The ANC bandits have literally been allowed to not only steal directly from you the taxpayer, but also to print money, therby stealing from your children and grandchildren too! However there is only one person who can stop this wholesale plunder, the ANC voter, but there is no indication they ever will as they are distracted with a constant stream of white hatred. ANC voters have time after time rewarded and approved of this blatant theft and fraud, which destroys South Africa’s infrastructure, credibility, international credit rating and ability to serve the citizens. This willful and conscious destruction of SA makes ANC voters traitors to the nation, for their part in its destruction. For example Mafioso Magashule’s forgotten tender of R230 Million JUST TO COUNT asbestos roofs, gives insight to how the Free State was looted, yet Ace Magashule, has now been rewarded by being promoted to Secretary General of the ANC! ANC voters are indeed traitors to their fellow citizens.
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#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!
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ANC Regime Blames & Punishes Citizens Because it Can’t Cope with CCP-Virus Peak! ANC Used Fantasy Modelling to Scare us into Lockdown & Grab More Powers!
Cigarettes & Alcohol are tools for Covid Guilt: As the COVID-19 epicentre moves to South America, we now know that the potential risks and impact, once the CCP-virus reaches its peak in South Africa, will not be the 351,000 deaths that ANC modelers claimed, yet despite that, we were still held hostage at home? It is clear the single biggest driver behind the ANC’s draconian reaction, apart from its lust for power and money, is its fear that the virus will expose ANC’s failure and inadequacies. The ANC’s health system was not coping before COVID19, so how on earth could it cope with a pandemic? Already Bloemfontein is running out of burial plots! So the ANC’s default reaction, as far left socialists always do, is distract, delay and destroy, until the original problem, i.e. their failure, is lost in the confusion and they can blame everything and everyone else but themselves. The entire health system, army and police are on COVID19, everything else, that ANC was failing in, has conveniently been set aside. You now have to feel guilty that you are not doing your part to fight CCP virus when you have a cigarette or a drink! Xi would be proud!
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Covid-19 Tenders Are Now Just Plain Fraud, Looting & Cronyism! No Tender Process, Winners Kept Secret & Any Old Excuse to Steal From The Taxpayer Will Do!
The Free State is living up to Ace Magashule’s Legacy of gangsterism and has spent R80 Million on fumigating schools, but the CCPvirus can only live for 3 to 9 days on surfaces, and schools are now closed for over 65 days (7 weeks)! So why the need to fumigate? Once again, the CCPvirus is the gift that keeps giving to the ANC regime and its cadres as lockdown is being dragged out, because the comrades have not yet exhausted all the opportunities for taking money out of tenders which are, according to them, issued to combat the spread of the CCPvirus. These emergency COVID-19 related tenders are being issued without even a tender process being followed, because they say it is an emergency and there is no time to follow a tender process, and the tender winners are being kept secret!
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16 Black Police Officers Attack 6 White Family & Residents at Home! Is Ramaphosa & ANC’s Anti White Racism Inciting Anti White Racism in Police & Black South Africans?
Thanks to the constant anti white rhetoric from Ramaphosa and the ANC, SA has become a black Fascist Police State ethnically cleansing a minority. In a shocking display of anti white racism and increasing State brutality, a group of 16 black Police officers burst into the house of a white family and residents making food at home, last Friday evening. What ensued can only be described as a litany of racial abuse and heavy handed police brutality against unarmed women!
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ANC Regime Misuses #COVID19 To Expose Farmers To Harm, Attacks & Stock Theft by Banning Farm Patrols in Remote Rural Areas! Deliberate?
#CCPvirus South African farmers are now at the mercy of barbaric livestock raiders, crop thieves, poachers and farm attackers while minister Bheki Cele, closely surrounded by his bodyguards, bans farm watch patrols by farmers themselves. Farmers across South Africa are reporting that livestock and crop raiders are slowly carrying their livestock and crops away whilst the same ANC regime, that demands that farmers feed the nation, fails to protect them, even preventing them from conducting patrols in groups to try to protect their property, crops and livestock.
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#FarmAttack Female Free State Farmer Stabbed 11 Times in the Back, Piercing Both Lungs & Left in Freezer Room For Dead!
There were two farm attacks in the Free State in a 12 hour period over the past weekend. In the first one, a woman who farms and lives alone, on the farm Morester in the Bothaville area, Wilma Swanepoel (66), was stabbed in her back 11 times and had both her lungs pierced, on Sunday afternoon 22 March around 17:45. It happened after she went to look at the cattle and had returned home after dropping her farm workers off.
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Rupert & Oppenheimer Give R1 Billion Each to Fight CoronaVirus – Why Aren’t Super Rich BEE Enabled Black Businessmen Giving Too?
THE GRAVE COST TO THE ECONOMY – It seems the white industrialists are aware how Corona will affect their own bottom line, and have stepped up to the plate to protect their consumer driven interests (and get a tax break), but why have the many super rich black businessmen created by BEE & corruption not done the same? Or super rich trade unions like COSATU? Does the economy not affect them? No, their profit is not based on sales and consumers, it comes from BBEEE & Government grants, tenders and corruption, so as long as the ANC is in power, their taxpayer powered gravy train steams on and the CoronaVirus will just be another money stealing opportunity, with the begging bowl to the West which they hate so much.
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Seven Harmless Defenseless Grandparents Murdered in 7 Days! How Much Worse Will It Get Under CoronaVirus Lockdown? Will We Ever Know?
“You can tell the nature of a society by how they treat their elderly” – While we are distracted with wall to wall coverage of the CoronaVirus and counting of Corona virus cases, who is counting the elderly being violently murdered? Yet another harmless elderly white man has been murdered by cowards that Cyril protects. This time in Villiersdorp in the Western Cape. This brings to seven the number of elderly white people murdered in a week.
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As #Conmunists, ANC Puts Big Government Above Human Rights Like Water, With Layers of Control Creating Corrupt Unaccountable Cadre Deployment Jobs, Gross Inefficiency & Bankruptcies!
SA is not an idiocracy anymore, nor is it a failed state, it is now a Socialist State captured by the elitist gangsters that rule and plunder it, as can be seen in the ANC controlled Free State where water shedding looms, as ANC controlled Bloemfontein’s water pressure is to be cut, because 3 ANC controlled municipalities owe ANC controlled Bloemwater more than R1 Billion! But then bankruptcy, like corruption, is a “capitalist” word and thus irrelevant to the ANC, especially if you are spending someone else’s money…
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ANC’s Minister Lindiwe Sisulu Rewards Criminality – Vusi Tshabalala Who Plundered Harrismith Municipality into Bankruptcy is Now Chief Whip for Free State Legislature!
#TheAfricanWay A National Council of Provinces Committee meeting in Parliament heard about looting of Harrismith municipality, ended up in small talk with no decision as they ignored the crimes Vusi Tshabalala, the ANC criminal that ran the Maluti-a-Phofung municipality (Harrismith, Qwaqwa and Kestell), into the ground. Seems everyone wants a piece of Ace Magashule’s #GangsterState
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Everything Billionaire Ramaphosa Owns Was Given To Him Because He is Black, So What Was The Expensive Stud Bull “Gift” AgriSA’s Dan Kriek Gave To Ramaphosa For?
Former AGRI SA president and stud farmer Dan Kriek “donated” an expensive stud bull to billionaire Cyril Ramaphosa, prompting wide speculation about what was behind it. It certainly put into question any “independence” the AgriSA group might have claimed if their ex President was such close buddies with Cyril. Liberals like Kriek seem to strive for elitism wherever they are, in order to curry favour for themselves and a few liberal friends, but will we ever know?
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#Kakfontein Winnie’s Hometown of Brandfort Now a Classic Commie Sh*thole! Resident’s Property Flooded in Sewage but Municipal Managers Refuse To Help – Too Busy Plundering?
It is a telling indictment of #TheAfricanWay when their own so called struggle heroes’ hometown, is reduced to a sh*thole, councilors thumbsuck exorbitant utility bill amounts for residents, and money to restore the house Winnie lived in, is stolen! The situation has got so bad in Brandfort that the VF+ political party has laid a complaint against the despotic municipal manager of the Masilonyana municipality, which serves Brandfort, Theunissen and Winburg in the Free State. The “executive” mayor is Kunatu Stephen Koalane.
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EVERYONE Suffers from ANC Corruption & Looting – Water Pressure Being Cut by 20% in Three Provinces Due To Municipal Debts Caused By Corruption!
The endemic, systematic and structural way of the ANC politicians looting, as if there is no tomorrow, has resulted in water shedding in 3 provinces. This typical feed-at-the-trough subsistence approach, while there are still any funds left in the bank account, has now resulted in a bulk water provider – Rand Water – cutting the water pressure to 3 municipalities in 3 provinces. Yet still it seems they just cannot work out why Verwoerd is still smiling…
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#TheAfricanWay: SPCA Finds Five Animals Which Died of Hunger in ANC’s Bloemfontein Zoo! No Food in Sight Yet The Scum Ride The BBBEE Gravy Train!
#TheAfricanWay: One really has to wonder who it is that should be behind the bars at the Bloemfontein Zoo when they let defenseless, captive animals die of hunger, while they ride the affirmative action gravy train and rob the taxpayer blind! Yes, it’s heartless and cruel but hey, it is ignored because it is Mandela’s “rainbow nation” which can do no wrong and is loved by brainwashed liberals the world over!
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#GangsterFreeState AG Report Shows Ace Magashule’s Legacy Leaves Free State & Bloemfontein Reeling! Bankrupt, Under Administration & Still Wondering What, or Rather, Who, Hit it!
#AfricansNormalizingCrime – Magashule’s Mafia network stripped Bloemfontein and the Free-State to the bone. The Auditor General’s (AG) report for the 2018/19 financial year, which reads like a crime novel, found that the Bloemfontein Metro had R2 BILLION wasted on corruption and spent R 268 Million more than it earned, and that it owes creditors R135 Million more than what it’s assets are worth. But it seems that’s all OK, because ANC stands for Africans Normalising Crime.
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