INTERNET DOES NOT FORGET: Nearly two years ago SA-News reported on Neo Mongwaketse, an Absa Manager who posted on Facebook that “Your white sh*t arrogance lead to that torture and for white like you, I feel no pity”. This post started trending again on google search this week, so we decided to do an update, especially since he still has his TWO jobs, despite an internal review! This is double standards at its best in South-Africa. It seems that only a certain race has the privilege to freedom of speech, hate speech and racism, but if you are white you lose or job and even go to jail for making similar comments
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#BlackPrivilege ABSA Lets Black Manager Keep Both Jobs After Extreme Racism, Yet Whites Lose Jobs & Get Jail for Lesser Comments!
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As Covid19 Starts Peaking in SA, ANC Cabinet Infighting Causes Delays, Confusion & Court Cases, Exposing ANC’s Inability to Govern!
As South Africa enters the top 20 in countries affected by the CCPvirus, panic seems to have spread in the Ramaphosa cabinet where serious differences have developed among members of the Cabinet, with regards to the handling of the pandemic response. This is further compounded by their lack of experience, knowledge and respect for procedural and constitutional regulations, resulting in 116 cases where the ANC government has been taken or threatened with court! The Covid-19 pandemic does not accept lies and sweeping things under the “racism” carpet, which ANC normally gets away with.
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How “Anti-Racism” Handicaps Blacks. Blacks & Liberal Whites Should Stop Treating Blacks like Disabled People!
Running Faster: A noteworthy piece posted on social media, claims to be from ex Public Protector Thuli Madonsela, although this is improbable, given she holds a chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University and would get fired if she dared spoke truth like this. However the source is irrelevant. It insightfully calls on blacks to stop using racism as a crutch and an excuse. Like SA-News has been saying, blacks need to take off their BBBEE nappy and grow up and raise their game. Otherwise they will never be equal because they will never see themselves as equal, instead of always seeing themselves as the victim, and constantly crying, or trying to profit from hurtful words. Liberal whites who constantly proclaim blacks are victims, are in effect saying they are superior to blacks and that blacks can’t survive without their virtue signaling!
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South Africa Overtakes China in Covid19 Infections! Was Ramaphosa Too Harsh, Too Soon, Too Long? Does it Even Matter?
South Africa is now in the 20th spot for Corona Virus infections globally and has surged past that psychological milestone of overtaking China’s infection numbers, where it all started. Thankfully, the deaths, (that we know of), are comparatively low, which has probably contributed to a certain amount of apathy from media & government. Mainstream media & ANC government were more concerned about importing far left propaganda from USA, about a drug addicted black porn actor, who accidentally died while violently resisting arrest. Coverage of gender violence was also prioritized, given that SA is a world “leader” in most types of violence. People are also desperate to receive the Covid19 aid Ramaphosa & ANC so lavishly promised, but they should know better than to believe marxists.
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
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ANC Nanny State is Here to Stay! Covid19 Proved ANC Ignores Scientists, Have No Trust in the People & Prefer Total Power, Control & Dictatorship!
People said it was just a “conspiracy theory” that Government could lock you up, take away your income, make you completely dependent on them and control every move you make, control what and when and how you eat, buy things or go out! The worst part is they are doing it with something we cannot even see or touch! Just one speech to the nation and kerchink! Lockdown! Economy Closed! Once ANC realised what an obedient country we are, they quickly moved to implement more totalitarian plans, and cherry picked which scientist or advisers recommendations they would pretend to follow, when in reality they just used advice from advisers that agreed with their predetermined big brother path. A path where the poverty caused by the lockdown will kill, according to a PANDA businessman.
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SA Police Three Times More Deadly Than US Police! Black Lives Don’t Matter to the Black ANC Government with a Record Far Worse Than Apartheid!
Black Lives Do NOT Matter in South Africa: The deadly police brutality record of South African Police Service (SAPS) is more than 3 times worse than that of the USA Police Force, which is currently causing so much politically correct outrage in the mainstream. Indeed, SA has a police record that is not only embarrassing, but is also a disgrace and is far worse than in any of the apartheid era. In fact the the same amount of people (mostly black) are murdered in SA every year, under the ANC regime, as what were murdered in over 40 years of Apartheid government! So do black lives really matter in SA under ANC?
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ANC’s Deliberate Negligence Kills Again! 4 Men Die Unblocking Sewage Pipe ANC Was Meant to Fix for 15 Years!
CORRUPTION KILLS: Four local Koster men have died while trying to unblock a blocked sewage drain which local residents have been complaining about since 2005! Nobody knows why the Kgetlengrivier Municipality even exists or what it is there for, because they don’t render any services, except to take ratepayers money and divert it into their own pockets. Even the rescue had to be done by private citizens as the firemen were unable to!
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The #GeorgeFloyd Opportunity to Turn USA into a Sh*thole like SA, with Murder, Crime, Corruption, Consumerism & Communism!
The Africanization of America: It is not hard to see that the left wing riots currently blighting USA, are more to do with it being an election year and hopeless Democrat’s last gasp attempt to steal power again, than it is to do with actual sympathy or outrage for George Floyd, a black porn actor, high on a cocktail of illegal drugs resisting arrest, who was accidentally killed by a white cop, with whom he had worked as a bouncer at a local club for a decade. However commies will never let a good crisis go to waste in their aim to turn USA into South Africa, where rampant crime, corruption, murder and bling rule the roost!
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VIDEO: High Court Judge Denies Lifeline to Hair Industry Dying From Lockdown, Putting a Million Households at Risk!
The Hair Industry is in a legal battle to be classed as essential during Lockdown, but got a big no on the first round after four hours in High Court! As if in one voice the Hair Industry have been making the statement: “We are essential”, but the Western Cape High Court Judge Lee Bozalek seems to think differently.
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Go To Lockdown Level 1 Now Say ANC Government’s Own Ministerial Advisors, But ANC LOVES The Power & Money Too Much To Listen!
THE CURVE OF MADNESS: The CCP virus has been totally overblown compared to other illnesses, according to the government’s own advisors. Many of the country’s best scientists, including some who serve in the Health Minister Mkhize’s advisory committee, say the lockdown serves no purpose anymore and that the ANC government is not listening to their advice anymore. TB which has largely been sidelined for COVID-19, claimed the lives of 63,000 people in 2018, so the lockdown “cure” is almost certainly worse than the virus itself they say.
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ANC Regime Use Their SABC Propaganda Arm to Trick Afrikaans RSG Listeners into Donating to ANC’s Solidarity Fund Which Excludes Whites!
The ANC are using their propaganda platform, the SABC which broadcasts Radio Sonder Grense (RSG) in Afrikaans, to deceptively and fraudulently solicit funds for their CCPvirus Solidarity fund, using the name of the Solidarity Trade Union who operate a charity called “Helpende Hand”. The ANC regime is busy with deliberate deceit and misrepresentation in their Solidarity Fund advertisement on their RSG Radio, where they are trying to get white Afrikaans speaking listeners to part with their money, for the ANC’s very racist Solidarity Fund, using the name of the Solidarity Trade Union for their fund and also including the name of Solidarity Trade Union’s charity, “Helpende Hand” in the advertisement!
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VIDEO: #GangsterState Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s Cigarette Ban Creates a Booming Illegal Industry, Extortion & Even Higher Tempers!
#LiftTheBan Illegal shops all over South Africa are selling illegal cigarettes at hyper inflated prices to the poor, causing chaos and social unrest as can be seen in the video, where an irate customer complains about being charged R100 for a packet of cigarettes that costs R22
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Has ANC Power Trip Made Lockdown More Dangerous Than Covid19? Permits Prevent Emergency Food Parcels Being Delivered, Threatening Mass Starvation While Long Queues Increase Contagion!
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely – These infamous words have come to define communism and are being proven to be true again in ANC South Africa. From a 3 kilometre queue where people stood shoulder to shoulder to massive crowds jammed together for food parcels, it seems the ANC power trip to control everything is in fact spreading the virus more! People cannot eat permits, regulations or policies yet a deranged ANC on a power trip is driving many families, both black and white, into starvation. Bureaucratic red tape created by a permit happy and regulation spewing ANC regime, trapped in a toxic mix of paranoia, racial hatred of minorities and tin pot power craving, is exacerbating the already existing hunger and threatening a mass famine in South Africa, because the corrupt ANC insists on controlling the distribution of food centrally, and in practice has stopped food being moved by many non governmental organizations (NGO’s) throughout the country, amidst the current COVID-19 lockdown which must be the hardest and most regulated lockdown in the world.
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“The Great Reset” – Will ANC Cope, Will Minorities Wake Up, and Will The Failed Liberal World Order’s Globalism & Open Borders be Finished?
The CCPvirus, as it is known due to the Chinese Communist Party’s failure to warn a globalist world, has rolled like a giant tsunami through the world. Although it has not flattened a single building, it has flattened economies, forced families apart and killed many of their loved ones. Governments are scrambling to deal with the problem and most have adopted phrases like “flatten the curve”, “lockdown” and “phased reopening” to manage the state and public response, in such a uniform way, globally, it almost seems some central body is giving instructions to the likes of Ramaphosa and ANC, who certainly would not have come up with these managed responses on their own.
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