Like a classic dictatorial African despot, Ramaphosa acted all holier than thou, publicly proclaiming that Covid19 is a disease that knows no colour, then he promptly offers COVID19 relief aid to non whites only, as was seen in an advert appearing in Naspers’ flagship Paarl Post Newspaper recently! Should Paarl Post not have rejected the racist advert from Casidra? What is even worse is that the captured High Court rubber stamped this racism and hypocrisy. But then of course black people are permitted to do this because brainwashed whites, who hide their own cowardice behind a wall of false virtue signaling, have not raised a single word of protest against this blatant, institutional, regulatory racism a quarter of a century after apartheid ended! Ironically a lot of this aid money comes from Western nations and white taxpayers!
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Where Are The Noble Anti-Racists Now? Racist ANC Offers Covid19 Relief to NON WHITES ONLY!
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Cemetery Flooded With Raw Sewage for a Year! Too Dangerous to Visit Deceased Relatives, but Still Being Stripped by Robbers!
#MangaungShithole – F.W. De Klerk’s Rainbow AbomiNation somehow always finds a way to reach new depths of disgusting disrespect and malevolent negligence. Now even our dearly departed are no longer sacred or safe from #TheAfricanWay! Where is the dignity the surrender constitution guarantees Frikkie? Even the resting places of our dead are being turned into sh*tholes, literally! This daily abuse, decay and rot is not the picture that FW de Klerk and the liberals promised would happen, but this picture is the only reality Africa ever offers.
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
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Traitor de Klerk: Ramaphosa must speed up transfer of title deeds to blacks since this could do more to transform South Africa than any other single initiative
The FW de Klerk Foundation has come out in support of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s 2019 state of the nation address, commending his stance on the role of the Reserve Bank, among other “significant” elements in the speech. “For us the most significant elements in President Ramaphosa’s Sona speech last night were a strong reaffirmation of..
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Traitor de Klerk declares that all isn’t doom and gloom in SA and if ANC wins and Ramaphosa keeps his promises, things will get better
Former president FW de Klerk believes things are not all doom and gloom in South Africa, and has backed President Cyril Ramaphosa to uplift the nation if the ruling party retains power. De Klerk cast his vote in Sea Point, Cape Town, on a wet and rainy Wednesday morning. In a very brief interview with..
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FW De Klerk, no matter what you say about the current situation in SA, you are still a traitor, so, crawl back to that hole from which you came out (3 video’s)
Former president FW de Klerk says there is an element of truth that life and public services were better under the apartheid government. De Klerk, who was speaking on eNCA’s The First Citizen program says this assertion is solely based, not on race and colour, but on the nine years during the Jacob Zuma presidency…
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Suddenly the traitor FW de Klerk is experiencing a sense of remorse after he handed SA over to the ANC-regime on a silver platter – FW de Klerk says SA can no longer be regarded as non-racial society
South Africa’s former head of state under the apartheid regime FW de Klerk has shared his views on the country’s current political and socio-economic climate. On Wednesday afternoon, De Klerk addressed the Cape Town Press Club reflecting on the country’s progress since its first democratic election in 1994. He also addressed the current state of..
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From The Grave: Clive Derby-Lewis – Hero who Killed SA Communist Party Leader. Secret Interview Just Before His Death!
His voice is resurrected from the grave – the video material was done just before his death.
The video material is surprisingly clear on the ear and many facts are provided, and it will also be shown over time, how Separate Developments grew from 1854 to 1994. There were stages of reserves (1848-1961) to homelands (1961-1994).
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The Lesson of South Africa For The West – new Black government fail to stop the murders of whites
WE’VE SPOKEN SEVERAL times about the situation in South Africa — in particular, about the systematic murder of White farmers there by Blacks and the failure of the new Black government to stop the murders.
The slaughter continues. Since I spoke with you about this in June, another 67 White farmers or members of White farm families have been murdered in South Africa. Many of the murders have been accompanied by torture, rape, and mutilation. Altogether nearly six hundred White farmers have been murdered by Blacks in South Africa since the Whites agreed in 1993 to let the Blacks run the country. That’s one per cent of South Africa’s 58,000 White farmers.
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Old South African flag on Stellenbosch pavement can now be trampled on at Woordfees festival
The old South African flag, including the names of Kallie Kriel, FW de Klerk, Steve Hofmeyr and PW Botha, written on are laid down on a pavement in Stellenbosch so people can walk on it.
Johan Pienaar, a well-known Stellenbosch activist, is responsible for the exhibition of the flag that takes place on a sidewalk while the Woordfees is held in the town this week.
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