Jacob Zuma has to undertake a renewed round of court battles, and he is now begging his supporters to help pay his legal costs.
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Zuma’s Stolen Money Is Finished – “Msholozi” is now Begging Supporters to Help Pay for Legal Costs!
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Who Captured Who? Ramaphosa Complements his Hijacked “Pick ‘n Mix” Zondo Commission on State Capture, which he Hijacked from Zuma!
Although the corruption of the Commission on State Corruption is quite visible to those who pay attention, it seems that Ramaphosa fooled half of the people and turned the Zondo Commission into a self-promotion platform, just as he did with the ANC Zuma Violence, which he used to strengthen his power in the ANC and in government. An opinion poll has shown mixed reactions to the work done by the State Commission of Inquiry, since it was set up three years ago.
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R120 Million Cash Stolen from ATMs and Banks During ANC Riots, Financing More Organized Crime and Corruption!
More than R120 Million in hard cash was looted from ATMs and banks during the recent ANC violence that swept through parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal in mid-July. This amount is much higher than the initial estimates and does not include the repair costs.
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Ramaphosa’s Cadre Deployment Destroyed South Africa! DA Seeks Debate Because ANC Itself Doesn’t Know Which Cadre was Deployed Where!
#EndCadreDeployment – The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote to the Acting Speaker of the National Assembly, Lechesa Tsenoli, calling for a Parliamentary debate on the socialist cadre deployment program, implemented by the African National Congress (ANC), because they believe it led to the collapse of the state. They stressed this request is a matter of national importance.
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“I Had No Clue” – Ramaphosa Recommended Suspected Gupta Foreman Brian Molefe to President Zuma as “Mr Fixit” for Eskom!
Cyril Ramaphosa’s contorted testimony at the Zondo Commission on Wednesday, leaves more questions than answers, leaving Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo a mystery of the Brian Molefe kind. After decades in the highest circles of politics in South Africa, Ramaphosa claims that he was unaware of what was going on around him? Ramaphosa, who was then Deputy to President Jacob Zuma, admitted that he had advised Zuma to transfer “Mr Fixit” Brian Molefe from Transnet, and appoint him as Eskom’s CEO in 2015, but the Guptas already knew it was coming in 2014?
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Even in Prison, Zuma is too Sick for his Trial. He has Apparently been ill since 2014 due to Poisoning Confirmed by Russia!
Correctional services have stated that Zuma is still in hospital, so it remains to be seen whether Jacob Zuma will attend his corruption trial on the arms deals, which will be heard in the Pietermaritzburg High Court today.
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EXCLUSIVE: ANC has Systematically Been Transferring SA’s Sovereign Assets & Wealth into its Own Private Pockets!
“Privatise the damn SAA” you said. Time and again, whenever the latest scandal or disaster hit the “embattled” flagship carrier, you wanted ANC to privatise it. Little did you know that is exactly what they wanted you to say, and now the ANC have simply pocketed South Africa’s flagship asset, because that is what you thought you wanted. SA-News have said many times before, how the ANC under leadership of International Socialism, stole South Africa using one word, “racism”, but control of SA was never their main aim, it was always about stealing the country’s assets.
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Deep Divisions Within ANC as Ramaphosa Claims Only ANC Congress Has Power to Recall Him
Ramaphosa may be on his way out according to reports over the Easter weekend, that suggest certain members of the ANC government want Cyril Ramaphosa out, but Ramaphosa himself is of the opinion that only the ANC Congress can fire him.
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How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!
“Anti-Racism” is the Number one Nation Killing Weapon for Globalists! Billions have been deliberately poured into the manufacture, weaponizing, propagandizing and strengthening of this weapon of mass destruction. It has been so entrenched in our society (to destroy social cohesion), through the globalist mainstream media, who are major recipients of these billions when they become complicit in implementing the weapon, that it has become a weapon against ANYTHING, even looting! ESKOM, the massive state entity that is considered to be bankrupt, alleges the white CEO, Andre de Ruyter, who was appointed to stop the endemic and systemic corruption, is now a target of anti-racism in the corporation, specifically because he identified and fired perpetrators of gross systemic abuse and looting, who are not white…
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1 in 3 South Africans Out of Work as ANC Sets All Time Unemployment Record with 2.2 Million Jobs Lost in 2Q 2020!
COVID-19 The Gift That Keeps Giving! Any analysis of unemployment figures in South Africa should always be prefaced by the reminder, that it is a stated Socialist and Communist goal to move workers out of private sector jobs (capitalism) and into state employment or onto state welfare. This simple fact should make it abundantly clear why Ramaphosa, ANC & SACP could hardly contain their joy when Covid19 struck SA. Indeed they have wielded the CCP Virus to strike down private enterprises (mostly targeting white owned businesses) to great effect. We were asked to stay home for a few months in an extremely draconian lockdown, “so that the government can prepare for the coming crisis”. Yet now they are telling us the crisis cannot be avoided, cannot be stopped and will come back again? Feeling foolish yet? They no longer think we are stupid, they now KNOW we are!
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VIDEO: Exposed! Why Are Ramaphosa & Cele Afraid To Act? Mpumalanga Under Reign of Terror by SAPS in Cahoots With Gangsters & Municipalities!
#PoliceBrutality Corruption Watch’s recent report claiming that Gauteng was the most corrupt, and KZN the second most corrupt province, seems to be debunked by this whistleblower’s claims! Mpumalanga Province leaders and authorities appear to have followed ex Free-state Premier Ace Magashule’s playbook, and turned the province into a gangster state aswell, where citizens live in fear.
SA-News obtained a video in which a whistleblower has named names and exposed criminals and SAPS officers and municipal officials,
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ANC Socialists Successfully Make Another 1.5 Million People Unemployed, Making Them Dependent on ANC Welfare Grants! Communism 101
The CCPvirus remains the gift that keeps giving for large corporations and anti small business communists the world over, especially in South Africa where another 1.5 Million people have become unemployed. From “big box” big name retailers who are making record profits selling online, and having their small business competition permanently put out of business in lockdowns, to despotic socialist regimes like the ANC, who want more people dependent on them for welfare handouts, so they can control every aspect of their lives (and coerce them to vote ANC). However demand for welfare and emergency funds are high, with stiff competition from corrupt ANC cadres and thieves making away with large portions of the emergency loan funds already!
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RaceBaiting SA Cricket Director Blackmails Momentum Sponsor with Government Pension Fund & SOE Disinvestment & Bad BBBEE Ratings!
A tweet by a black female Director of Cricket SA has exposed what we always suspected: ANC regime uses control of State Pension Funds & Control of State Owned Enterprises to enforce Black Supremacy and Extort Money, Favours & Positions from private sector! On top of this they also use racebaiting, like the infamous racebaiting mafioso in USA, Al Sharpton, to threaten people and groups with false bad BBBEE ratings and false accusations of racism, if they do not comply, pay up or or do the bidding of the ANC regime! Who knows what has not been “gifted” or handed over, and how deep the rabbit hole goes, in this modern day mafia style gangster protection racket the ANC & EFF are running? Do not expect mainstream media or the courts to expose it…
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Embattled Ramaphosa Uses Corruption in ANC to Save His Own Corrupt Position! Gangster ACE, NDZ & SACP Lose Round One!
Cyril Ramaphosa seems to have resorted to Mugabe type tactics, to come out on top in the battle to oust him, after he announced that ANC members guilty of corruption, should resign from their posts, even as he himself has accusations against him. This ruling came after he got majority support in the National Executive Committee meeting over the weekend, and it appears to be aimed directly at those threatening to replace him. As a result, Ace Magashule is now due to appear before the ANC’s Integrity Committee, due to possible involvement in corruption, which is fueling speculation that Ramaphosa may have his eye on a new ANC Secretary-General.
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#BlackWar: SA Swamp is Rigging & Facilitating Black Violence Aimed at Decimating & Assimilating Conservative Minorities – Just Like BLM!
Society Captured: South Africa’s civil service and establishment, including the courts, police, mainstream media, government and municipal structures, have been captured and are rigged. The System has been deliberately populated with liberals, ANC cadres, communists and left wing globalists, intent on promoting criminality, illegality, victimhood, a culture of entitlement and free stuff, hypocrisy, political correctness, violence and the self righteous justification of the smash and grab culture and of expropriation without compensation. All of this to enforce the constant mainstream narrative that white man is bad and black man is good. This can all appear very confusing, but at the end of the day, the BLM violence and constant so called “Service Delivery Protest” violence in SA, have the same sponsors and roots and the same modus operandi.
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