With just a few clicks you can send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even! With domestic offices all over, delivering flowers and gifts on time is never a problem
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Has Corporate SA Been Infected by ANC Corruption, Greed & Negligence? Dimension Data NTT Case Study
The Untouchables in a Gangster’s Paradise? Is it reasonable or ethical to make use of companies that do not consider themselves to be held accountable, for their actions in any private or public enterprise? While Big Tech has become seemingly untouchable, even from the US Supreme Court or Whitehouse, the same culture of supremacy, greed, lack of accountability, lack of transparency, and lack of responsibility seems to have created and sustained an environment in South Africa where IT negligence is acceptable, and lack of accountability is the norm, even when it comes to government institutions, contracts and tenders.
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FF+ Election Manifesto Calls for Scrapping of BBBEE – PaNazi Lesufi Replies that BEE will stay “until the sins of white ancestors are wiped out”!
Andrek “Panyaza” Lesufi, the High Priest of black supremacism and Afrikaner hatred, claimed affirmative action – (if you are white, you are out) – is here to stay “until the sins of white ancestors are blotted out.” Of course, this will be forever because the ANC will always continue to create and invent new sins. The anti-white genocidal maniac also dragged Orania into the fray and said Orania should go.
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WIN! Carnival Week for all Olight Flashlight & Knife Fans! The Flash Olight Sale is Here!
The carnival lasts for several days, let’s take a look at the surprise products. Check out the amazing prices and details for our Flash Sale during 10:00 AM 24th September – 10:00 AM 1st October with Baldr S, Baldr RL Mini and Obuy Pack. Up to 50% discount on this flash sale. Many new products will be added to the mall in this flash sale.
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China Testing Sinovac Vaccine on SA Children – Offers SinoVac Packaging Facility in SA as Sweetener!
Although the Chinese CoronaVac vaccine has not been fully approved or used in South Africa, SA is included with other third world countries in the Phase III trials of Sinovac’s coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine on children and adolescents. The launch of the South African leg was recently held in Pretoria, South Africa, where approximately 2,000 children and adolescents from six months to 17 years will be enrolled, to test the safety and efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine, although results from trials so far only show 50% effectiveness. The trials will test 14,000 children worldwide in Chile, the Philippines, Malaysia, Kenya and South Africa.
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SA Courts No Longer Secure! How Long Before SA Balkanizes and is Declared a Humanitarian Disaster?
It is already clear that SA’s law enforcers, the police, are not fit for purpose, but now the courts themselves are falling apart. Cybercriminals have infiltrated and paralysed the SA court’s network systems, raising fears that the banking details of people and businesses dealing with the courts have been compromised, and may be made public. There have also been widespread outages from many of the government’s websites, after underground internet cables were damaged on Friday. At the same time, the Potgietersrus Magistrate’s Court and detective branch have been without power for four days, after the Mogalakwena local municipality cut off the power due to non-payment.
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Corrupt ANC Dept. of Home Affairs’ Service Now so Bad it Ruins Law-abiding People’s Jobs & Lives
If you are an illegal black immigrant from Zimbabwe, you can quickly buy a genuine South African Passport for R45,000 from Home Affairs, but if you are a law-abiding white person, you could wait years for a basic document. Indeed, in Ireland, South Africans are told by the Embassy they can wait up to three years for documents, which severely affects their residence status! Such stories abound on Facebook groups like Suid Afrikaners in Nederland where expats try help each other out with the bureaucracy, corruption and ineptitude from Home Affairs
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Motorcycle Club, Transvaal Boer Community & ICC Church Distribute Food Parcels to Poor Whites in Need on the West Rand.
Over the weekend the Lone Wolves Vaal Motorcycle Club embarked on a project together with Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal and ICC Church Kenmare to hand over a total of 140 food parcels to poor white families who gathered at General de la Rey Primary School in Florida. Each food parcel contained enough canned food, flour and other items to feed a family of five.
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ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?
It should come as no surprise to those who have a healthy suspicious attitude, that a leaked SSA intelligence report concluded that there is a “high probability” that ANC donor and MP Xiaomei Havard, shared classified information about South Africa with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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Emfuleni Users’ Electricity Disconnected Without Notice While 12 Councillors Who Owe R355,010 Are Not Disconnected!
#DirtyDozen – Residents and businesses in the Golden Triangle are furious about illegal ELM power cuts due to alleged non-payment, while twelve councillors from the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM), who received the well-deserved nickname of “Dirty Dozen,” have not been cut off, notwithstanding the fact that they together owe R355,010 in outstanding electricity payments. Ordinary residents and businesses on the other hand were summarily cut off without knowledge or warning.
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Is There a Spate of Hijackings in Three Rivers? SAPS says No, Social Media says Yes! Who do we believe?
There is reportedly a spate of hijackings in Three Rivers, but police apparently know of nothing. Social media, on the other hand, is buzzing about a group of men who are believed to be waging a reign of terror in Drie Riviere, and trying to hijack people. However, police say they have no knowledge of this. Who should people believe now?
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Imagine Living to 94 Years and then a Troop of Black Barbarians Shoot You Through Your Window, Murdered for Nothing!
The life of Hanlie Geldenhuis, a defenceless elderly woman, at the ripe old age of 94, tragically came to an end when an unknown number of barbarians, summarily shot her through the window on the night of August 27, 2021. on her farm in Kalbasfontein, in Westonaria, East of Fochville, in the Gauteng province of South Africa.
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ANC, EFF, PAC, BLF? Elderly White Couple Brutally Hacked to Death with Axe by Black Gang led by Gardener, for Just a Few Meagre Items!
Yet another harmless, defenceless elderly white couple have been brutally murdered by their black gardener, this time in Sasolburg. It is extremely unlikely a normal reasonable person would murder their own employer, effectively killing their own income, for just a few meagre possessions which have to be shared with accomplices, so it is NOT “normal crime!” We need to investigate whether the gardener was radicalised by members of the ANC, EFF, PAC or BLF, with the false land theft narrative? Remember Winnie and het “necklaces” intimidating moderates? Was this a hate crime disguised as robbery gone wrong? Why does no one ask the political affiliations of the perpetrators when they are black? Yet if they were white and the victims black, political affiliations would be all over mainstream headlines and police investigations!
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Unemployment in Socialist SA Highest in the World and Apparently Contributes to Riots and Looting!
South Africa now has the worst unemployment in the world according to Bloomberg, and now falls among other disastrous countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. For all Ramaphosa’s nice speeches and promises, he does not understand that one main goal of a good government, is to establish an economy, which gives the people of the country the opportunity to make an honest living. The ANC government is not doing this at all. They set an example of corruption and immaturity. Corruption does not build an economy. Looting is just that. It builds nothing. And then the ridiculous reasons put forward: free housing, free education, free everything, which only exacerbates the above. And if ANC supporters do not get it for free, they throw a tantrum like a toddler, and burn down everything they see.
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Who Captured Who? Ramaphosa Complements his Hijacked “Pick ‘n Mix” Zondo Commission on State Capture, which he Hijacked from Zuma!
Although the corruption of the Commission on State Corruption is quite visible to those who pay attention, it seems that Ramaphosa fooled half of the people and turned the Zondo Commission into a self-promotion platform, just as he did with the ANC Zuma Violence, which he used to strengthen his power in the ANC and in government. An opinion poll has shown mixed reactions to the work done by the State Commission of Inquiry, since it was set up three years ago.
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