Koes Vir Die Klippe: Monday appears to be building up into a day of protest and politicking for Cape Town, with the usual chaos and violence that people have been forced to bear, thanks to the services that are meant to protect them, being in cahoots with the ANC, and its deliberate destabilization and invasion of the Cape. As it appears they will happen, as police communications and credible sources suggest they will, rather do any planned trips today or Tuesday, rather than Monday.
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VIDEO: “Coloureds ARE The Original Owners of Western Cape, ANC Will Learn it Monday!” – Major Protest Plans for Cape Town!
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Mandela’s Province Never Prepared for COVID-19 Storm! Eastern Cape ANC Officials Too Busy Rigging Tenders!
Black Lives Do Not Matter To ANC: As South Africa hits its highest ever single daily death toll of 572 deaths in one day, it is clear ANC squandered the money, time and powers they were granted, and the lockdown was just a farce and pretense at preparing. Nowhere is this truer than in Nelson Mandela’s home province of Eastern Cape which has 17% of COVID19 cases, but 23% of the deaths. However we cannot be certain, as an Eastern Cape Health official admitted they do not even have reliable stats to work on, but most South Africans had already deduced this. All that matters to ANC officials is stealing as much money as they can, as fast as they can, for as long as they can!
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VIDEO: SA Rugby Elites Bend Their Quivering Knees To BLM Anarchists To Protect Their Fat Cat Incomes, Selling Kith, Kin & Country for Globalist Coin & False Virtue!
#FarmersLivesMatter! Faf, AB, Francois, Graeme and all the other kneeling sports PLAYERS, we see you choosing the globalist side and we thank you for finally coming out, and getting off the fence to show your true colours. You guys are 100% right, this issue has no place for fencesitters. Each and every one of us must decide where we stand, what we believe, what is important to us, and what our motives are for what we stand for. There is so much I want to shout out, but with 167 race-driven laws in our country, I dare not. Because I’m going to be in jail for sure and leave my family as vulnerable targets in a country where there is no freedom of speech, and the majority hates the minority with a passion. Is it any wonder your knees buckled and you cower for fear of being called nasty names and losing your bribe money, er sorry, salary?
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ANC Loses Control of Covid19! SA Has World’s 4th Most Daily Infections Despite FIVE Months Warning, Unlimited Funds & Dictatorial Powers!
Ramaphosa Can’t Bluff a Virus: With 500 infections an hour, SA has the 10th most daily deaths worldwide, despite having had 5 months warning, unlimited funds and totalitarian dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa and ANC have failed spectacularly to cope with, never mind curb, the virus. It seems the only thing they can control is the PR and propaganda to fool the people with. There is no logic and Ramaphosa blames everyone and everything but himself, despite dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa treats South Africans like naughty low intelligence children and imposed enhanced lockdown with alcohol banned again, but taxis may operate at full capacity.
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SA 13th Most COVID-19 Infected Country, But The Big Numbers are The Billions Sloshing Around in ANC’s Hands & Pockets!
As South Africa surpasses France, Germany, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in confirmed CCP-virus cases, attention is deliberately being diverted from all the cash floating around since the ANC withdrew 500 Billion from the Taxpayer, of which 20 Billion went to NDZ’s corrupt, bankrupt, fraud infested Municipalities! While Mkhize warns that the storm is about to hit and everything from schools re-opening to mourning over deaths, supposedly from Covid-19, are being utilised to hide what is happening to all the money, which equates to over R8,000 for every single man, women and child in SA!
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Why Has Ramaphosa or Cele Never Visited A White Victim of Crime? Because Under Their Watch There Are 24 Times More Murders Than in Apartheid?
Despite Lockdown, June was a particularly bad month with almost 60 farm attacks and 7 farm murders, which probably means it was bad all round, once again highlighting that ANC’s Socialist South Africa is much worse than Iraq during war! Yet neither Ramaphosa or Bheki Cele have ever bothered to visit a white victim of crime, never mind even acknowledge that it happens. Why not? Do they feel it will expose the fact that there are 24 times more murders on their watch, than there were during apartheid, which they constantly resurrect and blame ? As these tweets reveal, even normal black people are longing for the peaceful days under apartheid, when they were looked after, everything worked, services were delivered reliably, and you could walk safely anywhere, anytime.
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VIDEO: #WhitePrivilege Does not Exist but #BlackPrivilege Does! #BLM & BBBEE Affirmative Action is Doing More Harm Than Good to Blacks!
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Does Chinese Privilege exist in China? Does Indian Privilege exist in India? Does Nigerian Privilege Exist in Nigeria? Black Privilege does however exist in Western countries as well as black countries! Affirmative action has become an imperialist means of conquest and supremacy aimed at turning all countries into black countries. How long does affirmative action go on for? At what stage will “compensation”, “retribution” or “revenge” have been achieved? How much must be given? Entire countries? With systemic, institutional and structural black privilege already deeply built into every aspect of daily life, all we have achieved was to make anti-white racism systemic, institutional and structural in our societies!
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List of ANC Regime’s 114 Race Based Laws Versus Only 17 Under Apartheid! Zille is Right – Blacks Prefer Victimhood to #Equality!
Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right: Helen Zille sent the marxists and snowflakes in South Africa fleeing to their safe spaces to lookup which prescribed responses to fire back at her. The day after SA-News posted an article showing how “anti-racism” handicaps blacks, Zille seems to agree, tweeting that blacks prefer victimhood (#BlackPrivilege) over equality – BBBEE is justified and perpetuated by this perpetual victimhood, which requires constant anti-white hate speech and prevents true black emancipation (like apartheid envisaged!) Ironically Zille went even further, claiming that there are “More Racist Laws Now Than Under Apartheid!”
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How “Anti-Racism” Handicaps Blacks. Blacks & Liberal Whites Should Stop Treating Blacks like Disabled People!
Running Faster: A noteworthy piece posted on social media, claims to be from ex Public Protector Thuli Madonsela, although this is improbable, given she holds a chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University and would get fired if she dared spoke truth like this. However the source is irrelevant. It insightfully calls on blacks to stop using racism as a crutch and an excuse. Like SA-News has been saying, blacks need to take off their BBBEE nappy and grow up and raise their game. Otherwise they will never be equal because they will never see themselves as equal, instead of always seeing themselves as the victim, and constantly crying, or trying to profit from hurtful words. Liberal whites who constantly proclaim blacks are victims, are in effect saying they are superior to blacks and that blacks can’t survive without their virtue signaling!
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How The ANC Weaponised Covid19 Pandemic to Push Black Supremacy & Implement Totalitarian Control. Pity ICC is Toothless!
SA-News takes a blow-by-blow look at how the ANC regime capitalised on and weaponised the Covid-19 pandemic to profit, fight a racial jihad, and obtain totalitarian control, which was used to implement some questionable activities and transactions. If only the International Criminal Court was not so toothless, the ANC should be reported, but then the ANC already knows ICC is on their side!
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The #GeorgeFloyd Opportunity to Turn USA into a Sh*thole like SA, with Murder, Crime, Corruption, Consumerism & Communism!
The Africanization of America: It is not hard to see that the left wing riots currently blighting USA, are more to do with it being an election year and hopeless Democrat’s last gasp attempt to steal power again, than it is to do with actual sympathy or outrage for George Floyd, a black porn actor, high on a cocktail of illegal drugs resisting arrest, who was accidentally killed by a white cop, with whom he had worked as a bouncer at a local club for a decade. However commies will never let a good crisis go to waste in their aim to turn USA into South Africa, where rampant crime, corruption, murder and bling rule the roost!
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New Drink Driving Levels Will be ZERO if Control Freaks Bheki Cele & Fikile Mbalula’s Draft Law Gets Passed!
Thanks to Covid19, and support from notorious police chief Bheki Cele, Transport minister Fikile Mbalula’s promise to totally ban drink driving in January, came a step closer to becoming Law with the publishing of the The National Road Traffic Amendment Bill on Monday, which was approved by Cabinet in draft form in March. The new law would drop the permissible blood alcohol level for anyone driving a motor vehicle to zero.
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Colonisation 2.0! African Union is European Union in Disguise, but Does Anyone Care, as Long as the Handouts Keeps Flowing?
#AUisNotAfrica! The pan-africanist African Union’s Africa Day celebrations were propagandised with the slogan “The Africa We Want”, exposing the same dictatorial, supremacist centralised, left wing socialist approach to the re-colonisation of Africa, in order to force it into the NWO. In fact the propaganda video realeased for the 57th anniversary celebrations boasts about how all the Communist Russia instigated and supported “victories” throughout Africa, in the so called liberation struggles, were their (AU) victories? But these genocidal maniacs go further, proclaiming how “they” are pushing onwards to create “The Africa We Want”. Who is “we” and who are they? The old Socialist USSR still? The European Union? Globalist Communism? Cuba? The New World Order (NWO)? The Bilderberg Group? Soros? The Deep State?
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VIDEO: What Are The Criteria For Food Parcels? Do Any Poor White People, Families or Groups Get Food Aid? Do They Need to Vote ANC First?
Is “patronage” the new word for buying votes? What are the criteria to qualify for Food Aid? While the ANC claims that specific criteria are being used to identify families to be assisted during the lockdown with food aid, it seems, as usual, that corruption, bribery and indeed anti white racism are the order of the day.
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Are COVID19 Tests Irrelevant or Faulty? SA the Only Country in the World Where Infections Dropped on Day ONE of Lockdown, Instead of Two Weeks Later!
What happened to the chart two weeks after lockdown? Nothing. It is becoming increasingly clear that far too much attention is being placed on the small daily test results despite them not giving reliable or sufficient test data, which makes forecasting pointless. While this is understandable given the nature of the invisible threat, the ANC regime did have months to prepare & get testing regimens in place. However even Prof. Karim himself said that it takes two weeks for the symptoms to progress and appear, yet in the same breath he echoes Ramaphosa’s bragging that the case numbers fell on the FIRST day of lockdown? Dr. Pillay, head of South Africa’s national health department also pointed to the fact that the people tested positive so far only reflect those people who got infected 2 weeks prior to showing symptoms, and then being tested. How then is it possible for infections to drop on day one of lockdown?
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