves Running the Bank? After a months long remuneration increase battle between the ANC Civil Services sector, with the Unions allied as partners against the ANC government, the issues could not be resolved, so they are now heading to the ANC’s Constitutional Court to find a solution or agreement. Yet some time ago it was announced that the ANC government did not have the money to offer salary increases, because all the money was spent in large scale systemic and institutional corruption.
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BBBEE & Land Claims Will be Hate Crimes Under Stricter Definition of Hate Crime in ANC’s Updated Parliamentary Bill
The portfolio committee on Justice and Correctional Services in the SA parliament has called for public comment on the updated Prevention of Hate Speech and Hate Crime Bill, which is intended to impose proper punishment on the said crimes. The new definition of “hate crime” is when someone harms another person with remarks or insulting remarks. Harm is defined as any emotional, psychological, physical, social, or economic harm. So according to the new Bill, it will be a crime to promote and advertise BBBEE. It will also be a crime to sing Kill The Boer Kill The Farmer, or threaten to take someone’s land, as most certainly that causes great emotional harm, trauma and distress.
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Does Eskom Export Electricity to #SAPP When it Uses Cold Weather as Excuse to Hide Bad Maintenance & Corruption?
Cold weather in winter is self-evident even for animals, but for Eskom it is a surprise? For decades in Apartheid, before the ANC regime was given the then first world country, Eskom supplied whatever was demanded without interruption thanks to good long-term planning and maintenance measures, but now Eskom has warned about electricity faults in KwaZulu-Natal due to cold weather! The question is, is power still quietly being sent to the African #SAPP network, when we are asked to save power, for which we paid dearly with taxes? Are we also being forced to sustain and keep the rest of Africa afloat? Even Malawi’s power provider is called “Escom!”
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Unemployment in Socialist SA Highest in the World and Apparently Contributes to Riots and Looting!
South Africa now has the worst unemployment in the world according to Bloomberg, and now falls among other disastrous countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. For all Ramaphosa’s nice speeches and promises, he does not understand that one main goal of a good government, is to establish an economy, which gives the people of the country the opportunity to make an honest living. The ANC government is not doing this at all. They set an example of corruption and immaturity. Corruption does not build an economy. Looting is just that. It builds nothing. And then the ridiculous reasons put forward: free housing, free education, free everything, which only exacerbates the above. And if ANC supporters do not get it for free, they throw a tantrum like a toddler, and burn down everything they see.
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R120 Million Cash Stolen from ATMs and Banks During ANC Riots, Financing More Organized Crime and Corruption!
More than R120 Million in hard cash was looted from ATMs and banks during the recent ANC violence that swept through parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal in mid-July. This amount is much higher than the initial estimates and does not include the repair costs.
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Ramaphosa’s Cadre Deployment Destroyed South Africa! DA Seeks Debate Because ANC Itself Doesn’t Know Which Cadre was Deployed Where!
#EndCadreDeployment – The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote to the Acting Speaker of the National Assembly, Lechesa Tsenoli, calling for a Parliamentary debate on the socialist cadre deployment program, implemented by the African National Congress (ANC), because they believe it led to the collapse of the state. They stressed this request is a matter of national importance.
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#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!
The shocking, yet predictable truth behind the highly politicized and media inflamed Dirkiesdorp incident, when an obviously well organised group of aggressive and violent toyi toyers illegally invaded the farm Pampoenkraal, belonging to Werner Potgieter on 9 April, has finally been revealed! A Gupta / Bell Pottinger style Indian mining group, Atha Africa, was determined to drive white farmers off their land, with the full co-operation of Deputy President David Mabuza’s sidekick, Vusi Shongwe, Mpumalanga MEC for Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs! We will however probably never know who paid who to do what, and what favours changed hands, because the victims of this racist intimidation and violence are white!
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Ace Fights Suspension with “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Court Case Against Ramaphosa and ANC!
The six senior members of the ANC’s executive committee met on Monday to discuss a new development from the disgraced Ace Magashule, who has gone to the high court with a semi-urgent application, to have the ANC party’s decision to suspend him as Secretary General, reviewed by the High court.
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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Slams EFF & ANC Regime for Increased Censorship & Authoritarianism During Covid19 Pandemic!
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have released their annual report on Press Freedom, citing a “dramatic deterioration” in press freedom globally, during the pandemic, citing THREE TIMES more arrests & attacks in Africa. It accused the EFF & ANC regime in South Africa of abusing Apartheid-era legislation and terrorism laws to limit coverage of government institutions, falsely claiming “national interest” to be at risk. The report says ANC state security agencies spy on some journalists and tap their phones, while some are harassed and subjected to intimidation or smear campaigns if they try to cover certain subjects, involving the African National Congress regime (ANC), its government finances, the redistribution of white owned land without compensation to blacks or corruption.
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Deep Divisions Within ANC as Ramaphosa Claims Only ANC Congress Has Power to Recall Him
Ramaphosa may be on his way out according to reports over the Easter weekend, that suggest certain members of the ANC government want Cyril Ramaphosa out, but Ramaphosa himself is of the opinion that only the ANC Congress can fire him.
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Potholes, The International Symbol of Socialism, Also Kill Innocent Citizens! The ANC’s Deliberate, Malevolent Negligence & Incompetence Keeps on Killing…
Had it not been for a pothole, caused by ANC neglect, incompetence and plunder, Mr Lomon Terreblanche (58), a well-known farmer from Edenville in the Free State, would still be alive, as would Waldo Ferreira (25), and 2 other young people, all killed on the same day, by ANC’s potholes! One by one, day by day, the Socialist ANC is calculatingly exposing us to harm, egging criminals on to attack, rob and kill white people with anti-white hate speech and lenient sentencing. Their ethnic cleansing campaign, deliberate or not, is being perpetuated in many different ways, which over time means a chilling number of our people are sent to EARLY, unnecessary deaths. From economic warfare which makes us more vulnerable, to systemic and institutional neglect and prejudice in hospitals and state services like police, ESKOM, Home Affairs, municipal services, etc. the only conclusion is that a slow war of attrition is being waged against the white minority, with incompetence, corruption and “racism” being used to excuse, hide and even shockingly justify it!
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Coloured Farmers Being Evicted Too! ANC has Turned SA into USSR with Ethnic Cleansing, Corruption, Cronyism, Elitism, Socialism, Cadre Deployment, Nepotism, etc!
First they came for the whites, but coloureds did nothing because they were not white, but now they are coming for the coloureds too! As we have predicted for years, colored people are now sitting with the same problem as white people in South Africa: they are not bantu. Ivan Cloete, a coloured man, was given 24 hours to move off the state farm Colenso, near Darling in the Western Cape, where he was previously placed by the Department of Rural Development. This is the third time Mr Cloete has been ordered to vacate a state farm, where he was placed by the ANC government and in all 3 cases Mr Cloete was being replaced by an African male or female!
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