Only a fool, and an evil one at that, would try claim Twitter or the ANC Regime, Mainstream Media, SA Courts and so called Human Rights groups are not anti white racists, when Julius Malema once again blatantly incites racial violence on Twitter, by sharing an image to his 3.2 Million followers, of himself with a rifle saying he is “Oppad” (on the way), ahead of a EFF race baiting Brackenfell “protest”. Yet the mainstream Establishment looks the other way…
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Malema Incites Racial Violence & Hatred on Far Left Twitter (Which Censors President Trump), by Posting Photo of Himself with Rifle Going to Brackenfell!
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Blood Soaked Floors & Walls in Suburbia is NOT “Normal Crime”! ANC Regime & Liberal’s Malicious Negligence Puts Target on Back of ALL Whites!
KNEELING TO BLACKS WILL NOT STOP BLOODTHIRSTY HOME INVASIONS! These scenes of blood soaked floors and walls, after yet another violent attack by black males, is the result of the constant rhetoric from mainstream media and ANC government. The constant repetition that all whites are bad people who allegedly stole the land, are all racists, are all rich from colonialism and deserve to be killed, has literally put a target on the back of whites! Even without all this manipulative and blatant encouragement by the ANC Regime and liberal media, blacks were happy to steal from whites whenever they could, ever since their raids across the Fish river to steal livestock 200 years ago. In fact this crime wave is what prompted the British colonial government to bring in settlers to the Eastern Cape, to put in as a buffer between the marauding Africans and the farmers whose livestock they were stealing. Seems little has changed.
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Future of SA is bleak after ANC-regime plundered a once model state into junk status and sh*thole
It is clear that South Africa has become so fragile in the financial field that overall poverty, with the exception of a few wealthy people, will lead to the necessary change in governments.
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Land expropriation without compensation shock revealed! ANC regime publishes fake bill on expropriation without compensation to avoid criticism!
The leader of the Afrikaner Self-Determination Party has strongly opposed the ANC over the government’s rate of land expropriation.
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Bankrupt power supplier is struggling to maintain electricity grid and diesel generator units are used to prevent #rollingblackouts
Eskom has now gone so far as to use its emergency reserves in an effort to evade load shedding. The diesel generator units have been used to prevent the burning of candles, but the diesel fuel bill is already more than 50% over the entity’s allowable diesel consumption according to its budget. Workers claim they..
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Despite Billions in Foreign Aid, ANC regime has plundered South Africa into bankruptcy over a 25-year period
The extremely dire situation in which South Africa finds itself has raised the question of whether it is not yet time to make a survey of everything that has been destroyed in 25 years. A political analyst points out that the first red light came on when municipalities across the country, all of which had..
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Why do people vote for same leaders who don’t deliver services?
Service delivery protests in South Africa are continuing as different municipalities fail to deliver their mandate of providing basic services to their communities. The Maluti-A-Phofung municipality in Free State has not supplied water to Qwaqwa since last year December and tensions flared up when a young girl drowned while trying to collect water from a..
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PRASA’s bank account is apparently empty!
Transport union Untu says the passenger rail agency or Prasa’s bank account is empty. Sonja Carstens, Untu’s spokesperson, says there is not even money to buy new brakes for trains. The law firm, Werksmans attorneys, has also suspended its services to Prasa due to an outstanding 19-million-rand account. Werksmans assisted Prasa in various court cases..
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Eskom cannot deliver sufficient and sustainable power, ANC regime now approves alternative options
The ANC regime has finally realized that Eskom is unable to provide sufficient, and sustainable, electricity to consumers. The news that the government has agreed that municipalities may start their own power supply is a complete turnaround in policy and is also contrary to the AMC-SACP alliance’s communist approach to control everything for everyone. There..
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Controversial Panyaza Lesufi’s online registration system plunges schools across SA into total chaos
The placement of pupils by the Department of Education has created new crises, leaving parents and pupils furious. Cases have been reported from certain schools in the Central Transvaal region that are hopelessly overcrowded, which have apparently been criticized for evading the truth many pupils have not even be placed yet. What is alarming, however,..
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#LetThemEatCake SA in crisis while ANC & black elites eat cake, celebrating its 108 years
The ruling Anc party,was holding a rally in Kimberley celebrating its 108 years.This celebration, which is usually accompanied by a jovial mood of song and dance by party leaders, members and supporters, happens during a time when the country has been plunged into several crises of epidemic proportions. Can the ANC really afford to celebrate?..
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Nine black schools in the Northern Transvaal close because of 0% pass rate
At least nine schools in the Northern Transvaal are closing due to poor performance under the 2019 matric results. The schools did not produce a matriculant who could pass the final exams this year, and the fact that 65 pupils failed last year shows that the schools are not equipped to teach pupils. The province’s..
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Watch | The SAPS of the Banana Republic can’t even do a proper march during state memorial service
Late businessman, Richard Maponya, who owned a string of businesses in Soweto, including the famous Maponya Mall in Pimville, was laid to rest at West Park Cemetery in Johannesburg on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. Maponya’s funeral service was held at the University of Johannesburg Soweto Campus on Tuesday morning. Ramaphosa declared the funeral a Special..
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Taxpayers fork out more than R76m for funeral cost of ANC veterans
Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has vowed to act against officials implicated in irregular expenditure related to the late stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s funeral and those of two other ANC veterans. It’s alleged a service provider inflated invoices, costing taxpayers a staggering R76 million. De Lille has reportedly recommended that government should cap state funerals…
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De Lille reveals over 3,000 Public Works employees do business with department and 300 of those employees have their own companies
Patricia De Lille says more needs to be done to ensure people who work for the state don’t do business with the department Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has revealed more than 3,700 Public Works employees are doing business with the department. She said 300 of those employees have their own companies and, in..
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