Communists the world over seem to be using the CCPvirus pandemic to increase their influence and power globally, and even in South Africa, the #RooiGevaar was out in force last night, welcoming their comrades from Cuba who had landed at Waterkloof Airforce base. Cyril and all the top ANC ministers claimed South Africa will somehow benefit from Cuba’s “global effort” to fight Covid-19, however, with only 1,369 cases of CCPvirus, it is not certain what experience Cuba have that SA does, but of course if you remove the capitalists, Christians and whites from South Africa, SA certainly would struggle to keep up with even Commie Cuba. Just what “global effort” has this 3rd world Communist backwater of only 11 Million people achieved, unless it was Communism’s use of COVID19 as a weapon to achieve global dominance?
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#RedAlert ANC & SACP Import 217 Cuban Medics to Help Fight COVID-19? Does SA Not Have Enough Medics or are They Too Capitalist, Too Christian or Too White?
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#LetThemEatCash! Ramaphosa Creating Historic Debt to Appease Township Masses! Faulty Test Stats & Cash Won’t Stop CCPvirus Nor Will it Protect Food Producers & Shops!
#CoronaClown: Despite having months to learn from what other countries have gone through, Cyril seems intent on sticking to the African Way, as he tries to control the narrative and drip feed the black masses with unrealistic faulty test information, WMC inspired “relief” payouts to quell uprisings in townships, and to deny the inevitable, a catastrophe and his demise. SA-News reported over TWO months ago that asymptomatic COVID19 positive people were silently spreading the virus, now suddenly it is a scientific revelation? Cyril mentions food security, but not farm security? Like Zimbabwe, you can only throw so much cash at a problem until it becomes worthless, because it cannot be eaten and doesn’t reach those that need it most, because corrupt ANC politicians intercept and plunder the funds. However Cyril is forced to use the carrot because Bheki Cele’s increasing unpopularity from extreme childish lockdown restrictions have reduced Cyril’s options.
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Be Alert! Real Criminals, Chancers & Even Those in Authority Are Taking Advantage of Lockdown & Bheke Cele’s Distraction With Misdemeanor Crimes!
#TotalitarianTimes Never before has your state of readiness and preparedness been so important. If you have a gun locked in the safe, now is the time to take it out while you are at home during lockdown, just keep it away from bored kids. It is clear that criminals are not obeying the lockdown regulations, and farmers & city dwellers alike are increasingly falling victim to this, even as Police and Armed Forces are also abusing their new totalitarian powers in greater numbers, and are also committing crimes themselves, while Police Minister Cele distracts everyone with CoronaVirus misdemeanors. The joke is that awaiting trial criminals are being released due to COVID19, so the message to criminals is loud and clear… it is open season!
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Update: Two COVID19 Positive Doctors Who Were Arrested & Locked in TB Hospital Released! Were Not Seen by a Doctor & Had to Take Own Temperatures!
The ANC regime in Limpopo emptied a dilapidated TB hospital in Nylstoom to house COVID-19 positive people, but the first 3 people locked up there never even saw a doctor, were given dirty rooms and had to take their own temperatures! Dr Claire Olivier, Dr Taryn Williams and Elmarie van Emmenis (64) were all suddenly released from the ANC Gulag on Wednesday morning less than a week after being locked up there!
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Apartheid 2.0 – Black Supremacist ANC Implements Racist Criteria for Government COVID-19 Assistance, Despite Calling it Fake News! DA & Afriforum Will Fight This Race Based Aid!
The ANC regime has announced a racial framework for government COVID-19 assistance, the possibly of which they previously called fake news! The DA and Afriforum say they will fight against these BEE based measures, after two State departments have come out with a strict racial classification to determine which lucky South Africans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will get financial assistance.
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VIDEO: “CoronaVirus Does Not Kill Black People” – Soweto Civil Rights Group HBR Takes Ramaphosa To Court Over #COVID19 #Lockdown
While “BlackTwitter” as it is known in South Africa, have been spreading the myth that blacks cannot get CoronaVirus for weeks, it seems this misinformation has seriously taken hold amongst the black majority! This is probably the reason Ramaphosa had to rope in the army to enforce the lockdown.
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God Help Us! Forget Virus Lockdown, Will SA Survive Bumbling ANC Regime Who Forget Social Distancing as They Enforce #Prohibition & #Totalitarianism & Give Up 21 Days of Alcohol Tax For Stasi Powers!
South Africa might well find itself without a President or any top government officials, police or army leaders in 12 days time! It seems the new totalitarian powers the State of Disaster has given them, has gone to their heads! Dressed like an African dictator, Ramaphosa himself was addressing SANDF members ahead of their deployment in the lockdown, sounding world wise about the “invisible enemy”, as he mixed with them at the Doornkop Army Base in Soweto, Cyril got so carried away by his new dictatorship role, he forgot all about the Social Distancing rule he was advocating! Ramaphosa and the top brass were seated right next to each other as normal and even the army troops were arranged in their normal close squad formations! Did Cyril not get the memo from Xi Jinping who did it all via video links (pictured), yet still wore a facemask (for the camera’s)? After 26 years of doing as they please, do the ANC now think they are invincible against the Chinese Virus too?
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Too Late? Summary of ANC #CoronaVirus Response as SA #COVID19 Cases (The Ones We Know About), Jumps to 51, ANC Declares A State of Disaster!
Five weeks after SA-News called for flights to SA to be restricted, the global CoronoVirus death rate shot past 6,400. Ramaphosa conducted consultations on Sunday with key stakeholders who will be impacted by #CoronaVirusSA during a special Cabinet meeting. He subsequently addressed the nation outlining their plans to cope with the pending disaster. He declared a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act.
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#BoycottNews24 Liberal News24 Editor Adriaan Basson Capitulates To ANC / COSATU Plan To Raid Your Pensions To Pay Eskom’s Corruption & Mismanagement & Soweto’s Unpaid Bill!
One of the reasons left wing liberals are called snowflakes is because it does not take much to make them melt and give up any reason or principle, and like a snowflake hitting the warm ground, the controversial far left wing Editor of News24, Adriaan Basson’s feelings towards “thousands of pensioners whose livelihood depends on the GEPF”, quickly melted and turned into a callous “We have run out of money and options – pensions will bail out Eskom”. Seems Adriaan Basson now supports the plan to plunder your pensions!
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Desmond Nair, Provincial Chief Magistrate of Oscar Pistorius Fame, has been Removed From the Bench for Corruption.
Judging the Judges. Desmond Nair, the Provincial Chief Magistrate, who sat on the Oscar Pistorius case, has been removed from the bench under the Magistrate’s Court Act for alleged corruption.
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So Are Honey Bees “Racist” Too? Naturally, Honey Bees Protect Their Hives & Honey From Intruders Like Bumble Bees & Wasps. How Racist?
Ever wonder why bees, and animals in general, as a species, have survived longer and will survive longer than humans? Because they understand and respect the laws of nature, which demand that true diversity be defended and adhered to, in order to ensure the survival of the species, through evolutionary bottlenecks like catastrophes.
“Mixing it up” as humans do, only serves to dilute and destroy our bio-diversity, making us more susceptible to extinction bottle necks. There are 36 kinds of bees, meaning that for any given catastrophe, at least one of them is likely to survive. If there is only one kind of human, our chances are very limited. There used to be about 9 kinds of human but we did our best to destroy them through mixing it up… we should know better now.
YOU might think you are being all noble and moral by “not being a racist”, but in fact you are disobeying a fundamental law of nature, and also neutralizing your own natural and evolutionary self defens
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ANC Hide Their Crimes Behind Apartheid, Which Was NOT a Crime Against Humanity, as the Communist Soviet Union Propaganda Tried To Claim at the UN!
After a humiliating experience during the SONA State of the Nation Address, where traitor F.W. De Klerk and his second wife Elita, were badly verbally abused by his own darling blacks, Nobel laureate De Klerk unexpectedly hit back this time, and believe it or not, defended Apartheid. Maybe public humiliation does work on such a person, who sold Kith, Kin and Country for Coin, and false virtue?
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We Know You Did NOT Watch The SONA Circus, So We Watched & Saw a Mad Hatters Tea Party in La La Land, Where Nonsense Rules!
The SONA speech reflected the truth of the matter – Ramaphosa, the EFF and Bantu have squandered their chance. After a quarter of a century, Bantu are still living in the past, constantly rewriting it, as they take the country even further backwards. Now let’s look at the reality and what the ANC and Mandela’s #TheAfricanWay has brought us…
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Forget The SONA Circus Where Scavengers Try Legitimize Their Greed, Here’s SOFA: State Of Our Farmers Address According to TAU!
The annual State of the Nation speech did not only turn into a circus as usual, but again, even more communism and even more Afrocentrism was the order of the day. South Africa now belongs to the vultures, and they will cackle about it till the rooster crows! All you can be sure of, is that there will be broad indications of their new plans to plunder even more, and even more folly with regards to State Entities, and the rewriting of our history. However, if you need a little reassurance, calm your nerves by reading TAU’s State of the Farmers Address, from an agricultural perspective.
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Kwasizabantu Christian (KSB) Sect Scandal Exposed! Religious Swindlers Fleecing The Flock in The Gangster Paradise Called Mzansi!
KSB sect leaders live in luxury whilst ordinary sect members are indoctrinated and bullied to work for peanuts. The man at the centre of it all who is accused of carting away millions of Rands, belonging to the Kwasizabantu Christian sect (KSB) in Greytown, in plastic bags and carton boxes, lives an opulent lifestyle of which ordinary sect members can only dream of. He is a non-Christian, Canaan Ndlovu, in KSB circles he is also known as Moses Ndlela.
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