The Solidarity trade union has announced that they are continuing with a court application to force the minister of Water Affairs, Lindiwe Sisulu, to cancel her planned import of 24 Cuban water engineers, into South Africa at a cost of R65 million, especially since it was revealed that Sisulu refused to appoint qualified white engineers who have applied for the posts, simply because they were white.
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Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!
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Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
#TheAfricanWay The typical infrastructural decay seen in all Socialist states worldwide like Venezuela and Cuba, is also killing South Africans in increasing numbers! A young man needing an urgent, yet routine operation, died in Kimberley state hospital, because of a lack of water! The ANC cadres that are inserted into the civil service, by the ANC’s Socialist Cadre Deployment program, are unqualified, inexperienced and too obsessed with consuming things and spouting ideological human rights propaganda, that they cannot even coordinate or arrange the simple basic human right of water (UN), causing Ivan Gerber’s urgent operation to be delayed, leaving him to die! Is it any wonder proponents of Socialism are called Useful IDIOTS?
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VIDEO: #Dirkiesdorp is SA’s Mini #GeorgeFloyd: SAPS Investigating Officer Admits in Court that Only Accounts From Black Protesters Were Taken!
On the same day that the US policeman Derek Chauvin, who arrested George Floyd, was found guilty in a screaming one-sided press and court, South Africa had its own version of black privilege in Piet Retief! If anyone still believed that the SA Police and court did not do a “frame job” on the group of arrested farmers from Dirkiesdorp, such white guilt driven thoughts were properly annulled in court on Tuesday.
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom in South Africa! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Venue Details for Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban & Bloemfontein Below: Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
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Coloured Farmers Being Evicted Too! ANC has Turned SA into USSR with Ethnic Cleansing, Corruption, Cronyism, Elitism, Socialism, Cadre Deployment, Nepotism, etc!
First they came for the whites, but coloureds did nothing because they were not white, but now they are coming for the coloureds too! As we have predicted for years, colored people are now sitting with the same problem as white people in South Africa: they are not bantu. Ivan Cloete, a coloured man, was given 24 hours to move off the state farm Colenso, near Darling in the Western Cape, where he was previously placed by the Department of Rural Development. This is the third time Mr Cloete has been ordered to vacate a state farm, where he was placed by the ANC government and in all 3 cases Mr Cloete was being replaced by an African male or female!
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Video: White Grape Farmer Helps Farm Workers Destroy Once Prosperous Grape Farm With BBBEE – Communism Consumes The Golden Goose!
SOUR GRAPES: A prime grape farm that once produced 30,000 – 40,000 boxes of export grapes, now lies in total ruins after the owner, Pieter Naude of the Denau Farm in De Doorns, gave the prime grape farm Alpha, away to 250 of his workers in a workers trust (communist collective farm) back in 2010. Mr Naude then also trained 2 managers for the farm and for the first 5 years, Mr Naude’s business also did Alpha farm’s books. What was this farmer thinking? Did he really believe that communism can work, or was it just pure greed, because The Western Cape provincial government carried the entire running costs of Alpha farm for the first 2 years. That is R 2 million that they got for free, but as we should know by now, all the free stuff communists promise you, is never really free and comes with very harsh strings attached!
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus” as Trump called it. We have compiled a list of some of the fascist tactics & policies the Democrats & Deep State have used to seize power again.
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Video: Ramaphosa the Black Supremacist, has NOTHING to Teach USA About Democracy! White South Africans Do!
Nice Guys Finish Last: Ramaphosa seems to love to preach from his high and mighty podium of self righteousness and black privilege, and now he has even claimed he can teach the mighty USA a thing or two about democracy? This is the man who claimed Covid19 knows no colour, then proceeded to exclude whites from Covid19 emergency relief? The man who wants to expropriate all white owned land with no compensation? Is that what Ramaphosa wants to teach USA? How to be a supremacist and a racist yet still look like the good guy by owning and controlling the media?
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Where Are The Noble Anti-Racists Now? Racist ANC Offers Covid19 Relief to NON WHITES ONLY!
Like a classic dictatorial African despot, Ramaphosa acted all holier than thou, publicly proclaiming that Covid19 is a disease that knows no colour, then he promptly offers COVID19 relief aid to non whites only, as was seen in an advert appearing in Naspers’ flagship Paarl Post Newspaper recently! Should Paarl Post not have rejected the racist advert from Casidra? What is even worse is that the captured High Court rubber stamped this racism and hypocrisy. But then of course black people are permitted to do this because brainwashed whites, who hide their own cowardice behind a wall of false virtue signaling, have not raised a single word of protest against this blatant, institutional, regulatory racism a quarter of a century after apartheid ended! Ironically a lot of this aid money comes from Western nations and white taxpayers!
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5 Brutal Murders in 3 Farm Attacks in The Week The Battle of Blood River Vow is Commemorated!
A Hundred and Eighty Two Years after the Famous Battle of Blood River, African savages are still determined to murder us and steal anything they can, even though we gave an entire first world country to them! What more do they want? What a tragic reminder on this Day of the Vow when 5 innocent people were murdered in three brutal farm attacks in the 3 days leading up to commemoration of the Covenant! On Saturday Bill Theron, an 85 year old chicken farmer, was murdered, then Monday the 14th, saw two more horrific attacks. The Bisset family of Korhaanfontein farm lost a mother and wife when Poenkie Bisset was callously stabbed and killed, while later the same day, a vicious terrorist attack in KwaZulu Natal claimed the lives of three innocents.
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Cheap Black Labour is Dangerous! Relative of Farm Worker Who Discovered Assassinated Farmer’s Body in Court!
The investigation into the assassination of Free State Farmer Pieter Hills and attempted murder of his son Eddie, is unravelling into the all too common theme of relying on, and trusting those that work for you too much. It appears the suspect, Tshidiso Patrick Bochedi (36) is family of the farm worker, Anna Bochedi, who discovered the murdered farmer and his injured son.
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VIDEO: Trump WILL Make Fools of Mainstream Media & Hollywood Again in 2020 for Two Reasons: The #Deplorables & The #Economy, Stupid!
As this video compilation of loud mouth Never Trump Liberals below shows, Mainstream Media & Hollywood made total fools of themselves in 2016, openly spouting their hatred for the normal man on the street, who voted Trump.
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If You’re White, You’re Out! Barloworld Defends & Continues its Systemically Racist Lay Off Programme!
Black Monopoly Capital: Encouraged by racist courts, Barloworld is continuing to lay off staff simply because they are white, while Solidarity vows to intensify legal action after bringing an urgent application against Barloworld Equipment in the Labour Court, to challenge Barloworld’s consultation process during its recent race based retrenchment process.
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VIDEO: EFF is A Hate Filled Crime Syndicate Using “Racism” to Plunder, Vandalise, Extort & Bully White Businesses!
Two video clips received by SA-News show how the foul mouthed EFF thugs and officials use their black privilege to force themselves on any white business they choose, and demand people jump to their demands, just like little African tin pot dictators empowered by Western liberals. They are not even bothered anymore to hide behind the “socialist revolution” scam and are openly abusing whomever they choose.
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Third Duel of Barbers Showcases Barber’s Skills & Style, Lifts Industry Moral, But Also Gets Accused of Corruption & Match Fixing!
Nooitgedacht Wine Farm in Stellenbosch hosted the prestigious “Duel Of The Barbers” competition for which, not even a pandemic could stop contestants from taking part in the third “Duel Of The Barbers” showcase. With a total prize value of R230,000, this competition was one well worth competing in thanks to sponsors like WAHL, Fame, Superior Edge, Muk, Xsharp Hair and Beauty, Scissors On Main Paarl, etc. Unfortunately, the event is also leaving a bitter after-taste for some as one of the contestants, Graig Kok, accused a judge of being corrupt and the competition of match fixing in a social media post.
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