The carnival lasts for several days, let’s take a look at the surprise products. Check out the amazing prices and details for our Flash Sale during 10:00 AM 24th September – 10:00 AM 1st October with Baldr S, Baldr RL Mini and Obuy Pack. Up to 50% discount on this flash sale. Many new products will be added to the mall in this flash sale.
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WIN! Carnival Week for all Olight Flashlight & Knife Fans! The Flash Olight Sale is Here!
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Black Townships are No-Go Zones for Whites! Kind-hearted White Grandma (64) Bludgeoned to Death in Dewetsdorp Township!
A week ago, Postmasburg’s white milkman, Andries de Klerk (57), was stoned to death in the black township of Postmasburg while delivering milk there, and now a 64-year-old generous grandmother from Dewetsdorp in the Free State, has been cruelly beaten to death with “a blunt object,” as if she were a seal, during a vehicle hijacking while generously transporting a TV set to a resident in the township.
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VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Genocidal Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!
JOE BIDEN ADMITTED HE WANTS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITE AMERICANS! In 2015, as Vice President on a trip to Brazil, VP Joe Biden said: “a wave of an unrelenting stream of migrants, non stop… non stop… and we don’t want to stop it… the wave should continue till whites in USA will be the absolute minority… whites will be an absolute minority in US by 2017! By 2017, those of us of European stock will be an absolute minority in the United States of America,” Biden said this at a State Department luncheon for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Biden added that that’s “not a bad thing, that’s a good thing and we should be proud of it!” Amazing that this genocidal psychopath is so keen, or so dim, that he even believed the 2017 estimate…
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#GBV Home of Two Frail Sisters (89 & 83) Invaded by FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN Who Brutally Tie One Up & Kick Ribs Off Her Sister!
If I were a black person, I would hang my head in shame. They say “You can easily judge the character of a man by how they treat those who can do nothing to them.” Clearly these very frail elderly sisters who could barely walk, with one being on oxygen, couldn’t hurt a fly, yet they were assaulted with absolute unnecessary brutality by FOUR, BIG, BLACK, ARMED, MEN who could simply have taken anything they wanted and left. Why the extreme violence? Hatred? Yet these are the scum who mainstream media, the ANC government and the liberal elite’s defend and protect! Just “normal crime” they say, as if normal crime is now legal and a perfectly acceptable excuse to totally brutalise and even kill someone, especially if they are white! Apparently the FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN are the victims, and the police could not even be bothered to answer the phone! “It happens to all races the libtards say” – but we are still waiting for an example of four white men doing this to an 89 Yr old black woman!
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VIDEO: “You Are Not Black” Racist Blacks Tell Coloureds They Are Not From Africa! KhoiSan say They are NOT Coloreds?
“YOU ARE NOT BLACK” – is that not what Joe Biden said? It seems there is trouble in the globalist’s flagship rainbow nation paradise, according to a video SA-News received anonymously, showing some blacks (bantu) racially abusing coloureds, telling them: “You are coloured, we do not have this colour on this continent (Africa)”. The racist blacks go on to tell the colored’s to “follow their white sisters, the white people. This one (african continent) is for black people!” The blacks then swear at the coloureds in Afrikaans, the language most coloureds speak – could this be the reason for anti-colored racism amongst Blacks in SA? Are these racist blacks even from South Africa?
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Another 80 Year Old Grandmother Raped & Bludgeoned to Death by Black Scum! ANC’s Radical Transformation Turns SA into a Death Camp for Whites!
Bheki Cele’s #MaliciousNegligence Kills Again! Even as we post this horrific article, we hear of yet another elderly women bludgeoned with a knopkierie in Rustenburg for a phone (to follow). We cannot keep up with the all the bloodletting! This is in the same week that Jakkie Grobler (80) was raped and beaten to death..
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#BlackPrivilege ABSA Lets Black Manager Keep Both Jobs After Extreme Racism, Yet Whites Lose Jobs & Get Jail for Lesser Comments!
INTERNET DOES NOT FORGET: Nearly two years ago SA-News reported on Neo Mongwaketse, an Absa Manager who posted on Facebook that “Your white sh*t arrogance lead to that torture and for white like you, I feel no pity”. This post started trending again on google search this week, so we decided to do an update, especially since he still has his TWO jobs, despite an internal review! This is double standards at its best in South-Africa. It seems that only a certain race has the privilege to freedom of speech, hate speech and racism, but if you are white you lose or job and even go to jail for making similar comments
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Soweto is 1,000 Times More Racist Than Orania! Yet Lesufi, The Afrikaans Hating Black Supremacist Threatens Orania’s Constitutional Right To Exist!
While schools burn down in Gauteng, it’s black supremacist MEC, Panyaza Andrek Lesufi is moonlighting by racebaiting and attacking citizens of another province! Seems Lesufi wants to round up all Afrikaners & send them to assimilation camps, if his rant at a wreath laying ceremony, for a long dead terrorist, is anything to go by (how much did that cost us taxpayers?) The anti afrikaans racist has threatened to close Orania for a while now, yet Andrek Lesufi’s own home town of Tembisa is 98.9% pure bantu, but he has the audacity to attack Orania which is only 97.2% white! Will he close Tembisa and Soweto too, which sports a stunning 98.7% bantu racepurity – more than Orania?
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16 Black Police Officers Attack 6 White Family & Residents at Home! Is Ramaphosa & ANC’s Anti White Racism Inciting Anti White Racism in Police & Black South Africans?
Thanks to the constant anti white rhetoric from Ramaphosa and the ANC, SA has become a black Fascist Police State ethnically cleansing a minority. In a shocking display of anti white racism and increasing State brutality, a group of 16 black Police officers burst into the house of a white family and residents making food at home, last Friday evening. What ensued can only be described as a litany of racial abuse and heavy handed police brutality against unarmed women!
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Roll Call For Victims of The South African Genocide for October & November. Exposed to harm through deliberate negligence by an anti-white regime & complicit mass media!
Here is the factual information for October and November 2019, the suspects in all cases are black African as far as can be established, and the victims are all white, except for one case, where the victim was an elderly colored lady.
These cases are only the most serious, there are hundreds of other incidents and many other methods n which our people are being decimated through deliberate negligence, especially in state hospitals.
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A patient in the Helen Joseph hospital in Johannesburg, Anna-Marie Buys who is in her late seventies and suffers from lung and brain cancer, sustained serious neck injuries on Saturday around 01: 45 when a black female patient climbed on top of her and started to saw her neck with a plastic knife.
The incident was also witnessed by another fellow patient. Anna-Marie is also paralyzed in the left side of her body due to a stroke she suffered. Anna-Marie’s husband went to visit her in the hospital on Saturday and saw a piece of gauze on her neck. The gauze later came off and then her husband saw the deep wounds. He immediately called his daughter Debbie and her husband to come to the hospital.
The hospital told them that Anna-Marie was injured when a fellow patient wanted to pray for her. However another patient said that she saw how a fellow patient went to sit on top of Anna-Marie, held her mouth closed with her hand and started to cut her neck with a plastic kn
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Tired of being ‘coloured’ – Coloured activist is now dragging government to court to remove the separate classification of coloured and Indian
An activist who is tired of being classified as a coloured South African is now dragging the government to scrap the separate classifications of coloured and Indian and rather to regard them as black South Africans. Glen Snyman, a teacher from Oudtshoorn and founder of People Against Race Classification (Parc), has started a lawsuit against..
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Sex education taken too far? Randfontein High School has 34 black pupils who are pregnant – No doubt they will soon be standing in the queue for Child Grant as well
A High School in Randfontein has more or less 34 pregnant pupils at school right now at this moment who is still sitting at their school desk, trying to pass their grade this year. According to informed sources, one in 18 female pupils in the school is pregnant, and all possible measures taken, are useless…
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Playing the race card when all else fail – Zuma: I’m being victimised because I’m black
Former President Jacob Zuma faces charges of fraud, corruption and racketeering linked to the arms deal. But now he claims that he is being victimised because he is black. Zuma addressed his supporters on Tuesday following a brief appearance in the Pietermaritzburg High Court. He indicated his intention to challenge a court decision denying his..
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Watch Video | Racist Police officer refuses to serve a white Afrikaans member of the public
This black policeman in Welkom, Free State, South Africa, refuses to serve a white Afrikaans member of the public because he speaks Afrikaans, an official language of the Republic of South Africa.
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