Like a classic dictatorial African despot, Ramaphosa acted all holier than thou, publicly proclaiming that Covid19 is a disease that knows no colour, then he promptly offers COVID19 relief aid to non whites only, as was seen in an advert appearing in Naspers’ flagship Paarl Post Newspaper recently! Should Paarl Post not have rejected the racist advert from Casidra? What is even worse is that the captured High Court rubber stamped this racism and hypocrisy. But then of course black people are permitted to do this because brainwashed whites, who hide their own cowardice behind a wall of false virtue signaling, have not raised a single word of protest against this blatant, institutional, regulatory racism a quarter of a century after apartheid ended! Ironically a lot of this aid money comes from Western nations and white taxpayers!
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Where Are The Noble Anti-Racists Now? Racist ANC Offers Covid19 Relief to NON WHITES ONLY!
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#SocialismKills – Another Day, Another White Life Taken for a Few Gadgets in The MultiCulti Sh*thole Rainbow AbomiNation!
WE ARE BEYOND GATVOL! A well known member of the Run/Walk for Life athletic club, Belinda Huyzers (49), was callously and unnecessarily shot dead, in cold blood, during a home invasion at the family home! What will it take to stop this murderous Socialist driven genocide of all nations in SA? We can swear, we can protest and march. We can debate, insult, shout, argue, beg, plead, pray and even fight, but nothing changes. Europeans have always counted and honoured their dead and we are not about to stop now! Riding hard on the back of the radicalized “Black Majority”, the police, authorities, government, ANC, EFF, Mainstream Media, Globalist Big Tech and MultiNational corporations do not give a damn. What are a few lives when there is so much power, plunder and profit to be made out of stealing from, enslaving, abusing and oppressing normal people? “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. The ANC, Mainstream Media and Big Tech Monopolies have absolute power and are absolutely corrupt, to the core! Communism 101. The “Rooi Gevaar” is Real & Deadly!
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VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!
Coup d’etat USA2020: Globalist Capitalists (MultiNationals) and International Communists are conspiring to overthrow all our nations and bring us all under their totalitarian control in order to unequally, raise their own status, power and wealth – they are already more than three quarters of the way to world supremacy and total global domination forever! It really is them or us!
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Barbaric Escalation To Socialist Driven Scorched Earth Tactics Against South African Farmers Underscores Need for Minorities to Secede ASAP! – ULA
The United Liberty Alliance has issued a statement regarding the apparent Scorched Earth Strategy now being inflicted on the South Africa Farming Community. Since Sunday October 18th disturbing reports of farmlands being set alight in what appears to be a well planned strategy have started surfacing on social media in South Africa and escalating, as it continues to occur in more towns of the north western Free State. Up until Tuesday 20th at noon, no mainstream media news reports could be found emanating from any of these platforms even though numerous messages, visuals and voice notes have been sent across open community platforms which include certain emergency support groups.
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Should ANC Government, Like Sweden, Ask SANDF or CSIR to Examine 5G License Applications for State Security?
#StateCapture: Why the fuss about China and Huawei that upsets Trump and Western countries so much? The answer lies in the fact that according to Chinese law, all Chinese companies, privately or state-owned, MUST obey the Chinese Communist Party if the Chinese government asks for user data, or asks the companies to take certain actions. This is the crux of the Tik-Tok ban and worrying enough, we have to ask, what hold does CCP have over Naspers and News24 with their Tencent / Weibo share and also over RAIN and other 5G providers in SA? What Chinese ownership in IOL (Argus & The Star)? With the installation of Chinese technology deep in our society, it gives the Chinese Communist Party access to all the data of citizens in the West, which can then of course be used as a giant espionage (and blackmail?) network by the CCP. Much of the user’s data is also sent via Chinese servers. There’s probably good reason why it’s so cheap. For these reasons, Sweden has now also banned the use of Huawei & ZTE equipment in 5G networks. New legislation that came into force in January required the regulator to consult the Swedish army and the security service to ensure that the use of radio equipment in these frequencies would not “harm” the country’s security. Why does the SA government not care about this possible liability in state security?
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VIDEO: As a Fast Declining Oppressed Minority, Whites in SA Have a Right to Civil Disobedience, Protests and Even Riots, Like #BLM!
If the black minority in USA (minority for now) can turn the world’s most powerful nation upside down, every time one of them is murdered, then the even smaller white minority in SA, who really do have racist prejudicial laws punishing them, can do the same!
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VIDEO: ANC & EFF Terrorists Now Attack in Remote Rural Towns Like Pofadder, Koffiefontein & Kuruman! Nowhere is Safe Anymore!
#OpenSeasonOnWhites: A video appeared showing how 4 black men are robbing a 65 year old farmer of Danielskuil in the Northern Cape, in broad daylight, while black onlookers just stood idly by, with no one lifting a finger to help the poor old man. This escalation of brazen broad daylight attacks on whites has now spread deep into rural areas, where crime used to be unheard of! Why is this? Is it a case of the mainstream media’s narrative of consent and approval of violence against whites, which has reached rural towns and is creating an atmosphere where blacks feel it is their right to attack and fleece whites, because they will not be apprehended nor even criticised! On the contrary, their white victims will be painted as the perpetrators by ANC, EFF & MSM liberals! Police Minister Bheki Cele himself revealed that one of the men arrested for killing Senekal farm manager Brendin Horner, had been arrested 16 times, while the other has been arrested twice! Is it any wonder blacks now think it is open season on whites?
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VIDEO: Boer Lives Matter! Lackadaisical SAPS Caught Out, Use Stun Grenades on Peaceful Boer Protesters Angered by Ongoing Brutal Farm Murders!
#BoerLivesMatter For those wanting to apportion blame for yesterday’s dramatic events in Senekal, look no further than ANC, SAPS and Mainstream Media’s long term lackadaisical attitude to Farm Murders and the impact it has on the Afrikaner Boer community. As SA-News predicted the day before, there was a massive swelling of support for Brendin Horner’s Family at the Magistrates court in Senekal, as well as a communal outrage at the ongoing brutal farm murders, and the lack of action, and indeed denial from Government. Despite the warning signs, it appears the SA Police did not expect such a large reaction, and were caught off guard and had to send in reinforcements to extract their own people from the magistrates court.
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ANC Leasing State Owned Farms To Black Women, Youth & Disabled Just to Tick Politically Correct Boxes! “Superficial Land Transfers Harm Agriculture” – TAU SA
Communism 101 states that a Socialist Government must own all the means of (Food) Production, so why is the ANC regime leasing out farms based off superficial, racist & sexist criteria without consulting established farming organisations? Are the ANC implementing Comrade Lenin’s Ethnic Cleansing and Forced Starvation policies? The Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU SA) has said it is not convinced that the ANC government realizes the difference between agriculture and social welfare. This comes after the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, announced that 135,117 hectares of state land have been “transferred” (30 year lease) to 275 farmers this year – but young people, women and people with disabilities will get preference. Another 260,000 hectares of state land will be advertised within the next two weeks.
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Massive Backlash Building After Violent Farm Murder of Young Brendin Horner, To Send a Message Back To Farm Murderers!
Its Past Enough! The Farming Afrikaner Boer community is in uproar after details of a violent tragic farm murder emerged, where 21 year old Brendin Horner had his young life callously snuffed out by two black “stock thieves”. Brendin was tied to a pole and gruesomely murdered. If it was a message to white people, then it is only right that the white community respond with a mass display of support for his family, demand justice (no bail), and demand action on Farm Murders. The mass protest is planned at the arraignment of the two suspects, on Tuesday 6th October, at the Senekal Magistrates Court at 10:00 AM. The two suspects were arrested on Saturday the 3 October, in relation to the murder of Brendin Horner by Senekal detectives at Fateng tse Ntho in Paul Roux.
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Cheap Black Labour Costs Lives! Another White Woman Killed After Black Gardener Arranges 2 Black Men to Attack Her!
CASE STUDIES #BoycottBlackLabour – Cheap Black Labour Could Cost Your Life, But Definitely Cost You Your Country! Another innocent white woman was killed in an attack by 2 black men, arranged by her black gardener! Just like with BBBEE, white lives do not matter. They are worthless in the ANC’s racist anti-white Rainbow abomiNation. A white woman, who was in her late 40s, was killed on Wednesday 30 September 2020, after her black gardener organized the attack on her, on a smallholding in Sundra, Delmas, Mpumalanga. The acquisition of cheap black labor is the downfall of ALL white nations! The whole origin of sprawling black squatter camps outside our cities is due to this!
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#GenderBasedViolence Forgotten When Victims are White Women & Killers Are Black Men?
Where is all the media hyped faux outrage about #GBV when yet another white woman is murdered, in an attack by 2 black males? Just like in BBBEE, White Lives Don’t Matter, they are worthless in the ANC’s racist anti white Rainbow abomiNation. Another woman, who was in her late 40’s, was murdered on Wednesday 30 September 2020, after her black gardener organized the attack on her on a smallholding at Sundra, Delmas, Mpumalanga.
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1 in 3 South Africans Out of Work as ANC Sets All Time Unemployment Record with 2.2 Million Jobs Lost in 2Q 2020!
COVID-19 The Gift That Keeps Giving! Any analysis of unemployment figures in South Africa should always be prefaced by the reminder, that it is a stated Socialist and Communist goal to move workers out of private sector jobs (capitalism) and into state employment or onto state welfare. This simple fact should make it abundantly clear why Ramaphosa, ANC & SACP could hardly contain their joy when Covid19 struck SA. Indeed they have wielded the CCP Virus to strike down private enterprises (mostly targeting white owned businesses) to great effect. We were asked to stay home for a few months in an extremely draconian lockdown, “so that the government can prepare for the coming crisis”. Yet now they are telling us the crisis cannot be avoided, cannot be stopped and will come back again? Feeling foolish yet? They no longer think we are stupid, they now KNOW we are!
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Mind Numbing Savagery! Farmer’s Legs Cut With Angle Grinder & Wife’s Nose Twisted With Vice Grips! Why Was His Gun in the Safe???
How Savage Can These Savages Get? Just when we thought African barbarism couldn’t get worse, we have a report of a white farming couple who were tortured for more than an hour by 6 black men! They were beaten to a pulp with pipes and planks and the man’s legs were cut with an angle grinder, while the woman’s nose was twisted with a vice grips! Clearly this was a hate crime and not just mere robbery. However mainstream media will continue shoving your nose in BLM to distract you from what is really going on, as they demand white people kneel before blacks! Mainstream media are telling you lies, claiming everything is fine, subduing you so that you keep your weapon in the safe, making it easier for gangs of black men to attack and steal your gun!
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Roll Call of Recent Victims in The War of Civilisation Against Barbarism! ANC & EFF’s Open Season on White’s Rages on!
Africa Never Was Civilised: Why has mainstream media never published a roll call or report about black on white murders and violence in recent weeks, be it in homes, on the streets or on farms? Is this why less and less people trust mainstream newspapers nowadays? Is this why mainstream are using slander, marginalization and lawfare to try eliminate alternative media like SA-News, so that MSM can continue pushing their false BLM narrative, that white man is bad and black man is good? Read these horrific reports and you be the judge whether it should be reported…
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