SOE Alexkor Goes Bankrupt! ANC Cannot Even Make Profit From Diamond Mining? Yet Again, The “Permanently Disadvantaged” Plunder The Golden Goose to Death!

VIDEO: SA Lockdown and Tobacco Wars are About Political Power, NOT Saving Lives! Ramaphosa’s NWO/WMC versus Zuma’s Communist Mobsters!

#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!

Colonisation 2.0! African Union is European Union in Disguise, but Does Anyone Care, as Long as the Handouts Keeps Flowing?

ANC Regime Blames & Punishes Citizens Because it Can’t Cope with CCP-Virus Peak! ANC Used Fantasy Modelling to Scare us into Lockdown & Grab More Powers!

ANC Knows Better Than Scientists? ANC Ignores CEO of SAMRC Prof. Glenda Gray & Prof. Shabir Madhi, an Infectious Disease Expert at WITS!

Racist Black Police Officers Confiscate Food Parcels From White Families as More Incidents of Institutional Racist Abuse of Whites Come to Light in Lockdown SA!

Go To Lockdown Level 1 Now Say ANC Government’s Own Ministerial Advisors, But ANC LOVES The Power & Money Too Much To Listen!

Covid-19 Tenders Are Now Just Plain Fraud, Looting & Cronyism! No Tender Process, Winners Kept Secret & Any Old Excuse to Steal From The Taxpayer Will Do!

Alcohol Retailers Want to Alphabetise Shopping Queues on 1st June, But ANC Government Wants to Squeeze All Drinks Buyers Tightly Together 3 Days a Week in Long Queues!

Transform or Starve! Racist Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane “Spreading Lies” as ConCourt Dismisses One Applicant in Action Against ANC’s Racebased Covid-19 Aid!

#HungerGames ANC Police Standing Guard to STOP Hungry People Getting Food! SA Government Using Hunger from COVID-19 Lockdown to Enforce its Centrist Totalitarian Regime!

Its Too Early to Tell if Lockdown Saved Lives but ANC & FakeNews24 Run With it Anyway to Justify Their Record Profits and Extreme Powers!

ANC Regime Use Their SABC Propaganda Arm to Trick Afrikaans RSG Listeners into Donating to ANC’s Solidarity Fund Which Excludes Whites!

Are South Africa’s Clintons, The Zumas, Using Lockdown for Personal & Political Gain, To Save a Disgraced Jacob Zuma from Zondo Commission?