The Far Left has already being ridiculed for calculating global cow farts, so it certainly is not beyond them to count how much CO₂ humans exhale! As if it wasn’t bad enough that we were forced to stay in our own homes, even though no one would have believed it before 2020, it now appears that it is not long before our own breath will be measured and counted! A Dutch bankster and professor, Barbara Baarsma from Rabobank, wants to give citizens personal annual CO₂ quotas! If the far left is already counting the emissions from cows, how long before they start measuring the CO₂ we emit with every breath?
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Are Globalists Planning to Charge us to Breathe? What is your breath worth?
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FF+ Election Manifesto Calls for Scrapping of BBBEE – PaNazi Lesufi Replies that BEE will stay “until the sins of white ancestors are wiped out”!
Andrek “Panyaza” Lesufi, the High Priest of black supremacism and Afrikaner hatred, claimed affirmative action – (if you are white, you are out) – is here to stay “until the sins of white ancestors are blotted out.” Of course, this will be forever because the ANC will always continue to create and invent new sins. The anti-white genocidal maniac also dragged Orania into the fray and said Orania should go.
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Cheap Black Labour & Friends are Dangerous! White Employee Killed by Black Worker & Friend after Birthday Braai!
The snake in the grass: Once again we are reminded that multiculturalism has failed all over the world, with the news that a black worker, who was apparently so trusted by his white employer, that he regularly invited him for a braai, has just been convicted of the murder of the doctor, who was also a husband, father, brother and grandfather. Should whites be reminded of how the ANC revolution’s ‘necklacing’ worked, where moderate blacks were radicalized against whites? It only takes one threat to turn your black worker or friend into your enemy. As with Muslims where the revolutionary radicals hide among the moderates, like a snake in the grass, so too with black revolutionary radicals who mingle between our black workers and “friends”.
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ConCourt Declares UNISA Language Policy Unconstitutional in 5 Year Long Court Case!
It is tragic that the courts have to protect the true diversity of South Africa, with a dozen languages, from the ANC regime, and it remains unfortunate that the ANC government preaches diversity, yet applies monolingualism. This ruling is appropriate on the eve of Heritage Day, in that it recognized the language rights of students, and imposes a specific obligation with regard to execution on Unisa. It is equally unfortunate that language and cultural communities have to turn to the courts in the final instance, to claim their rights as diverse languages with specific reference to Afrikaans, especially at historically Afrikaans universities.
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Jessie Duarte’s Outdated Ideology on Land Expropriation without Compensation Represents Unworkable & Unrealistic ANC Factional Thinking
The Ad Hoc Group for the Protection of Property Rights has taken note of ANC Secretary-General Jessie Duarte’s remarks on Monday, on Expropriation without Compensation at a media conference. During the interview, she elaborated on the ideological fiction that expropriation without compensation (EWC) is at the heart of economic development.
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Some ANCYL Candidates Left off PR Party Lists – Upset They Might Miss Their Chance at Systemic Corruption and not Become Millionaires?
There are problems in the ANC gravy train paradise after ANC Youth League members furiously protested over their exclusion from the list of PR councillors. Internal divisions are raging among the ruling ANC after two youth league regions, in the Free State and Limpopo, expressed their anger over the exclusion of the youth candidates names in the candidate list for the upcoming local elections. Given the systemic corruption in municipalities, they are probably angry they will not be able to become millionaires through systemic corruption.
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African Union Playing Vaccine Victim Again Despite “Rich Countries” Having EIGHT Times More Covid Deaths per Million Population!
The European Union’s African Union has declared that “rich countries” should stop storing Covid vaccines, to use for future boosters, which do not yet appear to be necessary, but should rather give them to Africa. Of course, AU is once again playing the begging bowl race card, that Africa is the eternal victim, in order to get things for free again, however the truth is that Africa has come off pretty light from the whole pandemic, despite all the mainstream fear-mongering and propaganda. The truth is that Africa has only a fraction of the Covid deaths that Europe and USA have.
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Unemployment in Socialist SA Highest in the World and Apparently Contributes to Riots and Looting!
South Africa now has the worst unemployment in the world according to Bloomberg, and now falls among other disastrous countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. For all Ramaphosa’s nice speeches and promises, he does not understand that one main goal of a good government, is to establish an economy, which gives the people of the country the opportunity to make an honest living. The ANC government is not doing this at all. They set an example of corruption and immaturity. Corruption does not build an economy. Looting is just that. It builds nothing. And then the ridiculous reasons put forward: free housing, free education, free everything, which only exacerbates the above. And if ANC supporters do not get it for free, they throw a tantrum like a toddler, and burn down everything they see.
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#Gupta 2.0 – Harith, New Owner of SAA Set up by Mbeki Ramaphosa Faction Using Government Pension Funds?
Did anyone ask us? When connecting the dots, as Pravin Gordhan instructed, it seems the privatisation of SAA is yet another plunder scam by the ANC mafia. Harith, the new owner of SAA, was setup by the Mbeki and Ramaphosa faction of the ANC, possibly using funds belonging to the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (PIC). Just like when multi billionaire Oligarchs were created after the fall of the USSR, by funneling state public assets into private crony pockets. the privatization of SAA is just a massive ploy, designed to capture SAA for businessmen connected to Ramaphosa’s faction of the ANC! Was SAA deliberately bankrupted to enable this plunder of our assets?
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#LockDownForever? Covid Vaccines Obsolete in a Year Say Scientists, Meaning Socialist ANC Totalitarianism & Racist Plunder Will Only Get Worse!
#PeoplesVaccine – Coronavirus vaccines may become obsolete in less than a year, according to leading epidemiologists and the sloppy, politicised vaccination rollouts that have riddled many countries, make this scenario even more likely. Scientists had already admitted Covid-19 can never be completely wiped out, and this new bombshell admission means the ANC and other Socialist governments could keep us under lockdown forever, or whenever they feel the need to implement their “Great Reset” further and extend their economic warfare against the white minority? Scientists also say they do not know the exact consequences of the new, hastily produced, commercial vaccines on people’s bodies, but one thing is clear, the ANC is going to keep milking this Covid thing as a power grabbing and money-making opportunity, especially since it is now claimed that people will need to get a Covid vaccine every single year. The next election will prove this to be true, as we saw in USA, with the Socialist left using Covid to grab power.
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Civilization is Too Technical & Complicated for ANC as Residents Are Charged for Air in Water Pipes!
Socialist Elitism in South Africa has finally achieved its aim of charging people for air, literally! Residents of Vanderbijlpark & Emfuleni are paying exorbitant bills for air coming through the water pipes, instead of water. All this because the minority are excluded from managing their own affairs, utilities and resources, so they are at the mercy of the incompetence, standards and values of the parasitic ANC and its self serving cadres & supporters.
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How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!
“Anti-Racism” is the Number one Nation Killing Weapon for Globalists! Billions have been deliberately poured into the manufacture, weaponizing, propagandizing and strengthening of this weapon of mass destruction. It has been so entrenched in our society (to destroy social cohesion), through the globalist mainstream media, who are major recipients of these billions when they become complicit in implementing the weapon, that it has become a weapon against ANYTHING, even looting! ESKOM, the massive state entity that is considered to be bankrupt, alleges the white CEO, Andre de Ruyter, who was appointed to stop the endemic and systemic corruption, is now a target of anti-racism in the corporation, specifically because he identified and fired perpetrators of gross systemic abuse and looting, who are not white…
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VIDEO: How Kyoto Accord & Paris Agreement INCREASED CO2 Emissions by Giving China & India a Free Pass!
China and India are cashing in on our enforced sacrifices and taxes, but data doesn’t lie, yet the Chinese Communist Party sure does when it uses “science” to attack the rest of the world.
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“Systemic Looting at Eskom” – R238,000 for Wooden Broom, R80,000 for a Kneepad, R56 for Bottle of Milk! #TheAfricanWay is the Consumption of Civilization Itself!
De-Colonisation = De-Civilisation: The “previously disadvantaged” who are now the “currently advantaged” clearly regard Eskom as a personal cash machine, with unlimited credit (from you the taxpayer). Andre de Ruyter, head of Eskom said this type of extreme plunder has been systemic in Eskom for years. No wonder Eskom (you) are sitting with enormous debt of about half a TRILLION Rand which YOU and your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have to repay. Sadly it is not even the poor benefitting from this outright criminality, but black ANC elites, cronies and officials who already earn massively inflated salaries, who are stuffing their pockets even further, in true African style. #TheAfricanWay
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Video: Ramaphosa the Black Supremacist, has NOTHING to Teach USA About Democracy! White South Africans Do!
Nice Guys Finish Last: Ramaphosa seems to love to preach from his high and mighty podium of self righteousness and black privilege, and now he has even claimed he can teach the mighty USA a thing or two about democracy? This is the man who claimed Covid19 knows no colour, then proceeded to exclude whites from Covid19 emergency relief? The man who wants to expropriate all white owned land with no compensation? Is that what Ramaphosa wants to teach USA? How to be a supremacist and a racist yet still look like the good guy by owning and controlling the media?
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