Monkeys Running the Zoo, or is that Thieves Running the Bank? After a months long remuneration increase battle between the ANC Civil Services sector, with the Unions allied as partners against the ANC government, the issues could not be resolved, so they are now heading to the ANC’s Constitutional Court to find a solution or agreement. Yet some time ago it was announced that the ANC government did not have the money to offer salary increases, because all the money was spent in large scale systemic and institutional corruption.
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ANC Unions Take Corrupt ANC Government to ANC ConCourt over Corrupt ANC Civil Service Salaries!
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Does Eskom Export Electricity to #SAPP When it Uses Cold Weather as Excuse to Hide Bad Maintenance & Corruption?
Cold weather in winter is self-evident even for animals, but for Eskom it is a surprise? For decades in Apartheid, before the ANC regime was given the then first world country, Eskom supplied whatever was demanded without interruption thanks to good long-term planning and maintenance measures, but now Eskom has warned about electricity faults in KwaZulu-Natal due to cold weather! The question is, is power still quietly being sent to the African #SAPP network, when we are asked to save power, for which we paid dearly with taxes? Are we also being forced to sustain and keep the rest of Africa afloat? Even Malawi’s power provider is called “Escom!”
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Unemployment in Socialist SA Highest in the World and Apparently Contributes to Riots and Looting!
South Africa now has the worst unemployment in the world according to Bloomberg, and now falls among other disastrous countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. For all Ramaphosa’s nice speeches and promises, he does not understand that one main goal of a good government, is to establish an economy, which gives the people of the country the opportunity to make an honest living. The ANC government is not doing this at all. They set an example of corruption and immaturity. Corruption does not build an economy. Looting is just that. It builds nothing. And then the ridiculous reasons put forward: free housing, free education, free everything, which only exacerbates the above. And if ANC supporters do not get it for free, they throw a tantrum like a toddler, and burn down everything they see.
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Another ANC BEE Looting Scheme! This Time Disguised as Hydroponic Agriparks to Loot R2 Billion with no Sign of Lettuce Being Produced!
A Billion Rand has apparently already been spent by the ANC regime, with not a lettuce leaf being produced! Evidence reveals what may be the biggest ANC state funded so called “black empowerment farming project” failure yet, and as much as R1 billion Rand may have been thrown down the drain without any results, with another Billion yet to be spent / looted, as the original budget for the project was R 2 Billion. A full audit of the project will have to be done to determine how much of the R2 billion was eventually spent.
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VIDEO: A Year Ago You Thought Ramaphosa was Joking When he Said he Would Extend Lockdown for a Whole Year? NEVER Underestimate the Evil of Socialism!
WAS IT ALL PLANNED? A year ago, when Ramaphosa announced that lockdown would last till 16 April, he joked privately with some friends on a video call, that he meant the lockdown would last till April 16 next year (2021)! It is very scary that he was even aware of such a thing being possible… was it all planned in advance? To be joking about something that had the whole nation and world gripped in fear, seemed very callous and out of place at the time, but clearly he was aware of something we were not… who briefed him on the plan?
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How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!
“Anti-Racism” is the Number one Nation Killing Weapon for Globalists! Billions have been deliberately poured into the manufacture, weaponizing, propagandizing and strengthening of this weapon of mass destruction. It has been so entrenched in our society (to destroy social cohesion), through the globalist mainstream media, who are major recipients of these billions when they become complicit in implementing the weapon, that it has become a weapon against ANYTHING, even looting! ESKOM, the massive state entity that is considered to be bankrupt, alleges the white CEO, Andre de Ruyter, who was appointed to stop the endemic and systemic corruption, is now a target of anti-racism in the corporation, specifically because he identified and fired perpetrators of gross systemic abuse and looting, who are not white…
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“Systemic Looting at Eskom” – R238,000 for Wooden Broom, R80,000 for a Kneepad, R56 for Bottle of Milk! #TheAfricanWay is the Consumption of Civilization Itself!
De-Colonisation = De-Civilisation: The “previously disadvantaged” who are now the “currently advantaged” clearly regard Eskom as a personal cash machine, with unlimited credit (from you the taxpayer). Andre de Ruyter, head of Eskom said this type of extreme plunder has been systemic in Eskom for years. No wonder Eskom (you) are sitting with enormous debt of about half a TRILLION Rand which YOU and your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have to repay. Sadly it is not even the poor benefitting from this outright criminality, but black ANC elites, cronies and officials who already earn massively inflated salaries, who are stuffing their pockets even further, in true African style. #TheAfricanWay
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VIDEO: Trump Acquitted in RACE CARD Impeachment Which Backfired, Exposing Gross Democrat & MSM Lies & Hypocrisy!
#DishonestDems – The Senate voted on Saturday to acquit President Donald Trump on a single charge of inciting the January 6th “insurrection” at the Capitol, which the left even compared to the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attack! However, what no one has mentioned, is that the only difference between BLM / antifa’s summer of riots and looting, literally incited by the Democrats, is the race of the perpetrators! Afterwards, Trump’s defense attorney Michael van der Veen blasted CBSN’s Lana Zak on their hypocrisy and political bias. He said TV networks are justifying tampering with evidence and need to be kept by their words and the truth.
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus” as Trump called it. We have compiled a list of some of the fascist tactics & policies the Democrats & Deep State have used to seize power again.
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“Rooi Gevaar” Using Corruption to Oust Ramaphosa! Axis of Evil Blaming Cyril for “Mass Epidemic of Looting” Because “He Did Not Act” Against Them!
Communists are masters at the dark art of subterfuge and obfuscating blame, accountability and punishment, and it now seems that the Axis of Evil (ANC, COSATU & SACP) are blaming Cyril for all their corruption & faulures! They want Ramaphosa out, because NDZ & COSATU have joined forces with alliance partners, the SA Communist Party (SACP) and SA National Civic Organisation (SANCO), in pushing for the reconfiguration of the ANC-SACP-Cosatu-Sanco alliance, to get Communists as national leaders. COSATU general secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said the future of South Africa must be in socialism, not capitalism.
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Ubuntu, Like BLM is an Invented Lie! Africa”s Real Values are Violence, Burning, Looting, Selfishness & Now Entitlement Too!
Locals have set the Catherine Booth hospital in Amatikulu, Eshowe, which was helping in the fight against Covid-19, ablaze again! It was recently rebuilt at a cost of R6 Million after it was also burnt down 3 years ago! Why do Black South Africans constantly destroy their own hospitals and schools? Do Black Lives Not matter to blacks? Where is the Ubuntu they always brag about? Seems like BLM & Ubuntu is just a political scam and agenda aimed at extracting unfair advantage to get free stuff, to feed the sense of entitlement that progressiveness has radicalised them with, for its global domination agenda.
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VIDEO: “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Being Brainwashed into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Global Jihad!
BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Party in America! So who is paying for and stoking the race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years “anti-racism” has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still it is pushed further and further, and now CAIR comes out openly admitting they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! We already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the “anti-racism” movement and antifa.
So who is using blacks as cannon fodder in a proxy war? Jews? Zionists? Communists? Russia? NWO Globalist Capitalists? Chinese? Muslims? Arabs? All of these certainly have the resources, influences, funding, networks and global supremacist ambition to ally with, and brainwash blacks into attacking whites like never seen before. While the historic wrongs of whites
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#WhiteLivesMatterToo Whites Hacked, Stabbed, Raped, Tortured & Murdered by Blacks in SA in Same Week as #GeorgeFloyd Looting! MSM Silent!
DO WHITE LIVES EVEN MATTER ANYMORE? Do facts even matter? In just ONE week in just ONE town, Bethlehem, the following black on white violent crimes were perpetrated: An elderly white couple were violently chopped with a panga in their home! Elderly white women stabbed in her neck in home invasion! 86 Year old white women raped in home invasion! You can be sure, you will NOT find the same crimes with the races reversed! While mainstream media in South Africa never mention the race of victims, suddenly they hypocritically are quick to join the George Floyd fake “anti-racism” campaign?
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Covid-19 Tenders Are Now Just Plain Fraud, Looting & Cronyism! No Tender Process, Winners Kept Secret & Any Old Excuse to Steal From The Taxpayer Will Do!
The Free State is living up to Ace Magashule’s Legacy of gangsterism and has spent R80 Million on fumigating schools, but the CCPvirus can only live for 3 to 9 days on surfaces, and schools are now closed for over 65 days (7 weeks)! So why the need to fumigate? Once again, the CCPvirus is the gift that keeps giving to the ANC regime and its cadres as lockdown is being dragged out, because the comrades have not yet exhausted all the opportunities for taking money out of tenders which are, according to them, issued to combat the spread of the CCPvirus. These emergency COVID-19 related tenders are being issued without even a tender process being followed, because they say it is an emergency and there is no time to follow a tender process, and the tender winners are being kept secret!
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Alcohol Retailers Want to Alphabetise Shopping Queues on 1st June, But ANC Government Wants to Squeeze All Drinks Buyers Tightly Together 3 Days a Week in Long Queues!
As any idiot knows, except the ANC it seems, less shopping days means bigger queues, but the ANC prefers the stick to the carrot, as evidenced by their proposals for grudgingly relaxing their harsh alcohol sales ban. South Africa has probably the toughest Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, which are mostly ignored by the black majority, who use informal and illegal channels and sources to get what they need, while the police and army concentrate on terrorising and clamping down on the minorities. However, on June 1st, some parts of the country are set to move to level 3 of the lockdown, which may permit more liberties, including the limited sale of alcohol in Mzansi, but to avert a feared onslaught of booze buyers, retailers are proposing to treat their customers like children and make them shop in alphabetical order!
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