More than R120 Million in hard cash was looted from ATMs and banks during the recent ANC violence that swept through parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal in mid-July. This amount is much higher than the initial estimates and does not include the repair costs.
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R120 Million Cash Stolen from ATMs and Banks During ANC Riots, Financing More Organized Crime and Corruption!
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Potholes, The International Symbol of Socialism, Also Kill Innocent Citizens! The ANC’s Deliberate, Malevolent Negligence & Incompetence Keeps on Killing…
Had it not been for a pothole, caused by ANC neglect, incompetence and plunder, Mr Lomon Terreblanche (58), a well-known farmer from Edenville in the Free State, would still be alive, as would Waldo Ferreira (25), and 2 other young people, all killed on the same day, by ANC’s potholes! One by one, day by day, the Socialist ANC is calculatingly exposing us to harm, egging criminals on to attack, rob and kill white people with anti-white hate speech and lenient sentencing. Their ethnic cleansing campaign, deliberate or not, is being perpetuated in many different ways, which over time means a chilling number of our people are sent to EARLY, unnecessary deaths. From economic warfare which makes us more vulnerable, to systemic and institutional neglect and prejudice in hospitals and state services like police, ESKOM, Home Affairs, municipal services, etc. the only conclusion is that a slow war of attrition is being waged against the white minority, with incompetence, corruption and “racism” being used to excuse, hide and even shockingly justify it!
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How Covid19 Kills Innocent People Who DON’T Have Covid19! Kidney Patient Neglected & Left to Die in Tshepong State Hospital!
Collateral Damage: Did Covid restrictions let a man literally starve to a lonely death, in yet another horror story from a state hospital, preventing his family from noticing and helping him? Allowed to die from hunger and dehydration in Tsheponh hospital in Klerksdorp? By now everyone should be aware of what death traps SA state hospitals have become, as 58 year old Andre Smit’s family found out when Andre died in hospital on 17 February 2021, after the hospital inexplicably refused him kidney dialysis treatment. Due to Covid the family were barred from helping him themselves and they are convinced he developed kidney failure because of dehydration, from neglect, hunger and thirst in the Tshepong hospital.
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Where Are The Noble Anti-Racists Now? Racist ANC Offers Covid19 Relief to NON WHITES ONLY!
Like a classic dictatorial African despot, Ramaphosa acted all holier than thou, publicly proclaiming that Covid19 is a disease that knows no colour, then he promptly offers COVID19 relief aid to non whites only, as was seen in an advert appearing in Naspers’ flagship Paarl Post Newspaper recently! Should Paarl Post not have rejected the racist advert from Casidra? What is even worse is that the captured High Court rubber stamped this racism and hypocrisy. But then of course black people are permitted to do this because brainwashed whites, who hide their own cowardice behind a wall of false virtue signaling, have not raised a single word of protest against this blatant, institutional, regulatory racism a quarter of a century after apartheid ended! Ironically a lot of this aid money comes from Western nations and white taxpayers!
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Slow Genocide: ANC Regime’s Deliberate & Malicious Negligence Keeps Killing us! Heart Attack Patient Sent Home with Paracetamol!
#ExposeThemToHarm: South Africans are experiencing the dark side of socialism, as a Ventersburg woman, who was diagnosed with a cardiac arrest condition, had her ECG tests thrown away and was sent sent home with only some headache tablets, by a Virginia, Free State district hospital doctor! She died at home that same night and is the third heart attack patient at this hospital to die like this! The slow but malicious genocide through deliberate negligence by the socialist ANC carries on unnoticed, uncontested and unreported! South Africa used to have the best healthcare in the world, so there is no denying that it is deliberate!
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1 in 3 South Africans Out of Work as ANC Sets All Time Unemployment Record with 2.2 Million Jobs Lost in 2Q 2020!
COVID-19 The Gift That Keeps Giving! Any analysis of unemployment figures in South Africa should always be prefaced by the reminder, that it is a stated Socialist and Communist goal to move workers out of private sector jobs (capitalism) and into state employment or onto state welfare. This simple fact should make it abundantly clear why Ramaphosa, ANC & SACP could hardly contain their joy when Covid19 struck SA. Indeed they have wielded the CCP Virus to strike down private enterprises (mostly targeting white owned businesses) to great effect. We were asked to stay home for a few months in an extremely draconian lockdown, “so that the government can prepare for the coming crisis”. Yet now they are telling us the crisis cannot be avoided, cannot be stopped and will come back again? Feeling foolish yet? They no longer think we are stupid, they now KNOW we are!
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ANC Socialists Successfully Make Another 1.5 Million People Unemployed, Making Them Dependent on ANC Welfare Grants! Communism 101
The CCPvirus remains the gift that keeps giving for large corporations and anti small business communists the world over, especially in South Africa where another 1.5 Million people have become unemployed. From “big box” big name retailers who are making record profits selling online, and having their small business competition permanently put out of business in lockdowns, to despotic socialist regimes like the ANC, who want more people dependent on them for welfare handouts, so they can control every aspect of their lives (and coerce them to vote ANC). However demand for welfare and emergency funds are high, with stiff competition from corrupt ANC cadres and thieves making away with large portions of the emergency loan funds already!
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“F*ck You White Man” – Well Known Farmer Survives Racist Farm Attack, Only To Be Refused Treatment at Local Hospital!
While Mainstream Media are pandering to black people’s hurt fweelings over dry hair, a hospital in Kroonstad has refused medical treatment to a well known farmer, who was attacked by a black male wielding a panga and two knives, shouting “F*ck you White man”! Note the attacker did not just say “man”, or “farmer”, or “South African”, or “human”, he said “WHITE man”, making this a racist attack. But Sarel Wessels’ problems did not end there, he had to treat his own wounds after a local hospital refused to treat the wounded farmer, despite him being a citizen and employer! But Ramaphosa’s “our people” at the hospital had a handy excuse, fear of the CCP-virus, so he had to make do without hospital treatment and treat himself. Racist sh*ithole much?
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Is EVERYTHING The ANC Does a Scheme To Plunder from Taxpayers & “Redistribute Wealth”, to Buy Votes, To Keep Power, To Keep Plundering?
ANC TROJAN HORSE ENTERPRISES: R52 Million of taxpayers money has been wasted on yet another failed Collective (communist) chicken farm in Virginia, Free State this time! But was it ever intended to produce chickens, or was it just another ANC Trojan Horse Enterprise, designed to fail, to facilitate “legally” stealing money from the taxpayer, while pretending to be a BBBEE business venture – a “perfect crime”? The ANC’s approach to establish collective BBBEE farms, with massive amounts of taxpayer money, is well known and it is just as well known that these grandiose projects end in massive “failure” every time, almost as if it was planned to fail, with cadres plundering during every step of the short life cycle of the doomed project…
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SA Passes 1,000 Covid19 Deaths, But Are They Real? ANC’s Old Trick of Deliberately Mis-Classifying Cause of Death Surfaces Again…
As South Africa becomes the 22nd worst affected country, only 4 positions below China, overtaking Netherlands and Sweden, who had no lockdown, stories are surfacing of the government deliberately classifying causes of death as Covid19 when they weren’t! However we have seen this old trick before, when the ANC deliberately mis-classified the death of people due to negligence in state hospitals, or from farm murders, in order to skew the real data and hide their incompetence and the silent genocide by deliberate negligence, that is taking place in SA. Are they even keeping track of demographic data in CCP-virus deaths given that it appears to have affected non whites worse in other countries?
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Solidarity Trade Union & Afriforum Challenge Ramaphosa in Court to Stop Being Racist About Covid-19 Relief for Businesses!
Solidarity has directly challenged Ramaphosa to drop the racial BBBEE criteria for COVID-19 assistance to businesses in a letter sent on Saturday, to intervene in the Department of Tourism’s decision, to only give assistance to people who qualify under the ANC’s race based BBBEE policy for COVID-19 relief.
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Apartheid 2.0 – Black Supremacist ANC Implements Racist Criteria for Government COVID-19 Assistance, Despite Calling it Fake News! DA & Afriforum Will Fight This Race Based Aid!
The ANC regime has announced a racial framework for government COVID-19 assistance, the possibly of which they previously called fake news! The DA and Afriforum say they will fight against these BEE based measures, after two State departments have come out with a strict racial classification to determine which lucky South Africans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will get financial assistance.
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#WinterCometh COVID-19 aka CCPvirus Far More Widespread Than ANC Stats Claim & Could Require Longer or Second #Lockdown in Winter!
WILL CCP VIRUS KILL ANC VIRUS? While the West, with its liberal indulgence & open borders is currently being punished very hard for this “progressiveness”, as SA-News predicted a few weeks ago, China would be the best case scenario for the CCPvirus, because China is a technological yet totalitarian controlled society and the outside world can only guess at the true figure of infections & deaths in a country with 1.4 Billion people, which is about the same as the whole of Africa! As we predicted, the CCPvirus is likely about to wreak absolute havoc in Africa, and the very thin layer of ANC control is about to be exposed, revealing the fact that their influence over their people, is only as thin as the paper money they use to bribe and buy votes with grants.
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While Ramaphosa is panicking trying to clean up China’s mess in SA, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
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#RamaphosaLies Solidarity Lodges Complaint With Human Rights Commission Against Racist ANC’s Race Based Solidarity Disaster Fund For COVID-19 Mitigation!
“CoronaVirus Knows No Borders or Nationalities” Ramaphosa said. He Lied. As we predicted, the Chinese CoronaVirus crisis is just another opportunity for ANC gangsters to enforce its racial black supremacist quota ideology, and fill their own and their crony’s pockets. The ANC released its racial classification guidelines for aid to small business under the CoronaVirus economic lockdown, after calling it fake news that only black small businesses will be assisted. They lied. It is definitely NOT fake news that race will play a roll, when it comes to the granting of official assistance to small business people during the lockdown period. Race WILL play a roll and this is why Solidarity announced they have laid a complaint in this regard with the Human Rights Commission.
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