The South African Minister of Health has been placed on special leave until further notice by Cyril Ramaphosa, while the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) investigates allegations of corruption with Digital Vibes. Zweli Mkhize claimed he asked for time from his post while the investigation was ongoing, and asked to be temporarily replaced so he could fight the allegations of corruption against him, but no one believes it was voluntary.
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Zweli Mkhize Placed On Special Leave While Digital Vibes Corruption is Investigated by Special Investigation Unit!
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Eskom CEO De Ruyter Goes to Court to Annul R 8 Billion Corrupt BBBEE Tender Approved by Current Board!
Having survived wrongful allegations of racism, Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter has now resorted to legal action against his own board, in his fight to clean up Eskom and rid it of the systemic corruption that has plagued it ever since ANC took over in 1994.
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SA Facing Winter of Phase 4 & 5 Rolling Blackouts as Unmaintained Infrastructure Accelerates the Country’s Collapse!
South Africa is headed for a winter of discontent, not only due to the badly managed Covid response, but it has surpassed yet another point of no return with phase 4 and 5 load shedding coming, due to infrastructure crumbling from lack of maintenance. Energy expert Chris Yelland, director of EE Business Intelligence, has said load shedding will only worsen this winter.
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SARS Looking at R90 Billion Taxi Industry to Further Increase its Increased Tax Revenues…
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has now shifted its focus to the R90 Billion taxi industry, which last year paid only about R5 million in taxes. The R5 million tax from last year paid by the industry, cannot even be the income tax of one province’s minibus taxis, and as a result there was a huge outcry in the media and on social media.
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SA Banking Ombudsman Reveals Most Common Complaints about Banks & Bankers – FNB had Most Complaints!
More than 7,700 official complaints have been lodged with the Ombudsman for Banking Services in South Africa, who published their annual report for the 2020 financial year, which contains the most common complaints against banks, as well as bankers, because the relationship between larger customers and the banker is also in the report. 6,472 complaints were received the previous year (2019).
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Fitch Rating Agency Warns ANC Regime over Uncontrolled Spending and Unproductive Public Sector Salaries!
In a study published last week, the Fitch credit rating agency has warned the ANC government, which is still reluctant to consider public sector salary demands for the next three-year term, over it’s inability to exercise control over spending, which could lead to further budget problems.
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ANC Government wants to Establish a State Bank, in Line with their Socialist Principles. Hint: Central Banks are Private!
In keeping with the Socialist principle that the State must own and control everything, as with the ANC’s National Health Insurance Scheme, the National Treasury said it was also moving forward with the establishment of a state-owned bank for South Africa, and that Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, were supporting it. It might surprise many to discover that the Central Bank is in fact privately owned, as it is worldwide.
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ANC Government’s National Health Insurance Being Pushed Through for 2022
The Council on Medical Schemes says the government’s plan to start a National Health Insurance is well underway, and the plan has already been advanced to implement phase 3 of the program next year.
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Another ANC BEE Looting Scheme! This Time Disguised as Hydroponic Agriparks to Loot R2 Billion with no Sign of Lettuce Being Produced!
A Billion Rand has apparently already been spent by the ANC regime, with not a lettuce leaf being produced! Evidence reveals what may be the biggest ANC state funded so called “black empowerment farming project” failure yet, and as much as R1 billion Rand may have been thrown down the drain without any results, with another Billion yet to be spent / looted, as the original budget for the project was R 2 Billion. A full audit of the project will have to be done to determine how much of the R2 billion was eventually spent.
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Mango Flights Temporarily Grounded From May 1 After ANC Government Delays Paying Out Bailout Funds!
Mango’s flights will no longer be in the air from 1st of May 2021. This comes after the flight operator waited for months for their share of the bailout money, which was granted by the government to SAA.
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With Afriforum’s #FightAndBuild project, We Pay Lots of Taxes But Fill In Potholes Ourselves so EVERYONE can Use the Roads?
There are fewer potholes in Schweizer-Reneke in the North West, thanks to AfriForum’s #VegEnBou project, where the large potholes in Schweizer-Reneke were filled in on 30 March 2021. As in many other towns nationwide, potholes are but one of the many problems in the town. Thanks to the plundered to bankruptcy ANC municipalities, the residents and businesses are affected socially and economically, as businesses lose customers because the roads or parking lots are full of potholes.
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#LockDownForever? Covid Vaccines Obsolete in a Year Say Scientists, Meaning Socialist ANC Totalitarianism & Racist Plunder Will Only Get Worse!
#PeoplesVaccine – Coronavirus vaccines may become obsolete in less than a year, according to leading epidemiologists and the sloppy, politicised vaccination rollouts that have riddled many countries, make this scenario even more likely. Scientists had already admitted Covid-19 can never be completely wiped out, and this new bombshell admission means the ANC and other Socialist governments could keep us under lockdown forever, or whenever they feel the need to implement their “Great Reset” further and extend their economic warfare against the white minority? Scientists also say they do not know the exact consequences of the new, hastily produced, commercial vaccines on people’s bodies, but one thing is clear, the ANC is going to keep milking this Covid thing as a power grabbing and money-making opportunity, especially since it is now claimed that people will need to get a Covid vaccine every single year. The next election will prove this to be true, as we saw in USA, with the Socialist left using Covid to grab power.
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VIDEO: Forget Election Fraud! Democrats, MSM & Big Tech Could Make Holocaust & Holodomor Look Like a Holiday Camp!
“Migrants are so tightly packed in cages you cannot see the floor!” The National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd says human smugglers were ‘taunting’ border patrol and GOP Senators, who visited the southern border. Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn lead a US Senate delegation in a tour of the Texas – Mexico border, where they jeered at from across the river and told the Senators cannot touch the human traffickers (thanks to Biden!).
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Potholes, The International Symbol of Socialism, Also Kill Innocent Citizens! The ANC’s Deliberate, Malevolent Negligence & Incompetence Keeps on Killing…
Had it not been for a pothole, caused by ANC neglect, incompetence and plunder, Mr Lomon Terreblanche (58), a well-known farmer from Edenville in the Free State, would still be alive, as would Waldo Ferreira (25), and 2 other young people, all killed on the same day, by ANC’s potholes! One by one, day by day, the Socialist ANC is calculatingly exposing us to harm, egging criminals on to attack, rob and kill white people with anti-white hate speech and lenient sentencing. Their ethnic cleansing campaign, deliberate or not, is being perpetuated in many different ways, which over time means a chilling number of our people are sent to EARLY, unnecessary deaths. From economic warfare which makes us more vulnerable, to systemic and institutional neglect and prejudice in hospitals and state services like police, ESKOM, Home Affairs, municipal services, etc. the only conclusion is that a slow war of attrition is being waged against the white minority, with incompetence, corruption and “racism” being used to excuse, hide and even shockingly justify it!
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Communism FAILS Again! Another ANC BEE Milk Farm Collective Ends in Disaster, Despite (or Because?) R43 Million of Our Taxes Being Given To Them!
Hundreds of cows dying from neglect has been termed “a challenge” by the MEC for Agriculture in the Eastern Cape, Nonkqubela Pieters. What normal people would call animal abuse, the socialists (sociopaths?) call a challenge? It is becoming patently clear that Ramaphosa’s “our people” simply cannot, or do not want to farm, they just want the cash handouts and free stuff that comes with all these disastrous virtue seeking schemes. The milk farm financed by the state to the tune of R43 million, as a much publicised empowerment project for “our people”, has collapsed in the Eastern Cape, leaving most of the cows dead and not much going on besides the odd sickly cow wandering about.
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