SA Passes 1,000 Covid19 Deaths, But Are They Real? ANC’s Old Trick of Deliberately Mis-Classifying Cause of Death Surfaces Again…

ANC Using #Covid19SA to Justify Plans to “Discipline Private Sector”, Nationalise Pensions & Plunder Central Bank Reserves in “Radical Transformation”!

#WhiteLivesMatterToo Whites Hacked, Stabbed, Raped, Tortured & Murdered by Blacks in SA in Same Week as #GeorgeFloyd Looting! MSM Silent!

VIDEO: Armed Robbers Deliberately Crash into Cash Transit Van & Blow it Up, Spreading Cash Everywhere Attracting Looters who Destroy the Evidence!

Racist ANC Hides Behind Globalist “Anti-Racism” Campaign – Traitors & Useful Idiots to Wear Black!

The 3 Types of Frogs That Ramaphosa & ANC are Slowly Boiling in the Pot – Which One Are You?

VIDEO: Covid19 Tenders Create Instant Millionaires as ANC Black Elites Continue to Plunder! PPE Tender Turns into FIVE Luxury Cars!

The #GeorgeFloyd Opportunity to Turn USA into a Sh*thole like SA, with Murder, Crime, Corruption, Consumerism & Communism!

Billionaire Ramaphosa Says SA Economy is Racist? He’s Right! BBBEE Makes it Structurally & Institutionally Racist!

New Drink Driving Levels Will be ZERO if Control Freaks Bheki Cele & Fikile Mbalula’s Draft Law Gets Passed!

Stories of White Exclusion by Black SA Government! Yet Only 11% of Total Applications for CCP-Virus SMME Assistance Scheme Approved!

Time to Rename South Africa to Azania or Mzansi or Sh*thole? The Republic Forgets its Own Birthday as Not a Single Official Recognises SA Republic Day in 2020!

12 Day Delay in ANC Government Covid19 Tests! Despite 3 Months Warning & Totalitarian Powers Plus Billions at its Disposal, ANC Totally Failing Fight Against CCP-Virus!

VIDEO: High Court Judge Denies Lifeline to Hair Industry Dying From Lockdown, Putting a Million Households at Risk!

#COVID1984 Pandemic of Fear is More Dangerous Than COVID19 Itself and ANC Government Abuses the Fear to Control and Manipulate Us!