Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely – These infamous words have come to define communism and are being proven to be true again in ANC South Africa. From a 3 kilometre queue where people stood shoulder to shoulder to massive crowds jammed together for food parcels, it seems the ANC power trip to control everything is in fact spreading the virus more! People cannot eat permits, regulations or policies yet a deranged ANC on a power trip is driving many families, both black and white, into starvation. Bureaucratic red tape created by a permit happy and regulation spewing ANC regime, trapped in a toxic mix of paranoia, racial hatred of minorities and tin pot power craving, is exacerbating the already existing hunger and threatening a mass famine in South Africa, because the corrupt ANC insists on controlling the distribution of food centrally, and in practice has stopped food being moved by many non governmental organizations (NGO’s) throughout the country, amidst the current COVID-19 lockdown which must be the hardest and most regulated lockdown in the world.
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Has ANC Power Trip Made Lockdown More Dangerous Than Covid19? Permits Prevent Emergency Food Parcels Being Delivered, Threatening Mass Starvation While Long Queues Increase Contagion!
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#LetThemEatCash! Ramaphosa Creating Historic Debt to Appease Township Masses! Faulty Test Stats & Cash Won’t Stop CCPvirus Nor Will it Protect Food Producers & Shops!
#CoronaClown: Despite having months to learn from what other countries have gone through, Cyril seems intent on sticking to the African Way, as he tries to control the narrative and drip feed the black masses with unrealistic faulty test information, WMC inspired “relief” payouts to quell uprisings in townships, and to deny the inevitable, a catastrophe and his demise. SA-News reported over TWO months ago that asymptomatic COVID19 positive people were silently spreading the virus, now suddenly it is a scientific revelation? Cyril mentions food security, but not farm security? Like Zimbabwe, you can only throw so much cash at a problem until it becomes worthless, because it cannot be eaten and doesn’t reach those that need it most, because corrupt ANC politicians intercept and plunder the funds. However Cyril is forced to use the carrot because Bheki Cele’s increasing unpopularity from extreme childish lockdown restrictions have reduced Cyril’s options.
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VIDEO: What Are The Criteria For Food Parcels? Do Any Poor White People, Families or Groups Get Food Aid? Do They Need to Vote ANC First?
Is “patronage” the new word for buying votes? What are the criteria to qualify for Food Aid? While the ANC claims that specific criteria are being used to identify families to be assisted during the lockdown with food aid, it seems, as usual, that corruption, bribery and indeed anti white racism are the order of the day.
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ANC Doesn’t Know Which Province 11 People Who Tested Positive for #COVID19 Are From Yet Everyone Praises Emperor Ramaphosa & his Invisible Cloak!
With all the new powers and cash the State of Disaster has given Ramaphose, the term emperor is not misplaced and it is obvious that he and his ANC comrades are liking their new Totalitarian powers so much, they happily extended the lockdown for two more weeks. This new cloak of powers, is also like the emperor’s invisible cloak, as it does not hide the naked incompetence, ineptitude and blind greed that drives the ANC party. Yet still the ANC party prances around in its invisible cloak, pretending all is grand. because to do otherwise would be to admit they are not only completely out of their depth, but are roleplaying to cover it up.
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God Help Us! Forget Virus Lockdown, Will SA Survive Bumbling ANC Regime Who Forget Social Distancing as They Enforce #Prohibition & #Totalitarianism & Give Up 21 Days of Alcohol Tax For Stasi Powers!
South Africa might well find itself without a President or any top government officials, police or army leaders in 12 days time! It seems the new totalitarian powers the State of Disaster has given them, has gone to their heads! Dressed like an African dictator, Ramaphosa himself was addressing SANDF members ahead of their deployment in the lockdown, sounding world wise about the “invisible enemy”, as he mixed with them at the Doornkop Army Base in Soweto, Cyril got so carried away by his new dictatorship role, he forgot all about the Social Distancing rule he was advocating! Ramaphosa and the top brass were seated right next to each other as normal and even the army troops were arranged in their normal close squad formations! Did Cyril not get the memo from Xi Jinping who did it all via video links (pictured), yet still wore a facemask (for the camera’s)? After 26 years of doing as they please, do the ANC now think they are invincible against the Chinese Virus too?
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Seven Harmless Defenseless Grandparents Murdered in 7 Days! How Much Worse Will It Get Under CoronaVirus Lockdown? Will We Ever Know?
“You can tell the nature of a society by how they treat their elderly” – While we are distracted with wall to wall coverage of the CoronaVirus and counting of Corona virus cases, who is counting the elderly being violently murdered? Yet another harmless elderly white man has been murdered by cowards that Cyril protects. This time in Villiersdorp in the Western Cape. This brings to seven the number of elderly white people murdered in a week.
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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Farm Murders More Deadly Than #CoronaVirusSA With Two Murders in Two Days, Yet its Ignored by Mainstream Newspapers & TV Who Only Pander To Black Majority!
#COVID19 in South Africa has a long way to go to be anywhere near as deadly as farm murders, as another 2 white farmers have been murdered within 48 hours of each other. Collin Leslie Britz (65), from Dundee in KZN, and Charles Hart (75), from Henderson in Eastern Cape were callously murdered – all that was taken was weapons. As usual the murders were totally ignored by liberal news outlets, although they do seem to have a lot of time to report on trivial matters concerning celebs & gossip etc. Liberal news media seem to take their orders from Ramaphosa and have never taken the matter of the murders of white farmers, and the associated threat to food security, seriously.
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Elderly German Tourist Found Murdered on Margate Golf Course – No One is Safe Anymore, Anywhere, Anytime
An elderly German tourist was found murdered on Saturday, 7 March on a golf course in Margate, Kwazulu Natal. A spokesperson of ambulance service Netcare 911, Shawn Herbst, told the media that the man’s body was pointed out to them on the golf course, after they received a call around 1430. Herbst said the man was assaulted and had head injuries and had died on the scene.
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VIDEO: #PongolaHero Good Guy With a Gun Saves 24 Lives and Prevents Massacre at Sports Bar in Pongola! Mainstream Media Silent?
On Friday night, March 6, a potentially horrific incident took place in Northern KwaZulu-Natal, but two things stopped it. One, a good guy with a gun and two, mainstream media are absolutely dead silent about it and the fact that a good guy with a gun prevented a potential massacre! The shooting occurred at a sportsbar at a rugby club in the Pongola area, when six black men in balaclavas, armed with pangas and firearms, burst into the bar and demanded that patrons get on the ground and started shooting…
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Racist Tender for Opening Prayer? Africans Make A Mockery of International Business & Governance Standards With Despotic Cronyism and Pay to Play!
White prayer not allowed! Socialist social engineering and anti white BBEEE laws, in conjunction with plain and simple greed and avarice, have been pushed to the extreme in captured South Africa. Apparently following the letter of the BBEEE laws, it has come to light that the Mangosuthu University of Technology in Umlazi, Kwazulu-Natal has put out a tender for an opening prayer, scheduled for this past Friday. This bizarre incident is so weird that we must remind you that this is not fake news (See tender document below). What we are dealing with here is just the logical conclusion of what happens when some “empowered” black official somewhere, follows the letter of the ANC’s strict racial laws which bars white participation in economic activity, related to any State or official organ.
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#Covid19 First Confirmed Case of CoronaVirus Reported in South Africa in Kwazulu-Natal – patient returned from Italy.
A 38 year old man who returned from Italy with his wife, in a tour group of 10, on March 1, has tested positive for CoronaVirus. The patient and doctor are self isolating.
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Afriforum Release Their Moderate Version of Farm Murder Statistics For 2019, Showing a 27% Increase in Daily Attacks! Defend & Protect Yourself – The Black Majority Regime Will Not!
Afriforum have released their version of 2019 farm attack statistics which can be taken as a minimum, given their moderate conservative approach and it only includes attacks reported to them. However, despite this, it still shows a clear increase in the slow war and genocide on whites and even farm workers are affected.
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ANC Hide Their Crimes Behind Apartheid, Which Was NOT a Crime Against Humanity, as the Communist Soviet Union Propaganda Tried To Claim at the UN!
After a humiliating experience during the SONA State of the Nation Address, where traitor F.W. De Klerk and his second wife Elita, were badly verbally abused by his own darling blacks, Nobel laureate De Klerk unexpectedly hit back this time, and believe it or not, defended Apartheid. Maybe public humiliation does work on such a person, who sold Kith, Kin and Country for Coin, and false virtue?
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