ANC Policy of Exposing Farmers to Harm Costs SA a Food Producer Every Week! This Week They Let Mark Regal be Murdered!

ANC, EFF & Mainstream Media Are Literally Painting Targets on The Backs of Whites With Their Obsessive, Yet Hypocritical “White Man Evil, Black Man Good” Globalist Lies!

The violence against farmers is ‘romanticized’ by South African politicians, Ernst Roets, deputy CEO of AfriForum tells Israeli TV (video)

Juju’s ‘struggle tunes’ now ‘transformed’ to “kiss the boer, kiss the farmer” but listen what happens after that phrase, and now he is all of a sudden grateful to White farmers who rescued EFF members involved in accident (video+pics) – taken from several sources

Constitutional Court ruled that the word “Boer” – as used in a so-called struggle song – is not in itself hate speech