At a “Leadership for the Africa we Want” event in Kigali, Rwanda way back in 2014, Thabo Mbeki looked directly at Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) and said “You have accessed power in order to put money in your pocket. You Are Stealing Public Resources”. NDZ’s face made it clear she knew he was adressering her…
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VIDEO: “You Accessed Power to Put Money in Your Pocket & Are Stealing Public Resources!” Mbeki to NDZ 6 Years Ago!
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VIDEO: Who Holds Power in SA? A Shadow Government Run By ANC’s Command Council & Police (CCP) – SA’s Own CCP?
#SACCP – Are communist totalitarian structures secretly being put in place as a shadow parallel government in South Africa? Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) talks in Parliament about implementing Regional Command Councils, but the video of the Gauteng Police Chief briefing reveals that they already exist and that “zero tolerance” must be enforced by SAPS! What is a Regional Command Council? A clipping has also revealed that Organised Crime Units are not allowed to investigate farm attacks and murders – why the instruction if “There no farm murders in South Africa”?
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Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?
World Domination: You would expect a tiny landlocked nation like Lesotho to be pro independence, but no, Lesotho along with Zimbabwe and Mozambique, appear to support communism and annexation. Why does Lesotho even exist? Why was Lesotho (and Swaziland & Namibia) allowed to keep its independence, but the other 10 independent bantu homeland nations were annexed by ANC in the 1994 violent coup? Why is Lesotho the favourite of UK Royals? We can only assume large amounts of money or “deals” changed hands when on July 1, 53 countries (including Communist China) signed a resolution introduced by Communist Cuba at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council in Geneva, praising China for the passing of the oppressive Hong Kong National Security Law.
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Racist ANC Hides Behind Globalist “Anti-Racism” Campaign – Traitors & Useful Idiots to Wear Black!
ANTI-RACISM DESTROYS DIVERSITY: The liberal globalists have jumped on the George Floyd incident to not only try steal the US General Election, but also to try restart their “Liberal World Order”, which Trump and many truthers like SA-News worldwide have exposed in the last few years. Let’s be clear, judging someone based purely on the colour of their skin is simply stupid, however that is exactly what the ANC does everyday. If the ANC where genuine about “anti-racism” they would have dropped the race based BBBEE long time ago. This then exposes their hidden agenda and we have to look behind the scenes, before we start wearing black…
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VIDEO: SA Lockdown and Tobacco Wars are About Political Power, NOT Saving Lives! Ramaphosa’s NWO/WMC versus Zuma’s Communist Mobsters!
A recording has been received by SA-News in which a supporter of NDZ sheds some light on the ongoing battle for power and infighting within the ANC NEC. The battle appears to be drawn along the classic lines of New World Order Capitalism versus Communism, Trade Unions and Mobsters. The people at the end of the day will still be stuck with the gangster enterprise known as ANC.
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Colonisation 2.0! African Union is European Union in Disguise, but Does Anyone Care, as Long as the Handouts Keeps Flowing?
#AUisNotAfrica! The pan-africanist African Union’s Africa Day celebrations were propagandised with the slogan “The Africa We Want”, exposing the same dictatorial, supremacist centralised, left wing socialist approach to the re-colonisation of Africa, in order to force it into the NWO. In fact the propaganda video realeased for the 57th anniversary celebrations boasts about how all the Communist Russia instigated and supported “victories” throughout Africa, in the so called liberation struggles, were their (AU) victories? But these genocidal maniacs go further, proclaiming how “they” are pushing onwards to create “The Africa We Want”. Who is “we” and who are they? The old Socialist USSR still? The European Union? Globalist Communism? Cuba? The New World Order (NWO)? The Bilderberg Group? Soros? The Deep State?
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Are South Africa’s Clintons, The Zumas, Using Lockdown for Personal & Political Gain, To Save a Disgraced Jacob Zuma from Zondo Commission?
Is SA’s Hillary Clinton, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Who Desperately Wants to be President Too, Using Her Command Council Lockdown Power to Save her ex-Husband & ex-President, SA’s Disgraced Bill Clinton, Jacob Zuma? The remarkable similarities between the Zumas and Clintons are more than deja-vu, they are the hallmark of gross abuse of State structures to satisfy a desperate greed and lust for power. Zuma’s ex-wife who is in charge of the ANC’s CCPvirus “Command Council” which is enforcing unconstitutional powers, could draw out lockdown forever, thereby postponing Zuma’s court case and the Zondo Commission. Emeritus Professor Pieter Labuschagne, a law expert at UNISA, warns that South Africa has entered dangerous territory after the ANC government claimed ultra Constitutional powers for itself, as its response to the Chinese CCP virus pandemic.
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VIDEO: #GangsterState Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s Cigarette Ban Creates a Booming Illegal Industry, Extortion & Even Higher Tempers!
#LiftTheBan Illegal shops all over South Africa are selling illegal cigarettes at hyper inflated prices to the poor, causing chaos and social unrest as can be seen in the video, where an irate customer complains about being charged R100 for a packet of cigarettes that costs R22
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#MakeChinaPay: While SA Establishment Kisses China’s B*tt, The Rest of Africa Wakes Up To #CommunistCreep, Chinese Racism & Faulty Chinese Kits!
#AreYouKidding? Would a goat and pawpaw test positive for COVID-19 in South Africa with the Chinese swab testing kits donated by NASPERS & Jack Ma? Would they even tell us? Well they did in Tanzania! This and multiple other reasons has caused African nations to re-evaluate their relationship with China, and not only become more critical of China’s globalist ambitions, but also to see potential windfalls in suits against China, for not informing the world of the virus in time and also for racist incidents in China. The ANC regime in South Africa however continues to cover it all up with the SACP faction in the ANC, which is growing stronger in its attempts to oust Ramaphosa, pushing China’s communist agenda in all departments it has influence over. Chinese ownership in Independent Media (Argus, The Star, IOL, GQ, etc.) and NASPER’s Chinese interests (Tencent), no doubt help Chinese propaganda in South Africa…
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The Big Lie: In ANC’s War Against The CCPvirus, Truth is the First Victim, but Ramaphosa Might Become One Too From ANC Infighting! – Analyst
As the totalitarian jackboot comes down hard on law abiding citizens in SA, a political analyst, who does not usually bash the ANC, says we are living in the time of the Big Lie. Prof Andre Duvenage a political analyst at the Potchefstroom University, has written an open letter to Cyril Ramaphosa in which he..
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VIDEO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Asks South Africa To Stop Cuba’s Human Trafficking of Cuban Medical Workers & to Pay Them Directly!
In a scathing indictment of the ANC regimes communist credentials, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has asked South Africa to stop the Cuban dictatorship from turning a profit from human trafficking of Cuban medics, and to pay them directly and not to pay the Cuban regime which takes most of their earnings.
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VIDEO: When Will Black South Africans Take Off Their BBBEE Nappy & Abolish Expropriation Without Compensation Too? “Freedom for Some is Freedom for None”
#FreedomDay When Will Black South Africans Take off Their BBBEE Nappy? When will black South Africans grow up and be free? In his usual racist Freedom Day rant, #RacistPhosa admitted just how far South Africa is from being a free country. In fact it begs the question: At what stage will black South Africans no longer be kept in a protected crib and artificially supported and sustained by racist ANC policies like BBBEE? No black person in SA can really feel sure that they actually achieved what they have by themselves.
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“The Great Reset” – Will ANC Cope, Will Minorities Wake Up, and Will The Failed Liberal World Order’s Globalism & Open Borders be Finished?
The CCPvirus, as it is known due to the Chinese Communist Party’s failure to warn a globalist world, has rolled like a giant tsunami through the world. Although it has not flattened a single building, it has flattened economies, forced families apart and killed many of their loved ones. Governments are scrambling to deal with the problem and most have adopted phrases like “flatten the curve”, “lockdown” and “phased reopening” to manage the state and public response, in such a uniform way, globally, it almost seems some central body is giving instructions to the likes of Ramaphosa and ANC, who certainly would not have come up with these managed responses on their own.
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#LetThemEatCash! Ramaphosa Creating Historic Debt to Appease Township Masses! Faulty Test Stats & Cash Won’t Stop CCPvirus Nor Will it Protect Food Producers & Shops!
#CoronaClown: Despite having months to learn from what other countries have gone through, Cyril seems intent on sticking to the African Way, as he tries to control the narrative and drip feed the black masses with unrealistic faulty test information, WMC inspired “relief” payouts to quell uprisings in townships, and to deny the inevitable, a catastrophe and his demise. SA-News reported over TWO months ago that asymptomatic COVID19 positive people were silently spreading the virus, now suddenly it is a scientific revelation? Cyril mentions food security, but not farm security? Like Zimbabwe, you can only throw so much cash at a problem until it becomes worthless, because it cannot be eaten and doesn’t reach those that need it most, because corrupt ANC politicians intercept and plunder the funds. However Cyril is forced to use the carrot because Bheki Cele’s increasing unpopularity from extreme childish lockdown restrictions have reduced Cyril’s options.
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Ramaphosa, ANC & Abdool Karim Want To Flatten the Economy, NOT The Curve, Because The Party & Socialism are More Important Than The Economy! COVID19: Converting Capitalism to Socialism…
#CommunistVirus The CoronaVirus presents an existential threat in SA, but to who? After the landmark presentation with Salim Abdool Karim last week, we were left with a feeling that something was not right. Now this is normal whenever it comes to anything to do with the ANC regime, but it is usually quite obvious. As the infection numbers come in everyday I have realised the problem. Karim has inexplicably pegged the return to semi or normal life at a very low, impossible threshold. In fact he says so himself when he admits that we cannot escape the Covid19 epidemic and that the curve will increase. He is right, the CCPvirus is here to stay and like the flu, we will all have to come to terms with it sooner or later. Obviously later, with the benefit of a vaccine would be preferable, but 80% of us will survive just fine without one.
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