Only a fool, and an evil one at that, would try claim Twitter or the ANC Regime, Mainstream Media, SA Courts and so called Human Rights groups are not anti white racists, when Julius Malema once again blatantly incites racial violence on Twitter, by sharing an image to his 3.2 Million followers, of himself with a rifle saying he is “Oppad” (on the way), ahead of a EFF race baiting Brackenfell “protest”. Yet the mainstream Establishment looks the other way…
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Malema Incites Racial Violence & Hatred on Far Left Twitter (Which Censors President Trump), by Posting Photo of Himself with Rifle Going to Brackenfell!
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VIDEO: Civil War? “So be it!” says Malema: “I’m Not Talking About AK47” – BUT He Tweets a Photo of AK47 to 3.2 Million Followers!
#Senekal Julius Malema has fervently declared on TV that he is not afraid of “white terrorists” or their retired soldiers and Generals. If it turns into a Civil War, he says he’s ready for it. This AFTER he spoke with Bheki Cele! The village of Senekal is on everyone’s lips. This is where the young..
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Were Clicks Protests Just Another Corruption Scam & Black Supremacy Dressed as Anti White Racism? Racebaiting Can Make You A Millionaire in SA!
Corruption & Racebaiting: The two things politicians and black businessmen in South Africa love the most, is extracting disgusting amounts of cash from public sources, and of course racebaiting, aka white bashing. It is starting to become clear that the Clicks fauxrage saga launched by Julius Malema, was much more than hurt feelings, after all, the business of making blacks look white, with hair straighteners, skin lighteners, hair extensions, etc., is worth BILLIONS! The first clue, which should have been obvious, was the mere fact that they were attacking a product popular amongst blacks, which mostly blacks buy. As the mainstream media’s attention was distracted by the racebaiting stick Malema threw for them, putting then in a frenzy chasing it, baying like the rabid dogs they are, we can only imagine what was going on in the background. Seeing not a single white face at the questionable meeting between Clicks management (60% black owned) and EFF, was a second clue.
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VIDEO: “Blacks Are Not From South Africa!” – Malema Finally Admits The Truth About Bantu Migration & Black Colonisation of Southern Africa!
The establishment mainstream media and ANC/EFF/BLF lie that whites “stole” land from blacks in SA has been totally debunked by the EFF leader Julius Malema himself, when he admitted on a public platform to his followers, that blacks (bantu/ n e g r o), are colonists and settlers from the North.
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ANC Hide Their Crimes Behind Apartheid, Which Was NOT a Crime Against Humanity, as the Communist Soviet Union Propaganda Tried To Claim at the UN!
After a humiliating experience during the SONA State of the Nation Address, where traitor F.W. De Klerk and his second wife Elita, were badly verbally abused by his own darling blacks, Nobel laureate De Klerk unexpectedly hit back this time, and believe it or not, defended Apartheid. Maybe public humiliation does work on such a person, who sold Kith, Kin and Country for Coin, and false virtue?
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Is Malema’s Racebaiting A Cover For “Pay to Play” Corruption? Malema’s Sugar Daddy, A Corrupt Tenderpreneur, Bought Pretoria Mayoral House But Doesn’t Pay Rates & Taxes!
The secret identity of the man who bought the famous Pretoria mayoral mansion in 2017 has been revealed for the first time! It has also been revealed by Maroela Media that Tshwane municipal taxpayers, still pay the municipal bills for the house because the new owner has never transferred the municipal accounts to his name. The total account still paid by the Tshwane municipality is about R10,000 per month, but the property tax is still calculated on the previous valuation of R3,8 million. The house was sold for R5. 1 million in 2017.
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EFF wants to lead the entire African continent to economic freedom with one currency, economy, and judiciary
Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema on Sunday spelled out the party’s ambitious vision to lead the entire African continent to economic freedom. Governing South Africa may have appeared to be a tall order for the EFF, but this was just one dream that formed part of even bolder ambitions. Malema wants the six-year-old..
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Taxpayers coughed up R32m on VIP treatment for EFF delegates in its second elective conference
You, yes you taxpayer just coughed up R32 million so that the EFF can hold conference in style at Nasrec. Whilst their top leaders are implicated in serious corruption cases in which tens of millions were funneled to their slush funds by tenderpreneurs. The EFF has spent well over R32m on its second elective conference,..
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Malema is unmasked as a complete liar after video leak where he assaults police officer
Julius Malema was caught with a video recording that he lied about his involvement with a police officer’s altercation during a Mandela funeral. The Red Brigade leader said he had a fight with the officer, and he and his party’s spokesman, one Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, did not contact the police officer. Now the leader and his..
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Malema says AgriSA’s ‘ugly white males’ show who owns SA’s land
Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema had harsh words for the panel who delivered a media briefing on AgriSA’s latest drought report. “Just look at this ugly picture of white males, a clear indication of who owns the land in our country,” he said of the panel, which appeared to feature only one person..
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The madam is calling Juju -Helen Zille invites Malema to tea for debate on the topic of South Africa’s future
Policy fellow for the Institute for Race Relations Helen Zille has extended an invite for tea to EFF leader Julius Malema. She has proposed an intensive discussion with the EFF leader on the topic of South Africa’s future. Zille, who has ventured into the world of podcasts with a show called Tea with Helen, has..
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Blue Farmtrac tractor donated by EFF to black farmers “to cultivate land” is gathering dust and little agricultural activity is taking place in this area
Last December, as part of the EFF’s election campaign, Julius Malema donated a blue Farmtrac tractor to the community of his birthplace, Seshego. This very tractor that was supposed to “to cultivate land” is now gathering dust at a party spot near Polokwane that is closely associated with him. The blue Farmtrac tractor manufactured by..
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EFF demands that Kruger National Park name be changed – “All statues of apartheid and colonial killers must be removed, including public places”
Julius Malema, leader of the EFF on Heritage Day again called that the Kruger National Park’s name should be changed and that “Die Stem” should be removed from the national anthem. According to Malema, the country must call for a collective legacy for a fairer future after a divided, painful and unjust past. According to..
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Julius Malema’s ‘dead white man’ tweet is hate speech, says SAHRC
Julius Malema’s comments on Twitter will be referred to the equality court and the SAHRC will also investigate the EFF’s ban on media organisations amaBhungane and the Daily Maverick from their events. The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on Tuesday condemned recent comments attributed to EFF leader Julius Malema — at least at first..
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Money Robbed from VBS Mutual Bank: detailed account of how EFF leader Julius Malema’s lifestyle, business prospects and political aspirations were funded
ONE. The lifestyle, business prospects and political aspirations of EFF president Julius Malema were funded from the R16.1-million robbed from VBS Mutual Bank and paid out to Sgameka Projects, the company of the brother of EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu, Brian. Malema’s share of the loot was R5.3-million and it was dumped into his slush..
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