Here is your proof MSM & Big Tech Stole the US2020 Election by Enforcing Censorship! 17% of Joe Biden Voters REGRET Voting Biden! They Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had they Known About Biden Scandals!
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VIDEO: PROOF MSM & Big Tech Stole US Election With Censorship! 17% Biden Voters REGRET Vote – Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had They Known About Biden Scandals!
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Who Captured Who? Ramaphosa Complements his Hijacked “Pick ‘n Mix” Zondo Commission on State Capture, which he Hijacked from Zuma!
Although the corruption of the Commission on State Corruption is quite visible to those who pay attention, it seems that Ramaphosa fooled half of the people and turned the Zondo Commission into a self-promotion platform, just as he did with the ANC Zuma Violence, which he used to strengthen his power in the ANC and in government. An opinion poll has shown mixed reactions to the work done by the State Commission of Inquiry, since it was set up three years ago.
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Sworn Affidavit by Missing Whistleblower Claims Ramaphosa’s CR17 Campaign Gave Judge Zondo R5 Million Cash & Bribed NDZ Staff!
Full Affidavit Below So You Can Decide: It is well known that huge amounts of money was procured and spent to get Cyril Ramaphosa to narrowly beat NDZ in the 2017 ANC leadership election. What makes these latest allegations crucial, is the Judge who presided over the BOSASA corruption case, Raymond Zondo, is the alleged recipient of 5 Million in cash. The Hawks have confirmed that they are investigating four cases related to the affidavit by missing ANC campaigner Phadima Fukula, alleging corruption involving Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 election campaign, Judge Raymond Zondo, Gwede Mantashe, EC Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane and Blade Nzimande.
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Solidarity to Oppose The Racist Plunder & Consumption of Barloworld Which is Sacrificing Itself to Black Supremacy!
Killing The Golden Goose: The Solidarity trade union is going to take Barloworld to court because Barloworld has embarked on a destructive retrenchment process based on racial discrimination. Yes, it means that white people will be selected to be retrenched first, even if they have more years service than black employees. This is willful destruction of a corporation and selective slaughter of loyal employees based on race.
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VIDEO: #WhitePrivilege Does not Exist but #BlackPrivilege Does! #BLM & BBBEE Affirmative Action is Doing More Harm Than Good to Blacks!
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Does Chinese Privilege exist in China? Does Indian Privilege exist in India? Does Nigerian Privilege Exist in Nigeria? Black Privilege does however exist in Western countries as well as black countries! Affirmative action has become an imperialist means of conquest and supremacy aimed at turning all countries into black countries. How long does affirmative action go on for? At what stage will “compensation”, “retribution” or “revenge” have been achieved? How much must be given? Entire countries? With systemic, institutional and structural black privilege already deeply built into every aspect of daily life, all we have achieved was to make anti-white racism systemic, institutional and structural in our societies!
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Soweto is 1,000 Times More Racist Than Orania! Yet Lesufi, The Afrikaans Hating Black Supremacist Threatens Orania’s Constitutional Right To Exist!
While schools burn down in Gauteng, it’s black supremacist MEC, Panyaza Andrek Lesufi is moonlighting by racebaiting and attacking citizens of another province! Seems Lesufi wants to round up all Afrikaners & send them to assimilation camps, if his rant at a wreath laying ceremony, for a long dead terrorist, is anything to go by (how much did that cost us taxpayers?) The anti afrikaans racist has threatened to close Orania for a while now, yet Andrek Lesufi’s own home town of Tembisa is 98.9% pure bantu, but he has the audacity to attack Orania which is only 97.2% white! Will he close Tembisa and Soweto too, which sports a stunning 98.7% bantu racepurity – more than Orania?
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Racist ANC Hides Behind Globalist “Anti-Racism” Campaign – Traitors & Useful Idiots to Wear Black!
ANTI-RACISM DESTROYS DIVERSITY: The liberal globalists have jumped on the George Floyd incident to not only try steal the US General Election, but also to try restart their “Liberal World Order”, which Trump and many truthers like SA-News worldwide have exposed in the last few years. Let’s be clear, judging someone based purely on the colour of their skin is simply stupid, however that is exactly what the ANC does everyday. If the ANC where genuine about “anti-racism” they would have dropped the race based BBBEE long time ago. This then exposes their hidden agenda and we have to look behind the scenes, before we start wearing black…
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Billionaire Ramaphosa Says SA Economy is Racist? He’s Right! BBBEE Makes it Structurally & Institutionally Racist!
Cyril Ramaphosa who became a Quadruple Billionaire by racebaiting, wants more, and has now racebaited the entire South African economy, by calling it racist and colonial, and has said the lockdown affords the perfect opportunity to “restructure” it. Is even MORE BBBEE possible, or is it concentration camps for whites now? The High Court however has put a spanner in the ANC’s works and declared the Level 3 and 4 lockdown regulations invalid! The person who seems to be really in charge at the moment, the lockdown Regulation Queen, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ), otherwise known as Dr. Twak, has also made the same kind of comments about restructuring the economy, but to get rid of WMC.
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VIDEO: SA Lockdown and Tobacco Wars are About Political Power, NOT Saving Lives! Ramaphosa’s NWO/WMC versus Zuma’s Communist Mobsters!
A recording has been received by SA-News in which a supporter of NDZ sheds some light on the ongoing battle for power and infighting within the ANC NEC. The battle appears to be drawn along the classic lines of New World Order Capitalism versus Communism, Trade Unions and Mobsters. The people at the end of the day will still be stuck with the gangster enterprise known as ANC.
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How China, the #CCPvirus and NASPERS Sent South African Stocks Index to Record Highs in April Despite Lockdown!
The Rich Get Richer: Is it any wonder NASPERS was able to “donate” 1 Billion worth of Chinese made testing kits and PPE to South Africa, after unprecedented demand for online services and entertainment during the Covid-19 lockdowns, firstly in China when the CoronaVirus started, and now in SA, saw a scramble for safe investments, which helped grow NASPERS profits, and set South African stocks on course for a record April month! The benchmark index in Johannesburg is up 14% in April, the most in any month since Bloomberg began tracking the gauge in 1995. Most South Africans do not realise the extent of China’s influence on South Africa even though millions of South Africans have a financial stake in the growing intolerance of criticism by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Government.
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#LetThemEatCash! Ramaphosa Creating Historic Debt to Appease Township Masses! Faulty Test Stats & Cash Won’t Stop CCPvirus Nor Will it Protect Food Producers & Shops!
#CoronaClown: Despite having months to learn from what other countries have gone through, Cyril seems intent on sticking to the African Way, as he tries to control the narrative and drip feed the black masses with unrealistic faulty test information, WMC inspired “relief” payouts to quell uprisings in townships, and to deny the inevitable, a catastrophe and his demise. SA-News reported over TWO months ago that asymptomatic COVID19 positive people were silently spreading the virus, now suddenly it is a scientific revelation? Cyril mentions food security, but not farm security? Like Zimbabwe, you can only throw so much cash at a problem until it becomes worthless, because it cannot be eaten and doesn’t reach those that need it most, because corrupt ANC politicians intercept and plunder the funds. However Cyril is forced to use the carrot because Bheki Cele’s increasing unpopularity from extreme childish lockdown restrictions have reduced Cyril’s options.
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ANC’s Pro Black Group RET Tells Whites Not To Stock Up for Social Distancing, Yet ANC Gauteng Hands Out Soap In Black Areas Only?
The ANC’s black supremacist Radical Economic Transformation (RET) group in Gauteng, linked to Jacob Zuma, has condemned bulk buying by the mainly minority white South Africans, even though photographic evidence (pictured) suggests blacks are just as busy stocking up, to prepare & practice social distancing. Yet at the same time the ANC in Gauteng is accused of handing out soap in black areas only…
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Rothschild & Globalist Big Business Elites in SA Agree With COSATU, To Let ANC Plunder Private & Government Pension Funds, To Bail Out ANC’s Eskom Cash Cow!
#FollowTheMoney How much money have Banksters earned out of the plunder and ransacking of State Owned Enterprises, like Eskom, at the hands of the gangster ANC? Well, you were taught, or rather brainwashed, to think that crony capitalism and champagne socialism were at two opposite ends of the political spectrum? Four things however you can be sure both have in common, is greed, spending other people’s money, lust for power and hording all the assets and wealth into the hands of the few elites. This was proven this week when Corporate elitists in South Africa, under leadership of the Rothschild company in SA, agreed with COSATU (a powerful Trade Union which forms the triumvirate of power in SA, with the ANC & The Communist Party of South Africa), that the ANC government can raid pensions of ordinary people, including the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (GEPF), to bail out Eskom’s debt! Welcome to the dialectic…
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THIS Video Will Make ALL South Africans “The Moer In!” – SA has been plundered for an entire century, and still is…
For an ENTIRE Century, South Africa has been the World’s Largest Gold Producer, by far and bar none! SA has also been in the Top Diamond producers. How much is it and where has it all gone?
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Treacherous WHITE WOMAN says she is trading her sheltered life of white privilege to vote EFF, you will probably be the first to die and being raped
Nevertheless, there were a few people that suspected Grosset has her own reasons for supporting the party, suspicious that the woman was hoping for a seat in Parliament after the elections. Mother and housewife Bianca-Lee Grossett, 39, has traded her sheltered life of white privilege for a red EFF beret, challenging race politics in conservative..
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