The Hawks have confirmed that they are in possession of the detailed report implicating Paul Roux police in a local stock theft syndicate, responsible for the barbaric murder (assassination?) of Brendin Horner. Had Hawks acted timeously Brendin would still be alive and the whole Senekal court debacle with farmers protesting would never have happened!
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Hawks Finally Confirm Report Implicating SAPS Members in Stock Theft Syndicate Linked to Brendin Horner’s Murder!
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VIDEO: “To Hell With Peace!” After 26 Years of “Peace” We Are Still Being Murdered, Yet Our Self Appointed “Leaders” Want More Peace?
#Senekal2 There is no doubt that the murder of the farm manager in the Senekal area, Brendin Horner, was a turning point for our people. Although the horrific incident ultimately put the farm murders higher on the media and ANC government’s agenda, it also forced us, as a people, to focus on our current situation. It also raised issues that need to be addressed about where we are at present and what the future holds for us, as whites in South Africa. For this forced focus, we will be forever grateful to Brendin Horner, who paid the highest price.
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Was Slain Brendin Horner Silenced By Corrupt SAPS Stock Theft Syndicate Unit? Why Are SAPS, ANC & MSM Demonising Upset Farmers?
Senekal farmers were incensed after they were informed that police corruption is what killed farm manager Brendin Horner! This is why they stormed the court! The Hawks are in possession of a detailed report about Paul Roux police involvement in local stock theft syndicate, responsible for the barbaric murder (assassination?) of Brendin Horner. Had Hawks acted timeously Brendin would still be alive and the whole Senekal court debacle with farmers would never have happened!
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Black Attacker Stood on Elderly White Man’s Throat & Beat Him to a Pulp! 78 Year Old Thought “Today is my Day to Die”!
#SadisticCele Where is the outrage? During a home invasion by two black males, an elderly white man, whose hands were tied behind is back and was, complying to all the attackers demands, was still bashed, beaten and kicked to a pulp, thrown down the stairs, stabbed with a knife, burned with boiling hot water, bashed over the head with a crystal bowl and a pot! His hands were tied so tight the skin turned black, but we are told this is “economic crime”? Clearly it was pure bloodlust as the poor old man was fully complying to all their demands, so the torture was unnecessary and appears to be pure sadism! This however happens multiple times a day in bloody South Africa, where the Minister of police also seems to take sadistic pleasure out of it!
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No School, Alcohol or Family Visits – Just Protests, Full Taxis & Crime! CCP-Virus Perfect Tool for Socialists to Destroy Economy & Society!
Ever since the arrival of Covid-19 in South Africa, the country has more and more resembled Cuba or Venezuela, where everyone is on government grants, the government controls everything and the zombie citizens are radicalised into an eternal “revolution” against prosperity. SA has literally devolved into a country littered with eternally disgruntled protesters, militarized on a local level by ANC structures, to supposedly show their displeasure over anything the local leaders choose to highlight, because none of this is about the people or services, it is all about the leaders and what they stand to gain.
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Be Alert! Real Criminals, Chancers & Even Those in Authority Are Taking Advantage of Lockdown & Bheke Cele’s Distraction With Misdemeanor Crimes!
#TotalitarianTimes Never before has your state of readiness and preparedness been so important. If you have a gun locked in the safe, now is the time to take it out while you are at home during lockdown, just keep it away from bored kids. It is clear that criminals are not obeying the lockdown regulations, and farmers & city dwellers alike are increasingly falling victim to this, even as Police and Armed Forces are also abusing their new totalitarian powers in greater numbers, and are also committing crimes themselves, while Police Minister Cele distracts everyone with CoronaVirus misdemeanors. The joke is that awaiting trial criminals are being released due to COVID19, so the message to criminals is loud and clear… it is open season!
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The largest number of unlicensed weapons in SA comes from black townships and squatter camps
Although the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, did not say this prominently, it became known that the largest number of illegal weapons were handed in by people from locations and squatter camps. Firearms can be still handed in at police stations until the end of May this year, when the official amnesty period will come..
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Firearms amnesty: SAPS biggest distributor of illegal firearms and ammunition
Just like a pencil cannot make spelling mistakes of its own accord, a firearm cannot kill of its own accord. In addition, recent parliamentary questions that the FF Plus addressed to the Minister of Police seem to reveal that the police service is to blame for the majority of the illegal firearms and ammunition in..
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Minister of Police accused of corruption but strongly denies that he benefited from State Capture
The man with the big hat, who draws heavily on the American cowboy forms, has now pulled out his pistols and is looking for the guilty liars. The Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, rejected the accusations that he had benefited from distributing gifts during the state capture. A so-called “secret witness” said the head of..
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Minister of Police must pay R300,000 plus interest for wrongful, unlawful arrest
The Constitutional Court ordered that the Minister of Police pay R300,000 plus interest since 2012 to Brian de Klerk for an unlawful, illegal, arrest. A person has complained to De Klerk even though he had punched the complainant and was therefore injured, and the police decided to arrest De Klerk on the strength of it…
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Totally unacceptable – President and Minister’s silence on farm murders
The FF Plus was shocked to learn of the wave of farm murders this past weekend and is disappointed that the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and President Cyril Ramaphosa are silent on the matter. Pres Ramaphosa was quick to offer his condolences when mosques were attacked, and people were killed and he even appointed..
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Fikile Mbalula confirms he’s been fired as minister of police
Though he’s no longer the minister of police, he will always be the Chief Minister of Twitter.
Amid all the build-up to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Cabinet reshuffle announcment, Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula already accepted he’d been fired.
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Mbalula issues call-up for more than 600 former ‘freedom fighters’
The minister of police has called up 600 members of the so-called non-statutory powers (NSM) after a meeting on Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss promotions and possible fears that Mbalula wants to “buy” such loyalty for the December ANC election as well as the 2019 election. The call also includes members..
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Politicians stifle murder investigations
The investigation into the murder of former ANC Youth League secretary general Sindiso Magaqa has stalled and may never yield results, say highly placed intelligence sources, with one explaining that politicians have issued instructions to stop the inquiry. “The people who were involved are known and there is little police can do about it. We..
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