There is reportedly a spate of hijackings in Three Rivers, but police apparently know of nothing. Social media, on the other hand, is buzzing about a group of men who are believed to be waging a reign of terror in Drie Riviere, and trying to hijack people. However, police say they have no knowledge of this. Who should people believe now?
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Is There a Spate of Hijackings in Three Rivers? SAPS says No, Social Media says Yes! Who do we believe?
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Body of Missing Man (82) with Alzheimer’s from Pretoria, Found in Witbank Morgue
The body of the 82-year-old man with Alzheimer’s, John Rodda, who has been missing since Saturday, while apparently on his way to the pharmacy, has been found in a morgue in Witbank.
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31 Prisoners Freed from Prison Transport by Armed Gang – 20 Still on the Run in Kwazulu-Natal!
Inside Job? Police in KwaZulu-Natal have launched a manhunt for 20 awaiting trial prisoners still at large, who escaped from a transfer truck this morning in Pietermaritzburg. Five armed suspects with AK47’s stopped and blocked the vehicle. Police say the transport vehicle, which was being escorted by only two SAPS officers, was carrying 45 inmates who escaped, but 25 inmates are now back in custody.
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With Afriforum’s #FightAndBuild project, We Pay Lots of Taxes But Fill In Potholes Ourselves so EVERYONE can Use the Roads?
There are fewer potholes in Schweizer-Reneke in the North West, thanks to AfriForum’s #VegEnBou project, where the large potholes in Schweizer-Reneke were filled in on 30 March 2021. As in many other towns nationwide, potholes are but one of the many problems in the town. Thanks to the plundered to bankruptcy ANC municipalities, the residents and businesses are affected socially and economically, as businesses lose customers because the roads or parking lots are full of potholes.
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Potholes, The International Symbol of Socialism, Also Kill Innocent Citizens! The ANC’s Deliberate, Malevolent Negligence & Incompetence Keeps on Killing…
Had it not been for a pothole, caused by ANC neglect, incompetence and plunder, Mr Lomon Terreblanche (58), a well-known farmer from Edenville in the Free State, would still be alive, as would Waldo Ferreira (25), and 2 other young people, all killed on the same day, by ANC’s potholes! One by one, day by day, the Socialist ANC is calculatingly exposing us to harm, egging criminals on to attack, rob and kill white people with anti-white hate speech and lenient sentencing. Their ethnic cleansing campaign, deliberate or not, is being perpetuated in many different ways, which over time means a chilling number of our people are sent to EARLY, unnecessary deaths. From economic warfare which makes us more vulnerable, to systemic and institutional neglect and prejudice in hospitals and state services like police, ESKOM, Home Affairs, municipal services, etc. the only conclusion is that a slow war of attrition is being waged against the white minority, with incompetence, corruption and “racism” being used to excuse, hide and even shockingly justify it!
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom in South Africa! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Venue Details for Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban & Bloemfontein Below: Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
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White Trucker Who Was a Father & Country Singer Hacked to Death in His Cab with a Panga! Life Has no Value in Decolonized Africa!
#WhereIsUbuntu? DECOLONISED AFRICA IS A DEADLY PLACE! A white trucker was hacked to death with a panga in his cab, when he was sleeping at a truck stop in Verkeerdevlei in the Free State. The few items the killers stole would not even feed them for more than a day! Is that the value of the life of a truck driver and father of two who is a constructive member of society, transporting the food and goods these primitive killers would buy in shops, with the little cash they killed him for? Despite all the BBBEE, SASSA & charity handouts? Bheki Cele and ANC seems to think 56 murders a day are just economic crimes and so nothing to worry about, as their police force spends more time protecting the criminals and enforcing arbitrary nonsensical Covid19 Regulations!
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VIDEO: Boer Lives Matter! Lackadaisical SAPS Caught Out, Use Stun Grenades on Peaceful Boer Protesters Angered by Ongoing Brutal Farm Murders!
#BoerLivesMatter For those wanting to apportion blame for yesterday’s dramatic events in Senekal, look no further than ANC, SAPS and Mainstream Media’s long term lackadaisical attitude to Farm Murders and the impact it has on the Afrikaner Boer community. As SA-News predicted the day before, there was a massive swelling of support for Brendin Horner’s Family at the Magistrates court in Senekal, as well as a communal outrage at the ongoing brutal farm murders, and the lack of action, and indeed denial from Government. Despite the warning signs, it appears the SA Police did not expect such a large reaction, and were caught off guard and had to send in reinforcements to extract their own people from the magistrates court.
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Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!
NOT OUR GOVERNMENT! South Africa is not alone when it comes to the oppression of people’s desire for self determination. Even though Belgium has been without a government for years, there is great dissatisfaction among Flemish citizens in Belgium, over the impending Walloon-left government of the Belgian state. Just like in SA, more and more marches, protests and demonstrations are being held, but it is difficult in the time of the CCP virus, because the false government blocked demonstrations, such as the demonstration announced last weekend in Mechelen, which was suppressed with dictatorial methods by Open VLD. Even the Flemish Lion flag was banned! But Vlaams Belang have announced an original protest action, which is entirely ‘coronaproof’: a vehicle convoy caravan to the capital Brussels!
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VIDEO: Whole Troop of EMPD Officers Abuse & Threaten to Shoot Unarmed White Man Who Called Them Out for Driving the Wrong Way up a One Way!
ABOVE THE LAW? #PoliceBrutality A man who had seen and confronted EMPD officers who drove the wrong way up a one way street, was targeted, abused and intimidated by a dozen Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) officers, with some very heavy handed treatment, even though he committed no crime!
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What is a White Life Worth? R3,000? A Cellphone? Yet Saying K*ff*r Costs R200,000 or Comparing Blacks to Monkeys Costs R150,000!
Do White Lives Matter? Another white man was killed just for his cellphone and wallet, which he probably would have quite happily just handed over, making it a senseless deliberate killing. A judge fines a black man a mere R3,000 each for the negligent killing of two young white girls! George Floyd and Jacob Blake’s families got many millions of dollars when their black men died, while violently resisting arrest! Simply comparing blacks to monkeys, despite Homo Naledi apparently being their self proclaimed ancestor, cost Penny Sparrow R150,000 and her job, while Adam Catzavelos had to pay R200,000 for saying K*ff*r in Greece! Is SA “law” just another black fascist weapon to fleece minorities?
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VIDEO: SAPS Block Biker Protest to Parliament! Pull Biker Off His Bike When He Breaches Their Barricade & Fire Thunderflashes!
SAPS in Cape Town barricaded the road to the Parliament, to prevent the “Bikers Against Farm Murders and Racism” march from reaching Parliament. When one of the bikers breached this barricade, they violently pulled him off his bike which fell over. The biker defended himself, punching at the SAPS official, and other bikers came to his defense. Thunderflashes were then fired off to quell the scuffle.
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VIDEO: Armed Robbers Deliberately Crash into Cash Transit Van & Blow it Up, Spreading Cash Everywhere Attracting Looters who Destroy the Evidence!
A G4S money transit truck was blown up after the armed robbers brought it to a stop by crashing into it with a grey Mercedes.
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VIDEO: Covid19 Tenders Create Instant Millionaires as ANC Black Elites Continue to Plunder! PPE Tender Turns into FIVE Luxury Cars!
#TheAfricanWay A questionable tender of 120 Million Rands for PPE gear has made so much profit it allowed a certain obviously well connected person within the ANC ranks, a Hamilton Ndlovu, to buy FIVE brand new luxury cars!
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New Drink Driving Levels Will be ZERO if Control Freaks Bheki Cele & Fikile Mbalula’s Draft Law Gets Passed!
Thanks to Covid19, and support from notorious police chief Bheki Cele, Transport minister Fikile Mbalula’s promise to totally ban drink driving in January, came a step closer to becoming Law with the publishing of the The National Road Traffic Amendment Bill on Monday, which was approved by Cabinet in draft form in March. The new law would drop the permissible blood alcohol level for anyone driving a motor vehicle to zero.
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