Like a classic dictatorial African despot, Ramaphosa acted all holier than thou, publicly proclaiming that Covid19 is a disease that knows no colour, then he promptly offers COVID19 relief aid to non whites only, as was seen in an advert appearing in Naspers’ flagship Paarl Post Newspaper recently! Should Paarl Post not have rejected the racist advert from Casidra? What is even worse is that the captured High Court rubber stamped this racism and hypocrisy. But then of course black people are permitted to do this because brainwashed whites, who hide their own cowardice behind a wall of false virtue signaling, have not raised a single word of protest against this blatant, institutional, regulatory racism a quarter of a century after apartheid ended! Ironically a lot of this aid money comes from Western nations and white taxpayers!
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Where Are The Noble Anti-Racists Now? Racist ANC Offers Covid19 Relief to NON WHITES ONLY!
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VIDEO: The Smoking Gun US Election Fraud Evidence That News24, SABC, IOL, etc. Hide From You! Institutional Election Rigging Systemic Across USA!
Banana Republic USA: The Trump legal team has filed a lawsuit in Georgia to overturn the state’s presidential election results, after a piece of video evidence, dubbed a ‘smoking gun’ by Rudy Giuliani, has surfaced. Mainstream media and Big Tech has tried to hide this from you the viewers, across the world!
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VIDEO: Did the Deep State & CIA Orchestrate Obama’s Two Election Victories Like They Did With #Biden in #USA2020?
MANUFACTURING CONSENT: It appears modern day elections have become a game of predicting how many fake votes the Deep State & Far Left will require, to overcome the actual votes and yet still appear legitimate. With this in mind, the only reason Trump won in 2016, was because the Deep State globalists and democrats did not expect him to win at all, so they did not prepare sufficient overstock ballot papers with which to commit their fraud.
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Malema Incites Racial Violence & Hatred on Far Left Twitter (Which Censors President Trump), by Posting Photo of Himself with Rifle Going to Brackenfell!
Only a fool, and an evil one at that, would try claim Twitter or the ANC Regime, Mainstream Media, SA Courts and so called Human Rights groups are not anti white racists, when Julius Malema once again blatantly incites racial violence on Twitter, by sharing an image to his 3.2 Million followers, of himself with a rifle saying he is “Oppad” (on the way), ahead of a EFF race baiting Brackenfell “protest”. Yet the mainstream Establishment looks the other way…
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VIDEO: Racism Schmacism – SA Tired of EFF Teletubbies’ Racebaiting & Black Supremacy! Leave Our Kids Alone!
Wanting a teacher chosen on the basis of the colour of their skin is classic textbook racism, yet that is what Julius Malema and EFF are demanding! So why does Marema use white lawyers?
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Hawks Finally Confirm Report Implicating SAPS Members in Stock Theft Syndicate Linked to Brendin Horner’s Murder!
The Hawks have confirmed that they are in possession of the detailed report implicating Paul Roux police in a local stock theft syndicate, responsible for the barbaric murder (assassination?) of Brendin Horner. Had Hawks acted timeously Brendin would still be alive and the whole Senekal court debacle with farmers protesting would never have happened!
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VIDEO: EFF is A Hate Filled Crime Syndicate Using “Racism” to Plunder, Vandalise, Extort & Bully White Businesses!
Two video clips received by SA-News show how the foul mouthed EFF thugs and officials use their black privilege to force themselves on any white business they choose, and demand people jump to their demands, just like little African tin pot dictators empowered by Western liberals. They are not even bothered anymore to hide behind the “socialist revolution” scam and are openly abusing whomever they choose.
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Barbaric Escalation To Socialist Driven Scorched Earth Tactics Against South African Farmers Underscores Need for Minorities to Secede ASAP! – ULA
The United Liberty Alliance has issued a statement regarding the apparent Scorched Earth Strategy now being inflicted on the South Africa Farming Community. Since Sunday October 18th disturbing reports of farmlands being set alight in what appears to be a well planned strategy have started surfacing on social media in South Africa and escalating, as it continues to occur in more towns of the north western Free State. Up until Tuesday 20th at noon, no mainstream media news reports could be found emanating from any of these platforms even though numerous messages, visuals and voice notes have been sent across open community platforms which include certain emergency support groups.
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VIDEO: “Satan’s Children Are breaking Us” – Protestors Start Wildfires Which Rampages Across Farms in Freestate Destroying Farms, Livestock, Wildlife & Crops!
A disaster is unfolding and the mainstream media is, as usual, silent because those they champion started it. A protest action in Hertzogville on Sunday 18 October led to the destruction of at least 100,000 hectares of grazing and agricultural land and the deaths of countless livestock and wildlife. The protest by the residents of..
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VIDEO: “To Hell With Peace!” After 26 Years of “Peace” We Are Still Being Murdered, Yet Our Self Appointed “Leaders” Want More Peace?
#Senekal2 There is no doubt that the murder of the farm manager in the Senekal area, Brendin Horner, was a turning point for our people. Although the horrific incident ultimately put the farm murders higher on the media and ANC government’s agenda, it also forced us, as a people, to focus on our current situation. It also raised issues that need to be addressed about where we are at present and what the future holds for us, as whites in South Africa. For this forced focus, we will be forever grateful to Brendin Horner, who paid the highest price.
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VIDEO: Malema Lies To Trump: “No White Farm Murders in SA!” But is Malema a South African or a Zimbabwean?
Malema Exposed! Malema, or his bosses, are clearly deliberately provoking white farmers to try get them to make a foolish mistake, otherwise he must think his black followers are very dumb! He literally walked out the Senekal courtroom after the bail hearing for the two farm murderers, suspected of murdering Brendin Horner, a white farmer, and told the crowd that there are no white farm murders in SA! However it seems even Malema’s whole existence might be a lie, as a Zimbabwean has made a video asking Malema if he is Zimbabwean and exposing other details.
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VIDEO: Civil War? “So be it!” says Malema: “I’m Not Talking About AK47” – BUT He Tweets a Photo of AK47 to 3.2 Million Followers!
#Senekal Julius Malema has fervently declared on TV that he is not afraid of “white terrorists” or their retired soldiers and Generals. If it turns into a Civil War, he says he’s ready for it. This AFTER he spoke with Bheki Cele! The village of Senekal is on everyone’s lips. This is where the young..
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VIDEO: As a Fast Declining Oppressed Minority, Whites in SA Have a Right to Civil Disobedience, Protests and Even Riots, Like #BLM!
If the black minority in USA (minority for now) can turn the world’s most powerful nation upside down, every time one of them is murdered, then the even smaller white minority in SA, who really do have racist prejudicial laws punishing them, can do the same!
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Was Slain Brendin Horner Silenced By Corrupt SAPS Stock Theft Syndicate Unit? Why Are SAPS, ANC & MSM Demonising Upset Farmers?
Senekal farmers were incensed after they were informed that police corruption is what killed farm manager Brendin Horner! This is why they stormed the court! The Hawks are in possession of a detailed report about Paul Roux police involvement in local stock theft syndicate, responsible for the barbaric murder (assassination?) of Brendin Horner. Had Hawks acted timeously Brendin would still be alive and the whole Senekal court debacle with farmers would never have happened!
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VIDEO: “You Are Not Black” Racist Blacks Tell Coloureds They Are Not From Africa! KhoiSan say They are NOT Coloreds?
“YOU ARE NOT BLACK” – is that not what Joe Biden said? It seems there is trouble in the globalist’s flagship rainbow nation paradise, according to a video SA-News received anonymously, showing some blacks (bantu) racially abusing coloureds, telling them: “You are coloured, we do not have this colour on this continent (Africa)”. The racist blacks go on to tell the colored’s to “follow their white sisters, the white people. This one (african continent) is for black people!” The blacks then swear at the coloureds in Afrikaans, the language most coloureds speak – could this be the reason for anti-colored racism amongst Blacks in SA? Are these racist blacks even from South Africa?
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