As the Coronavirus infection rate shows no sign of letup in China, and if we can trust the figures, there are now 31,440 infections and 639 deaths, with 64,000 close contacts under medical observation. It is two now weeks later, which was supposedly the incubation period, and it is now high time that SA stop..
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Why South Africa Should Be Banning Flights From China NOW, Like Many Other Nations Have – Non Severe Cases ARE Infectious!
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Where Does All The Money Go? South Africa Borrowed R411 BILLION From China in 2018, Yet Now in 2020, Our Pension Funds Are Targets To Bailout R254 Billion of Eskom’s Self Inflicted Debt?
#ParasiticParastatals South Africans do need to be really concerned . There seems to be a black hole somewhere that is sucking up BILLIONS of Rands of not only taxpayer’s money, but even borrowing Billions more, and once the money is put in the black hole, it seems to be gone forever, creating the need for the government to look for hundreds of billions of Rands MORE, to keep debt laden State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) afloat.
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“Africa is #CoronaVirus’ Most Vulnerable Target” Because a Million Chinese Work in Africa, Where They Probably Can’t Even Diagnose The Virus!
The Chinese coronavirus which is spreading from China, is looking like it could be an actual pandemic, that circles the globe, according to many of the world’s leading infectious disease experts. Rapidly rising caseloads are alarming researchers, who fear the virus may make its way across the globe. But scientists cannot yet predict how many deaths may result.
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R200,000 Spent on Luxury Rental Car by Mokopane (Potgietersrus) Mayor Andrina Matsimela, Even Though Bankrupt Town is Under Administration!
In another example of #TheAfricanWay, it has been revealed that the bankrupt municipality of Mokopane, which is the old Potgietersrus in Limpopo, has spent more than R200,000 on the rental of a Mercedes Benz C-class for the mayor of the town. Andrina Matsimela has being transported around in this luxury vehicle since July last year.
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A New Year & A New Decade: More Communist Self Enrichment, Globalist Destruction of Identity & The African Way. You AiNtCeen Nothing Yet!
At the time of year that most people in South Africa break away for a holiday, (the lucky ones that is), or relax at home, it has unfortunately become necessary to burst a few bubbles and challenge the mainstream narrative. South Africa is teetering on the brink and staring into the abyss as it stumbles into oblivion in the new year and a new decade. Just how bad it will be will become clear soon enough. Let those with ears listen…
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Sars guns for former Prasa CEO who owes over R1.8m in unpaid taxes
JOHANNESBURG – The South African Revenue Service (Sars) has obtained warrants of execution to seize the moveable assets of former Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) CEO Lucky Montana. Montana confirmed this on Wednesday saying it was in connection with unpaid taxes of about R1.8 million. The debt related to the capital gains taxes..
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Unlawful R420m Gupta VAT refund – Sars legal head fired with immediate effect
Revenue service Sars said on Friday it had terminated the services of its head of legal, Refiloe Mokoena, with immediate effect. It said the decision was taken after a disciplinary hearing chaired by a senior counsel from the Johannesburg Bar. Sars said Mokoena was found guilty of serious misconduct. “Sars has accepted the chairperson’s recommendation..
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Video: “I Am F*cking Tired of Trying To Survive in This Goddam Country!” Afrikaner Survives Yet Another Attack!
Switch on subtitles (CC) for english. “I was just almost hijacked yet again. Let’s just call it that (hijacking). My windows were closed. My doors were locked. And it happens just like that (clicks fingers). Then 4 of them appear at your doors and they all try your car door handles at the same time…
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Senior SARS official resigns to escape prosecution
Another senior executive has agreed with the SA Revenue Service to retire with immediate effect. The retirement is part of the “cleaning” process the Revenue Service is doing, and a spokesman said Teboho Mokoena, the suspended chief of the human development division, agreed to leave the taxpayer’s service. In return, the Revenue Service has undertaken..
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South African Revenue Service – 5 executives temporarily suspended
It took almost a year for Sars CEO of Information Technology, Mmamathe Makheke-Mokhuane, to be suspended. The suspension was taken preventively pending a disciplinary process around the seriousness of the allegations of misconduct. This means that five executives have been temporarily suspended. SARS does not want to comment further on the top person’s suspension and..
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Sars auditors jailed after being caught with R200,000 cash bribe to make KZN businessman tax problems disappear
Two former SA Revenue Service (Sars) customs auditors will spend three years in jail for attempting to solicit a bribe from a prominent KwaZulu-Natal businessman “to make his tax problems disappear”. Pranesh Maharaj and Reuben Moodley were both caught red-handed with cash bribes of R100,000 in brown envelopes during a police operation in March last..
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SARS have found their bite: It’s reported that Commissioner Edward Kieswetter will be chasing top ANC and Bosasa officials, but can he be trusted because Jacob Zuma is on his radar
After the marathon testimonies delivered at the State Capture Inquiry by various Bosasa officials, it seems like the time for talk has concluded. According to the Sunday Times SARS are now primed and ready to go after the illegal beneficiaries of the security services’ bribery operation, and Jacob Zuma could well be on their hitlist…
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Struggling SARS is being burdened by striking staff who insist on higher wages – this act could cripple the economy even further
The struggling SA Revenue Service (SARS) is being pushed even more into the mud with staff who stop striking higher wages. With unions behind the strikes, SARS is now in its third working day of strike and all the bigger offices are affected. The union’s supporters demand an increase of over 11% while the employer..
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Just something to think about with regards to SA taxes that will leave you shocked!
Taxpayers should not foot the bill for ANC government’s failures. We need to look deeper into our system of government, and how we allocate risk and reward, responsibility and accountability. At this moment, if you earned R100, you pay R33 income tax. You are left with R67. You buy R67 worth of fuel, pay 48%..
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SARS intensifying revenue collection efforts and bring to book tax dodgers – Seems like the cash strapped ANC is in dire need of money?
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is intensifying its effort to identify and bring to book tax dodgers. This comes after revelation that the revenue collector is launching units aimed at tackling the illicit tobacco industry and big business. The illicit economics unit was launched late last year, while the large business unit is expected..
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