South Africa now has the worst unemployment in the world according to Bloomberg, and now falls among other disastrous countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. For all Ramaphosa’s nice speeches and promises, he does not understand that one main goal of a good government, is to establish an economy, which gives the people of the country the opportunity to make an honest living. The ANC government is not doing this at all. They set an example of corruption and immaturity. Corruption does not build an economy. Looting is just that. It builds nothing. And then the ridiculous reasons put forward: free housing, free education, free everything, which only exacerbates the above. And if ANC supporters do not get it for free, they throw a tantrum like a toddler, and burn down everything they see.
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Unemployment in Socialist SA Highest in the World and Apparently Contributes to Riots and Looting!
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ANC Policy of Exposing Farmers to Harm Costs SA a Food Producer Every Week! This Week They Let Mark Regal be Murdered!
The 7th farmer has been murdered in the Free State in a month, meaning South Africa is losing more than one of its world renown food producers every week! These persecuted farmers have a reputation of being among the best in the world, and should be treated as a national strategic resource, however the ANC regime and its gang of Socialist parasites like the EFF & SACP, are happy to see to see them permanently removed. Why? Simply because the State wants complete ownership and control of food production to blackmail the population with – Communism 101! How? It is a little known Marxist strategy that to kill off your enemy, you can do it indirectly by deliberately exposing them to harm (disarmament, famine, drought, disease, crime, drugs, unemployment, mass migration, negligence, etc.), leaving you with 100% deniability! You just have to encourage and point the criminals in the right direction now and again, with public hate speech like “Kill The Farmer, Kill The Boer”, then you, as the state, can take over the farms as the farmers are killed off or leave. Win Win.
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1 in 3 South Africans Out of Work as ANC Sets All Time Unemployment Record with 2.2 Million Jobs Lost in 2Q 2020!
COVID-19 The Gift That Keeps Giving! Any analysis of unemployment figures in South Africa should always be prefaced by the reminder, that it is a stated Socialist and Communist goal to move workers out of private sector jobs (capitalism) and into state employment or onto state welfare. This simple fact should make it abundantly clear why Ramaphosa, ANC & SACP could hardly contain their joy when Covid19 struck SA. Indeed they have wielded the CCP Virus to strike down private enterprises (mostly targeting white owned businesses) to great effect. We were asked to stay home for a few months in an extremely draconian lockdown, “so that the government can prepare for the coming crisis”. Yet now they are telling us the crisis cannot be avoided, cannot be stopped and will come back again? Feeling foolish yet? They no longer think we are stupid, they now KNOW we are!
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#Holodomor Is Ramaphosa Copying Joseph Stalin’s Deliberate Starvation Plan & Using Covid-19 To Boil The White Frogs Faster?
We look at the ANC ‘s step by step plan to achieve ethnic cleansing in Southern Africa, as it appears the ANC are using the COVID-19 crisis to reach sinister other goals like starvation, unemployment and putting whites out of business! Not only are the ANC only giving COVID19 aid to BBBEE businesses only, white squatters are not getting food parcels, but now the Afrikaans hating racist, Panyaza Lesufi plans to confiscate food donations from Afrikaner NGO’s, and give it to blacks! All this put together, with the denial of farm murders, banning of farm patrols, expropriation of what land without compensation, excluding white’s from the workplace & tertiary education with BEE laws, constantly digging up the ancient past to paint whites as bad, plus Ramaphosa’s “boiling frogs” admission, reveals an evil Soviet Union style campaign of ethnic cleansing, similar to Stalin’s Holodomor.
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SA’s high unemployment rates are swept in front of Eskom’s door
Mining houses and corporate businesses are accusing Eskom for the high unemployment rates since their pathetic service delivery is causing uncertainty in the economy. Several institutions announcing in recent weeks that they would need to start retrenchments, unemployment has increased alarmingly rapidly and even greater retrenchments are provided. The uncertainty caused by Eskom in the..
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#LetThemEatCake SA in crisis while ANC & black elites eat cake, celebrating its 108 years
The ruling Anc party,was holding a rally in Kimberley celebrating its 108 years.This celebration, which is usually accompanied by a jovial mood of song and dance by party leaders, members and supporters, happens during a time when the country has been plunged into several crises of epidemic proportions. Can the ANC really afford to celebrate?..
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New Eskom CEO faces huge challenges, first task is to unbundle the state entity
Andre de Ruyter started his duties as Chief Executive Officer of Eskom six days earlier by visiting each of the power plants individually to familiarize himself with the circumstances of each of them. The new Eskom boss has an enormous task upon his hands, with the first task assigned to him, to unbundle Eskom into..
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SA Reserve Bank’s worst-case scenario fast becoming a reality – economy to lose 1.1 percentage points in growth, leading to the loss of 125 000 job opportunities
The SA Reserve Bank’s worst-case scenario, which would see the country’s economy lose 1.1 percentage points in growth and lead to the loss of 125 000 job opportunities, is fast becoming a reality. The central bank’s latest forecasts predict that the economy will sacrifice 0.4 percentage points in GDP growth if Eskom’s availability factor declines..
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With love from the incompetent ANC-regime – 28,000 jobs lost in Q3, unemployment in the SA stands at around 29.1%.
Stats SA says South Africa lost 28,000 jobs in the third quarter compared to the quarter before. It has released its third quarter employment figures but shows that 78,000 jobs were actually created compared to the same quarter last year. Unemployment in the country stands at around 29.1%. Stats SA said that losses were seen..
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Unemployment Insurance Fund pays more than R63,000 to registered unemployed ‘ghosts’ so one man can benefit from it
A former Department of Labor employee has been jailed by the Witbank Regional Court for 15 incidents of fraud he was convicted of. The 42-year-old Thokozani Percy Skosana was employed by the Department of Unemployment Insurance Fund’s division, and since 2012 has made several payments to “ghosts” and was able to start the payments with..
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Ramaphose’s dreams on new job creation opportunities are not taken seriously – bigotry and mismanagement go hand in hand amidst the ANC-regime
With the announcement of President Cyril Ramaphosa that a new business venture in Pretoria would lead to the creation of 6,700 new jobs, no one really got excited. Even the credit rating agency didn’t care, because nothing could make the nearly 30 million unemployed cheer as a drop in the bucket. Of course, there will..
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The ANC can no longer rule South Africa – unemployment rate highest in 11 years and increased to 29,1%
South Africa’s unemployment rate has increased by 0,1 of a percentage point to 29,1 percent in the third quarter compared to the second quarter, the highest it has been in 11 years. Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) said on Tuesday that the number of employed persons increased by 62 000 while the number of unemployed persons..
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Businesses go bankrupt in SA – Not only Edcon is struggling to keep head above water, many companies are closing their doors and causing unemployment
It is not only the Edcon clothing industry that is struggling, as many businesses have had to close their doors in recent months. This is a far darker picture than Edgars had managed to get a loan to relieve his debt burden and retain his staff. Edcon would not have been able to smoke the..
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TAU SA: Draconian idea of expropriation without compensation by ANC regime cannot continue – South Africa and its inhabitants too precious to implement dangerous policies that threaten fundamental economic and other structures and systems in the country
TAU SA, once again, as part of the ad hoc group focusing on the government’s expropriation without compensation, has just met again to reflect on the matter. The convener of the Ad hoc group, Mr. Jaco Schoeman said at the last meeting that the future of South Africa and its inhabitants was too precious to..
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New Health Plan poses huge risk to SA’s economy and would be disastrous if implemented – even far left FW de Klerk Foundation have their doubts!
The ANC regime has South Africa’s people in a huge dilemma with its National Health Plan.
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