This is the ANC, and it is ONLY the ANC. In typical communist fashion, where responsibility and accountability has been diffused, diluted and eternally scapegoated onto “poverty”, the ANC is both the creditor and the debtor! This action, which contravenes UN basic human rights, was taken as a punitive measure because an ANC controlled structure, the Kopanong municipality, which governs 9 towns in total, is in arrears with another ANC controlled structure, Bloemwater, despite a still existing lockdown for a pandemic, where the ANC itself said we need water more than ever to fight the pandemic! Kopanong municipality was also in the news two weeks ago for food parcels being stockpiled by councilors for own use and not being distributed! Yet still the people will vote ANC?
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Mandela’s ANC Cuts Off Water from the Whole Southern Free State, Withholding a Basic Human Right! Another New Low!
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ANC Cadres Score R70 Billion No Strings Attached IMF Loan That YOU Have to Pay Back!
Communists Love Spending Other People’s Money: Even though corrupt ANC has steered clear of IMF loans thus far, because they require financial transparency and discipline, the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Privilege has allowed the ANC government to get a loan, without an IMF structural adjustment programme, despite the IMF being deeply suspicious of ANC and COSATU. Seizing the opportunity the Corona Virus has afforded them, the ANC grabbed 100% of South Africa’s IMF quota.
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#BoycottNews24 Liberal News24 Editor Adriaan Basson Capitulates To ANC / COSATU Plan To Raid Your Pensions To Pay Eskom’s Corruption & Mismanagement & Soweto’s Unpaid Bill!
One of the reasons left wing liberals are called snowflakes is because it does not take much to make them melt and give up any reason or principle, and like a snowflake hitting the warm ground, the controversial far left wing Editor of News24, Adriaan Basson’s feelings towards “thousands of pensioners whose livelihood depends on the GEPF”, quickly melted and turned into a callous “We have run out of money and options – pensions will bail out Eskom”. Seems Adriaan Basson now supports the plan to plunder your pensions!
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BUSTED! Massive R568 Million PIC Plundered From Government Workers Pension For Bare Land, Was To Save Bankrupt Pension Fund For Politicians!
ROBBING PETER (GEPF) TO SAVE PAUL (POLITICIANS) WHO WAS ROBBED TOO. Solidarity trade union has uncovered the reason why PIC approved an obviously fraudulent transaction. They called it right, watch this space. The massive R586 million overpaid by the State monopoly managing the pension fund for government workers (GEPF), the Public Investment Commissioner (PIC), has incriminated themselves and broken all ethics and codes of conduct, such a body should adhere to, when they tried to bailout the bankrupt municipal councillor’s pension fund, the majority of whose members are ANC councilors, it now seems.
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Where Does All The Money Go? South Africa Borrowed R411 BILLION From China in 2018, Yet Now in 2020, Our Pension Funds Are Targets To Bailout R254 Billion of Eskom’s Self Inflicted Debt?
#ParasiticParastatals South Africans do need to be really concerned . There seems to be a black hole somewhere that is sucking up BILLIONS of Rands of not only taxpayer’s money, but even borrowing Billions more, and once the money is put in the black hole, it seems to be gone forever, creating the need for the government to look for hundreds of billions of Rands MORE, to keep debt laden State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) afloat.
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Rothschild & Globalist Big Business Elites in SA Agree With COSATU, To Let ANC Plunder Private & Government Pension Funds, To Bail Out ANC’s Eskom Cash Cow!
#FollowTheMoney How much money have Banksters earned out of the plunder and ransacking of State Owned Enterprises, like Eskom, at the hands of the gangster ANC? Well, you were taught, or rather brainwashed, to think that crony capitalism and champagne socialism were at two opposite ends of the political spectrum? Four things however you can be sure both have in common, is greed, spending other people’s money, lust for power and hording all the assets and wealth into the hands of the few elites. This was proven this week when Corporate elitists in South Africa, under leadership of the Rothschild company in SA, agreed with COSATU (a powerful Trade Union which forms the triumvirate of power in SA, with the ANC & The Communist Party of South Africa), that the ANC government can raid pensions of ordinary people, including the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (GEPF), to bail out Eskom’s debt! Welcome to the dialectic…
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Universities and the new SA – Barbaric actions of “previously disadvantaged” destroy tertiary institutions across the country for free education
The 2020 academic year has not yet begun and students are already busy. The SA Student Union has called on students to boycott all registration processes until their requirements have been met. Students’ student debt should now be written off while it has already been admitted that some students do not have to pay registration..
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Eskom with a debt burden of R450 billion may be the downfall of ANC regime
Political analysts say the actions of high-ranking officials in Eskom could lead to the demise of the ANC government. The pressure is mounting on the ruling ANC regime from the inner circles as well as opposing structures as well as from extreme groups to act against those responsible for the mess in which the power..
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Water Shortages Arrived in Mpumalanga Towns To Stay – Sundra, Eloff and Rietkol Have Sporadic Water For A Year Now
Water shortages have become a very real reality for the residents of the neighbouring towns of Sundra, Rietkol and Eloff in Mpumalanga. The towns have been experiencing regular periods in which the water just stops flowing, for a year now . Local resident, Derek Bester, says water supply is unequal and sporadic with lower lying parts left without water for hours per day, and higher parts left without water for weeks at a time.
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Cash-strapped Road Accident Fund struggles to pay billions in outstanding debt – This is just another SOE that is collapsing under ANC-regime’s rule
As thousands of road accident victims are anxiously waiting to be compensated by the cash-strapped Road Accident Fund (RAF) following court orders in their favour, the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, is expected to soon deal with the fund’s inability to pay up. Hundreds of claimants recently turned to the court where they had obtained an..
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VIVA ANC! Bethal has been without water for 26 consecutive days after ANC takeover
FF Plus is about to put a complaint in at the Human Rights Commission (HRC) after large parts of ANC-controlled Bethal, Mpumalanga’s taps have already been dry for 26 consecutive days. The problems of the Govan Mbeki local municipality apparently arose just a month after the ANC took over the municipality after the local by-election..
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Government of Zimbabwe owes SAA R880 million
SA Airways is likely to lose a lot of money due to Zimbabwe’s default and disputes. According to the latest information, Zimbabwe are only willing to pay 5% of the R880m SAA claims the Zimbabwe government owes. The amount is apparently due for ticket sales, but the Zimbabwe Reserve Bank’s Monetary Committee refuses and rejects..
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ANC piggy bank is empty – ANC regime owes municipalities R165 billion
After a thorough investigation, it was found that the treasury of South Africa’s is indeed empty for a long time. It has been discovered that the state’s owes amount municipalities approximately R165 billion. To make matters worse, it must be taken into account that the amount is valid for up to the end of June..
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ANC regime’s debt to SA municipalities exceeds R1bn
Several millions of Rands debt is outstanding with municipalities across SA – ANC regime debt exceeds R1 billion The ANC government’s poor performance, especially in the economic and financial sphere, is also highlighted in its inability to settle its debt to municipalities. The ANC’s Minister of Public Works, De Lille, has acknowledged that the state..
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Eskom which is battling with R441 billion debt, won’t be privatized – ANC-regime’s plan to save the power supplier from ruin disappointing
Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan yesterday unveiled the government’s latest blueprint to kickstart Eskom, which proposes major shifts in the ailing entity’s business model. Politicians, as well as political analysts and financial experts are disappointed in the plan, whose content can be vague and probably poorly implemented, as announced by the minister. Not only did..
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