Like a classic dictatorial African despot, Ramaphosa acted all holier than thou, publicly proclaiming that Covid19 is a disease that knows no colour, then he promptly offers COVID19 relief aid to non whites only, as was seen in an advert appearing in Naspers’ flagship Paarl Post Newspaper recently! Should Paarl Post not have rejected the racist advert from Casidra? What is even worse is that the captured High Court rubber stamped this racism and hypocrisy. But then of course black people are permitted to do this because brainwashed whites, who hide their own cowardice behind a wall of false virtue signaling, have not raised a single word of protest against this blatant, institutional, regulatory racism a quarter of a century after apartheid ended! Ironically a lot of this aid money comes from Western nations and white taxpayers!
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Where Are The Noble Anti-Racists Now? Racist ANC Offers Covid19 Relief to NON WHITES ONLY!
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If You’re White, You’re Out! Barloworld Defends & Continues its Systemically Racist Lay Off Programme!
Black Monopoly Capital: Encouraged by racist courts, Barloworld is continuing to lay off staff simply because they are white, while Solidarity vows to intensify legal action after bringing an urgent application against Barloworld Equipment in the Labour Court, to challenge Barloworld’s consultation process during its recent race based retrenchment process.
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VIDEO: EFF is A Hate Filled Crime Syndicate Using “Racism” to Plunder, Vandalise, Extort & Bully White Businesses!
Two video clips received by SA-News show how the foul mouthed EFF thugs and officials use their black privilege to force themselves on any white business they choose, and demand people jump to their demands, just like little African tin pot dictators empowered by Western liberals. They are not even bothered anymore to hide behind the “socialist revolution” scam and are openly abusing whomever they choose.
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Should ANC Government, Like Sweden, Ask SANDF or CSIR to Examine 5G License Applications for State Security?
#StateCapture: Why the fuss about China and Huawei that upsets Trump and Western countries so much? The answer lies in the fact that according to Chinese law, all Chinese companies, privately or state-owned, MUST obey the Chinese Communist Party if the Chinese government asks for user data, or asks the companies to take certain actions. This is the crux of the Tik-Tok ban and worrying enough, we have to ask, what hold does CCP have over Naspers and News24 with their Tencent / Weibo share and also over RAIN and other 5G providers in SA? What Chinese ownership in IOL (Argus & The Star)? With the installation of Chinese technology deep in our society, it gives the Chinese Communist Party access to all the data of citizens in the West, which can then of course be used as a giant espionage (and blackmail?) network by the CCP. Much of the user’s data is also sent via Chinese servers. There’s probably good reason why it’s so cheap. For these reasons, Sweden has now also banned the use of Huawei & ZTE equipment in 5G networks. New legislation that came into force in January required the regulator to consult the Swedish army and the security service to ensure that the use of radio equipment in these frequencies would not “harm” the country’s security. Why does the SA government not care about this possible liability in state security?
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Third Duel of Barbers Showcases Barber’s Skills & Style, Lifts Industry Moral, But Also Gets Accused of Corruption & Match Fixing!
Nooitgedacht Wine Farm in Stellenbosch hosted the prestigious “Duel Of The Barbers” competition for which, not even a pandemic could stop contestants from taking part in the third “Duel Of The Barbers” showcase. With a total prize value of R230,000, this competition was one well worth competing in thanks to sponsors like WAHL, Fame, Superior Edge, Muk, Xsharp Hair and Beauty, Scissors On Main Paarl, etc. Unfortunately, the event is also leaving a bitter after-taste for some as one of the contestants, Graig Kok, accused a judge of being corrupt and the competition of match fixing in a social media post.
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1 in 3 South Africans Out of Work as ANC Sets All Time Unemployment Record with 2.2 Million Jobs Lost in 2Q 2020!
COVID-19 The Gift That Keeps Giving! Any analysis of unemployment figures in South Africa should always be prefaced by the reminder, that it is a stated Socialist and Communist goal to move workers out of private sector jobs (capitalism) and into state employment or onto state welfare. This simple fact should make it abundantly clear why Ramaphosa, ANC & SACP could hardly contain their joy when Covid19 struck SA. Indeed they have wielded the CCP Virus to strike down private enterprises (mostly targeting white owned businesses) to great effect. We were asked to stay home for a few months in an extremely draconian lockdown, “so that the government can prepare for the coming crisis”. Yet now they are telling us the crisis cannot be avoided, cannot be stopped and will come back again? Feeling foolish yet? They no longer think we are stupid, they now KNOW we are!
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ANC Socialists Successfully Make Another 1.5 Million People Unemployed, Making Them Dependent on ANC Welfare Grants! Communism 101
The CCPvirus remains the gift that keeps giving for large corporations and anti small business communists the world over, especially in South Africa where another 1.5 Million people have become unemployed. From “big box” big name retailers who are making record profits selling online, and having their small business competition permanently put out of business in lockdowns, to despotic socialist regimes like the ANC, who want more people dependent on them for welfare handouts, so they can control every aspect of their lives (and coerce them to vote ANC). However demand for welfare and emergency funds are high, with stiff competition from corrupt ANC cadres and thieves making away with large portions of the emergency loan funds already!
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#Gatvol of The African Way! Malicious Negligence & Endemic Criminality Deconstructing South Africa Every Minute of Every Hour of Every Day!
#DeconstructingSouthAfrica: South Africans are gatvol of the #AfricanWay, which is enabled, propped up and encouraged by the liberal establishment, MSM and the ANC regime, and tolerated by the silent majority! We are tired of all these things being done to us on a daily basis! Who is not tired of being fleeced and looking over their shoulder every single minute of the day? But we may not talk about who does these crimes on a daily basis? We may not talk about the human right’s abuses or legalised racism against minorities & BBBEE, non representation, cadre deployment, lack of services, etc.!
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Solidarity to Oppose The Racist Plunder & Consumption of Barloworld Which is Sacrificing Itself to Black Supremacy!
Killing The Golden Goose: The Solidarity trade union is going to take Barloworld to court because Barloworld has embarked on a destructive retrenchment process based on racial discrimination. Yes, it means that white people will be selected to be retrenched first, even if they have more years service than black employees. This is willful destruction of a corporation and selective slaughter of loyal employees based on race.
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#VoetsekANC Griqua Royal House Joins ULA Secession Alliance for an Independent Cape to Preserve Minority Rights!
The Secession Movement of the United Liberty Alliance, to secede from South Africa and form an Independent Cape confederation, to preserve the rights, cultures, languages, heritage, history and traditions of minorities, which the ANC is abusing, oppressing and ignoring unchecked, gained additional momentum on Saturday, 05 September 2020 when The Royal House of the Griqua formally joined the process of the ULA, which is an Alliance of like-minded organizations, institutions and individuals working towards a non-racial free and independent Cape, whilst following a process that is recognized by International Law.
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Were Clicks Protests Just Another Corruption Scam & Black Supremacy Dressed as Anti White Racism? Racebaiting Can Make You A Millionaire in SA!
Corruption & Racebaiting: The two things politicians and black businessmen in South Africa love the most, is extracting disgusting amounts of cash from public sources, and of course racebaiting, aka white bashing. It is starting to become clear that the Clicks fauxrage saga launched by Julius Malema, was much more than hurt feelings, after all, the business of making blacks look white, with hair straighteners, skin lighteners, hair extensions, etc., is worth BILLIONS! The first clue, which should have been obvious, was the mere fact that they were attacking a product popular amongst blacks, which mostly blacks buy. As the mainstream media’s attention was distracted by the racebaiting stick Malema threw for them, putting then in a frenzy chasing it, baying like the rabid dogs they are, we can only imagine what was going on in the background. Seeing not a single white face at the questionable meeting between Clicks management (60% black owned) and EFF, was a second clue.
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The Red in The Rainbow Nation is Our Blood! Had The Gun Not Failed 3 Times, He Too Would Be Just Another White Killed For a Cellphone!
Architects of Apartheid: Time stood still for Le Roux Venter, a businessman in Bloemfontein, last Thursday when an armed black man pointed a firearm straight at his head, and callously pulled the trigger three times, luckily the firearm failed all three times. That saved his life. This is what Ramaphosa’s “our people” do to the..
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#BlackWar: SA Swamp is Rigging & Facilitating Black Violence Aimed at Decimating & Assimilating Conservative Minorities – Just Like BLM!
Society Captured: South Africa’s civil service and establishment, including the courts, police, mainstream media, government and municipal structures, have been captured and are rigged. The System has been deliberately populated with liberals, ANC cadres, communists and left wing globalists, intent on promoting criminality, illegality, victimhood, a culture of entitlement and free stuff, hypocrisy, political correctness, violence and the self righteous justification of the smash and grab culture and of expropriation without compensation. All of this to enforce the constant mainstream narrative that white man is bad and black man is good. This can all appear very confusing, but at the end of the day, the BLM violence and constant so called “Service Delivery Protest” violence in SA, have the same sponsors and roots and the same modus operandi.
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Whites Being Brutally Murdered Allegedly for Phones While BLM & Left Wing Establishment Ignore it, Demanding the Shrinking White Minority Kneel!
#WhiteVictimsMatter – People prefer to hear “nice” lies rather than the blunt and blatant truth, which is that the white minority in South Africa are under heavy attack and siege. We are being murdered, robbed, maimed, tortured, raped, beaten to a pulp, oppressed and fleeced in the most barbarian of ways, left, right and centre…
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Does NASPERS Give Your DSTV, Takealot or News24 Data to ANC Government? They Do in China! Is NASPERS an Immoral Corporation?
Exposing Immoral Profits! NASPERS & its shareholders were caught offside with a 31% stake in the Devils work. Should or Will NASPERS Sell off Tencent now? Will Shareholders take a moral stand? Will Mainstream Media in SA now actually do journalism instead of just acting like megaphones for the ANC party line, like happens in China? Finally, thanks to Trump yet again, the world knows that NASPERS is an immoral company that is prepared to do the devils work for profit. While most NASPERS shareholders chose to ignore SA-News articles of NASPERS’ regulatory obedience to the Chinese Communist Party, which controls all Chinese companies, they can no longer ignore it, and have a stark choice to make: Sell or knowingly profit from human rights abuses, mass censorship, abuse of privacy through mass spying and data capture, and Chinese communist world supremacism. However there are bigger questions for South Africa to answer…
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