Two-thirds of South Africans believe that corruption has increased in the past year, and half (49%) believe that it has “increased a lot.” Furthermore, a survey shows that people not only think that corruption has gotten worse under Ramaphosa, but also recognize that a large part of the elected officials and civil servants, who should be fighting corruption, are involved in corrupt activities themselves.
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South Africans don’t fall for Ramaphosa’s Act – 82% say Corruption is Same or Worse Under Cyril!
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How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!
“Anti-Racism” is the Number one Nation Killing Weapon for Globalists! Billions have been deliberately poured into the manufacture, weaponizing, propagandizing and strengthening of this weapon of mass destruction. It has been so entrenched in our society (to destroy social cohesion), through the globalist mainstream media, who are major recipients of these billions when they become complicit in implementing the weapon, that it has become a weapon against ANYTHING, even looting! ESKOM, the massive state entity that is considered to be bankrupt, alleges the white CEO, Andre de Ruyter, who was appointed to stop the endemic and systemic corruption, is now a target of anti-racism in the corporation, specifically because he identified and fired perpetrators of gross systemic abuse and looting, who are not white…
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“Systemic Looting at Eskom” – R238,000 for Wooden Broom, R80,000 for a Kneepad, R56 for Bottle of Milk! #TheAfricanWay is the Consumption of Civilization Itself!
De-Colonisation = De-Civilisation: The “previously disadvantaged” who are now the “currently advantaged” clearly regard Eskom as a personal cash machine, with unlimited credit (from you the taxpayer). Andre de Ruyter, head of Eskom said this type of extreme plunder has been systemic in Eskom for years. No wonder Eskom (you) are sitting with enormous debt of about half a TRILLION Rand which YOU and your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have to repay. Sadly it is not even the poor benefitting from this outright criminality, but black ANC elites, cronies and officials who already earn massively inflated salaries, who are stuffing their pockets even further, in true African style. #TheAfricanWay
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ANC Corruption Killing Babies in Eastern Cape! Officials Should be Charged with Murder & Treason for Plundering a National Resource!
Has ANC’s Day of Reckoning Finally Arrived? A National Health Service is meant to be there for times of emergency and unexpected disasters. People are legally forced to pay taxes based on this premise, but ANC officials have been systemically pocketing these taxes, and now that a pandemic has struck, there is no Health Service and babies and their mothers are dying. Old people are dying. People who could have been saved by simple basic procedures, are dying because the Health Service has been used for “redistribution of wealth” by a black gangster elite and plundered by these ANC criminals, who should really be strung up from the nearest tree!
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#KakFonteinANC Randfontein Renamed to Kakfontein Due to Stinking Rivers & Dams, Even The Air Stinks! ALL Town’s & Cities Becoming Kakfontein in ANC’s Sh*thole South Africa!
#BetterUnderApartheid Do you wonder why the ANC and blacks in general are so keen to jump on the “beat the dead Apartheid donkey” bandwagon? Well, they do not want scrutiny, or accountability for the corruption and sh*thole they have turned South Africa into, especially when being compared to the first world standards it used to have in the Apartheid era,which saw Africans risking their lives crossing crocodile infested waters, to get INTO Apartheid RSA! For example, Randfontein’s people have now given their own ANC run town a different name, they say they stay in K*kfontein these days. It’s no joke either. Come smell the air here they say.
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Two officials from the Department of Justice, Free State arrested for fraud
Officials from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Affairs appeared in the Zastron Magistrate’s Court, Free State on charges of fraud. A former manager in the courts, one Desmond Mokhobo, 32, and his colleague, Mxolisi Kakalatsa, 38, who served as an administrative clerk, is charged with fraud amounting to about R380,000. The two men were..
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Syndicate, corrupt officials and even police officers work together in illegal land grabs
Residents in the Lenasia neighborhood, previously an Indian neighborhood, are busy protesting. The protest stems from the growing number of squatters who set up their huts in the south of Lenasia. They regard this illegal land occupation as a risk to their safety and that it affects the value of properties. The neighborhood is now..
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How do you explain it? Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in South Africa are functionally correct
The Auditor-General, Kimi Makwetu, pointed out the big sore in the economy of the country. In his latest report, he shows that politicians and officials simply ignore his office’s recommendations. The other truth that emerges is that municipal councils do not have the necessary skills to handle finance. Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in..
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It seems like the ANC ship is sinking and high-paid officials fleeing – Many high-ranking SA bosses are resigning or retire
It appears that there is a new disease in South Africa, namely retirement or resignation. High-ranking officials are now “unexpectedly” stepping down and parliamentarians are also joining the queue. The list grows by the day with the latest announcement from Sandile Shabalala from TymeBank , only three years after his employment. He followed SAA’s boss..
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South African Municipal Workers’ Union goes after corrupt officials for plundering R88m from workers’ coffers
The embattled South African Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) said on Wednesday that it has mandated its national office bearers to open criminal cases against other persons and companies involved in stealing money from the union account. This as Samwu confirmed that the workers’ coffers had been plundered of almost R88 million in just three years..
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With the ANC regime in power in SA there are at least 24 municipalities under administration, all due to general incompetence of officials
At least 24 municipalities are under administration. This is the result of poor financial management, the inability to reduce debt and general incompetence of officials. Add fraud and bribery to the list and a council is doomed. Reports state that 87 of the country’s 257 municipalities are currently dysfunctional. We can’t blame taxpayers for being..
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Eskom announces retrenchments, but experts say that it wont make any difference to its financial situation
In an effort to cut costs, Eskom announced that certain executives will be retrenched. There are currently 25 executives with more than 400 senior officials and general managers. Eskom has employed over 16,000 additional staff over the last 10 years and currently has 207 more senior staff than 17 years ago. It is not known..
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Eskom nearing collapse, senior officials jump ship
Eskom, South Africa’s national power utility, may be unable to avoid a complete restructuring process in order to avert total collapse. This has been confirmed by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA), high-level executives within the company and energy experts. According to a report by Moneyweb, Eskom only narrowly avoided load-shedding this week,..
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VBS Mutual Bank fires workers – staff members are now being penalized for actions that was made by the bank’s corrupt management and directors
VBS Mutual Bank has fired 94 employees, leaving the bankrupt bank with 26 staff members. Nearly R2 billion has been deceptively paid to individuals and institutions, especially officials from municipalities who have insured that funds are invested at the bank. Branches are closed and only Thohoyando and Makhodo branches will operate. The dismissed workers are..
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How on earth does a DHL truck manage to cross the SA border with 87 illegal immigrants inside?
The provincial traffic police stopped a truck with the company DHL’s badges on it near Pietersburg and found that 87 Malawian citizens were in the truck without any legal documentation. The question of how the truck passed through customs control at Beit Bridge has not yet been answered. Meanwhile, three Limpopo traffic officials have appeared..
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